Featured Publications

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  • [PDF] F. Kirstein, J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, and B. Gipp, “What’s under the hood: Investigating Automatic Metrics on Meeting Summarization,” in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024, 2024.
      title     = {What's under the hood: Investigating Automatic Metrics on Meeting Summarization},
      author    = {Kirstein, Frederic and Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {11},
      booktitle = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      topic     = {nlp}

  • [PDF] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, Y. Xu, and B. Gipp, “Paraphrase Types Elicit Prompt Engineering Capabilities,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2024.
      title     = {Paraphrase Types Elicit Prompt Engineering Capabilities},
      author    = {Wahle, Jan Philip  and Ruas, Terry and Xu, Yang and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {11},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      topic     = {nlp}

  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, N. Giessing, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, O. Teschke, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Can LLMs Master Math? Investigating Large Language Models on Math Stack Exchange,” in Proceedings of 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’24), Washington, USA, 2024.
      title     = {Can LLMs Master Math? Investigating Large Language Models on Math Stack Exchange},
      author    = {Satpute, Ankit and Giessing, Noah and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Teschke, Olaf and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {July.},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’24)},
      publisher = {ACM},
      address   = {Washington, USA},
      doi       = {10.1145/3626772.3657945},
      topic     = {mathir}

  • [PDF] D. Trautwein, Y. Wei, Y. Psaras, M. Schubotz, I. Castro, B. Gipp, and G. Tyson, “IPFS in the Fast Lane: Accelerating Record Storage with Optimistic Provide,” in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Vancouver, Canada, 2024.
      title        = {IPFS in the Fast Lane: Accelerating Record Storage with Optimistic Provide},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Wei, Yiluo and Psaras, Yiannis and Schubotz, Moritz and Castro, Ignacio and Gipp, Bela and Tyson, Gareth},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {May},
      booktitle    = {IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Vancouver, Canada},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, B. Gipp, and T. Ruas, “Paraphrase Types for Generation and Detection,” in Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 2023, pp. 12148-12164.
      title        = {Paraphrase Types for Generation and Detection},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Gipp, Bela and Ruas, Terry},
      editor       = {Bouamor, Houda and Pino, Juan and Bali, Kalika},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      month        = {December},
      year         = 2023,
      address      = {Singapore},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.746/},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.746},
      pages        = {12148--12164},
      topic        = {nlp},
      abstract     = {Current approaches in paraphrase generation and detection heavily rely on a single general similarity score, ignoring the intricate linguistic properties of language. This paper introduces two new tasks to address this shortcoming by considering paraphrase types - specific linguistic perturbations at particular text positions. We name these tasks Paraphrase Type Generation and Paraphrase Type Detection. Our results suggest that while current techniques perform well in a binary classification scenario, i.e., paraphrased or not, the inclusion of fine-grained paraphrase types poses a significant challenge. While most approaches are good at generating and detecting general semantic similar content, they fail to understand the intrinsic linguistic variables they manipulate. Models trained in generating and identifying paraphrase types also show improvements in tasks without them. In addition, scaling these models further improves their ability to understand paraphrase types. We believe paraphrase types can unlock a new paradigm for developing paraphrase models and solving tasks in the future.}

  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, M. Abdalla, B. Gipp, and S. Mohammad, “We are Who We Cite: Bridges of Influence Between Natural Language Processing and Other Academic Fields,” in Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 2023, pp. 12896-12913.
      title        = {We are Who We Cite: Bridges of Influence Between Natural Language Processing and Other Academic Fields},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Abdalla, Mohamed and Gipp, Bela and Mohammad, Saif},
      editor       = {Bouamor, Houda and Pino, Juan and Bali, Kalika},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      month        = {December},
      year         = 2023,
      address      = {Singapore},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.797/},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.797},
      pages        = {12896--12913},
      topic        = {nlp},
      abstract     = {Natural Language Processing (NLP) is poised to substantially influence the world. However, significant progress comes hand-in-hand with substantial risks. Addressing them requires broad engagement with various fields of study. Yet, little empirical work examines the state of such engagement (past or current). In this paper, we quantify the degree of influence between 23 fields of study and NLP (on each other). We analyzed {\textasciitilde}77k NLP papers, {\textasciitilde}3.1m citations from NLP papers to other papers, and {\textasciitilde}1.8m citations from other papers to NLP papers. We show that, unlike most fields, the cross-field engagement of NLP, measured by our proposed Citation Field Diversity Index (CFDI), has declined from 0.58 in 1980 to 0.31 in 2022 (an all-time low). In addition, we find that NLP has grown more insular{---}citing increasingly more NLP papers and having fewer papers that act as bridges between fields. NLP citations are dominated by computer science; Less than 8{\%} of NLP citations are to linguistics, and less than 3{\%} are to math and psychology. These findings underscore NLP{'}s urgent need to reflect on its engagement with various fields.}

  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Petersen, M. Schubotz, A. Greiner-Petter, and B. Gipp, “Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae,” in Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023.
      title        = {Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae},
      author       = {Petersen, Felix and Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.645},
      topic        = {mathir}

  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Wessel, T. Horych, T. Ruas, A. Aizawa, B. Gipp, and T. Spinde, “Introducing MBIB – the first Media Bias Identification Benchmark Task and Dataset Collection,” in Proceedings of 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’23), New York, NY, USA, 2023.
      title        = {Introducing MBIB - the first Media Bias Identification Benchmark Task and Dataset Collection},
      author       = {Wessel, Martin and Horych, Tomas and Ruas, Terry and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela and Spinde, Timo},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’23)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3539618.3591882},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-9408-6/23/07},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}

  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, and N. Meuschke, “Final Report for the DFG-Project Methods and Tools to Advance the Retrieval of Mathematical Knowledge from Digital Libraries for Search-, Recommendation- and Assistance-Systems,” University of Goettingen 2023.
      title        = {Final {{Report}} for the {{DFG-Project Methods}} and {{Tools}} to {{Advance}} the {{Retrieval}} of {{Mathematical Knowledge}} from {{Digital Libraries}} for {{Search-}}, {{Recommendation-}} and {{Assistance-Systems}}},
      author       = {Gipp, Bela and {Greiner-Petter}, Andr{\'e} and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = mar,
      doi          = {10.5281/ZENODO.7924634},
      institution  = {{University of Goettingen}},
      abstract     = {This project investigated new approaches and technologies to enhance the accessibility of mathematical content and its semantic information for a broad range of information retrieval applications. To achieve this goal, the project addressed three main research challenges: (1) syntactic analysis of mathematical expressions, (2) semantic enrichment of mathematical expressions, and (3) evaluation using quality metrics and demonstrators. To make our research useful for the research community, we published tools that enable researchers to process mathematical expressions more effectively and efficiently. The project has made significant research contributions to various Mathematical Information Retrieval (MathIR) tasks and systems, including plagiarism detection and recommendation systems, search engines, the first mathematical type assistance system, math question answering and tutoring systems, automatic plausibility checks for mathematical expressions on Wikipedia, automatic computability of mathematical content via Computer Algebra Systems (CAS), and others. Although our project focused on MathIR tasks, its impact on other natural language research was significant, leading to a more extensive range of demonstrators than originally expected. Many of these demonstrators introduced novel applications, such as the tutoring system PhysWikiQuiz or LaCASt, which automatically verifies the correctness of math formulae on Wikipedia or the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF) via commercial CAS. During the project, we published 29 peer-reviewed articles in international venues, including prestigious conferences like the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) and The Web Conference (WWW) (CORE rank A*), as well as journals such as IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) (IF: 24.314) and Scientometrics (IF: 3.801). Our Wikipedia demonstrator was also featured in public media. Furthermore, we actively presented our contributions, especially demonstrators, to the research community in multiple workshops. This project has strengthened our international collaborations, particularly with colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US and the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan. Several subprojects were partially developed in course projects and theses at the Universities of Konstanz, Wuppertal, and G\"ottingen, exposing junior researchers to cutting-edge technologies and sensitizing students and researchers to the outstanding issues in MathIR technologies. We firmly believe that this project will have a lasting effect on following MathIR technologies. Several of the subprojects initiated as part of this grant are ongoing and motivating follow-up DFG projects, such as Analyzing Mathematics to Detect Disguised Academic Plagiarism (project no. 437179652).}

  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, H. S. Cohl, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning.” 2023.
      title        = {Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard S. and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      journal      = {Scientometrics},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11192-023-04667-9},
      url          = {https://www.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04667-9},
      topic        = {mathir}

  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Ihle, D. Trautwein, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Networks — A Systematic Literature Review,” ACM Computing Surveys, 2023.
      title        = {Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Networks -- A Systematic Literature Review},
      author       = {Ihle, Cornelius and Trautwein, Dennis and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jan.},
      journal      = {ACM Computing Surveys},
      publisher    = {Association for Computing Machinery},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3578581},
      issn         = {0360-0300},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3578581},
      topic        = {blockchain}

  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, C. Breitinger, P. Scharpf, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 45, iss. 4, pp. 4384-4395, 2023.
      title        = {Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Breitinger, Corinna and Scharpf, Philipp and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      journal      = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
      volume       = 45,
      number       = 4,
      pages        = {4384--4395},
      doi          = {10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3195261},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, N. Rethmeier, I. Augenstein, B. Gipp, and G. Rehm, “Neighborhood Contrastive Learning for Scientific Document Representations with Citation Embeddings,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022.
      title        = {Neighborhood Contrastive Learning for Scientific Document Representations with Citation Embeddings},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Rethmeier, Nils and Augenstein, Isabelle and Gipp, Bela and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      location     = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      doi          = {10.48550/ARXIV.2202.06671},
      topic        = {nlp}

  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, F. Kirstein, and B. Gipp, “How Large Language Models are Transforming Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022, pp. 952-963.
      title        = {How Large Language Models are Transforming Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism},
      author       = {Jan Philip Wahle and Terry Ruas and Frederic Kirstein and Bela Gipp},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      location     = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      pages        = {952--963},
      doi          = {10.48550/arXiv.2210.03568},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2022.emnlp-main.62},
      topic        = {pd}

  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Trautwein, A. Raman, G. Tyson, I. Castro, W. Scott, M. Schubotz, B. Gipp, and Y. Psaras, “Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web,” in ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference (SIGCOMM ’22), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022.
      title        = {Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Raman, Aravindh and Tyson, Gareth and Castro, Ignacio and Scott, Will and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela and Psaras, Yiannis},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference (SIGCOMM '22)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
      doi          = {10.1145/3544216.3544232},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-9420-8/22/08},
      topic        = {blockchain}

  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, H. S. Cohl, A. Youssef, M. Schubotz, A. Trost, R. Dey, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems,” in International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), Cham, 2022, pp. 87-105.
      title        = {Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Cohl, Howard S. and Youssef, Abdou and Schubotz, Moritz and Trost, Avi and Dey, Rajen and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS)},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Cham},
      pages        = {87--105},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-99524-9_5},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, M. Plank, J. Krieger, T. Ruas, B. Gipp, and A. Aizawa, “Neural Media Bias Detection Using Distant Supervision With BABE – Bias Annotations By Experts,” in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Neural Media Bias Detection Using Distant Supervision With BABE - Bias Annotations By Experts},
      author       = {Timo Spinde and Manuel Plank and Jan-David Krieger and Terry Ruas and Bela Gipp and Akiko Aizawa},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Nov.},
      booktitle    = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2021.findings-emnlp.101},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, A. Youssef, T. Ruas, B. Miller, M. Schubotz, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Math-word embedding in math search and semantic extraction,” Scientometrics, vol. 125, iss. 3, pp. 3017-3046, 2020.
      title        = {Math-word embedding in math search and semantic extraction},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Youssef, Abdou and Ruas, Terry and Miller, Bruce and Schubotz, Moritz and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Dec.},
      journal      = {Scientometrics},
      volume       = 125,
      number       = 3,
      pages        = {3017--3046},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11192-020-03502-9},
      topic        = {mathir}

  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, T. Ruas, T. Blume, B. Gipp, and G. Rehm, “Aspect-based Document Similarity for Research Papers,” in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), 2020.
      title        = {Aspect-based Document Similarity for Research Papers},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Ruas, Terry and Blume, Till and Gipp, Bela and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020)},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.545},
      topic        = {rec}

  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, F. Mueller, C. Breitinger, H. S. Cohl, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest – A Study of Mathematical Notations,” in Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW ’20), April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, 2020.
      title        = {Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest - A Study of Mathematical Notations},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Mueller, Fabian and Breitinger, Corinna and Cohl, Howard S and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW '20), April 20--24, 2020},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Taipei, Taiwan},
      doi          = {10.1145/3366423.3380218},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3366423.3380218},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-7023-3/20/04},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Foltynek, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Academic Plagiarism Detection: A Systematic Literature Review,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 52, iss. 6, p. 112:1–112:42, 2019.
      title        = {{Academic Plagiarism Detection: A Systematic Literature Review}},
      author       = {Foltynek, Tomas and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Oct.},
      journal      = {ACM Computing Surveys},
      volume       = 52,
      number       = 6,
      pages        = {112:1--112:42},
      doi          = {10.1145/3345317},
      issn         = {03600300},
      topic        = {pd}

  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, H. S. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions in Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems,” Aslib Journal of Information Management, vol. 71, iss. 3, pp. 415-439, 2019.
      title        = {Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions in Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard S. and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {May},
      journal      = {Aslib Journal of Information Management},
      volume       = 71,
      number       = 3,
      pages        = {415--439},
      doi          = {10.1108/AJIM-08-2018-0185},
      issn         = {2050-3806},
      date         = {2019-07},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Automated Identification of Media Bias in News Articles: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review,” International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), pp. 391-415, 2018.
      title        = {Automated Identification of Media Bias in News Articles: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Nov.},
      journal      = {International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL)},
      publisher    = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
      pages        = {391--415},
      doi          = {10.1007/s00799-018-0261-y},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-018-0261-y},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}

  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, C. Gondek, D. Seebacher, C. Breitinger, D. Keim, and B. Gipp, “An Adaptive Image-based Plagiarism Detection Approach,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Fort Worth, USA, 2018.
      title        = {An Adaptive Image-based Plagiarism Detection Approach},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Gondek, Christopher and Seebacher, Daniel and Breitinger, Corinna and Keim, Daniel and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3197026.3197042},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, A. Grigorev, M. Leich, H. S. Cohl, N. Meuschke, B. Gipp, A. S. Youssef, and V. Markl, “Semantification of Identifiers in Mathematics for Better Math Information Retrieval,” in Proceedings of the 39th Int. ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2016.
      title        = {{S}emantification of {I}dentifiers in {M}athematics for {B}etter {M}ath {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
      author       = {{S}chubotz, {M}oritz and {G}rigorev, {A}lexey and {L}eich, {M}arcus and {C}ohl, {H}oward {S}. and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {Y}oussef, {A}bdou {S}. and {M}arkl, {V}olker},
      year         = 2016,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 39th {I}nt. {ACM} {SIGIR} {C}onference on {R}esearch and {D}evelopment in {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
      doi          = {10.1145/2911451.2911503},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2911451.2911503},
      note         = {Full Paper},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, S. Langer, and C. Breitinger, “Research-paper recommender systems: a literature survey,” International Journal on Digital Libraries, pp. 1-34, 2015.
      title        = {{R}esearch-paper recommender systems: a literature survey},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = {Jul.},
      journal      = {{I}nternational {J}ournal on {D}igital {L}ibraries},
      publisher    = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
      pages        = {1--34},
      doi          = {10.1007/s00799-015-0156-0},
      issn         = {1432-5012},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-015-0156-0},
      keywords     = {Recommender system; User modeling; Research paper recommender systems; Content based filtering; Review; Survey},
      topic        = {rec}

All Publications


  • [PDF] T. Horych, M. Wessel, J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, J. Wassmuth, A. Greiner-Petter, A. Aizawa, B. Gipp, and T. Spinde, “MAGPIE: Multi-Task Analysis of Media-Bias Generalization with Pre-Trained Identification of Expressions,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, 2024.
      title        = {MAGPIE: Multi-Task Analysis of Media-Bias Generalization with Pre-Trained Identification of Expressions},
      author       = {Horych, Tomas and Wessel, Martin and Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Wassmuth, Jerome and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela and Spinde, Timo},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {Feb.},
      booktitle    = {"Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation"},
      publisher    = {"European Language Resources Association"},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] F. Kirstein, J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, and B. Gipp, “What’s under the hood: Investigating Automatic Metrics on Meeting Summarization,” in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024, 2024.
      title     = {What's under the hood: Investigating Automatic Metrics on Meeting Summarization},
      author    = {Kirstein, Frederic and Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {11},
      booktitle = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      topic     = {nlp}
  • [PDF] F. Kirstein, T. Ruas, R. Kratel, and B. Gipp, “Tell me what I need to know: Exploring LLM-based (Personalized) Abstractive Multi-Source Meeting Summarization,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track, 2024, p. 20.
      title     = {Tell me what I need to know: Exploring LLM-based (Personalized) Abstractive Multi-Source Meeting Summarization},
      author    = {Kirstein, Frederic and Ruas, Terry and Kratel, Robert and Gipp, Bela},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track},
      pages     = {20},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      year      = {2024},
      month     = {11},
      topic     = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, A. Greiner-Petter, N. Giessing, I. Beckenbach, M. Schubotz, O. Teschke, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Taxonomy of Mathematical Plagiarism,” in 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.
      title        = {Taxonomy of Mathematical Plagiarism},
      author       = {Satpute, Ankit and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Giessing, Noah and Beckenbach, Isabel and Schubotz, Moritz and Teschke, Olaf and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Glasgow, Scotland},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-031-56066-8_2},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, “Analyzing Mathematical Content for Plagiarism and Recommendations,” in 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.
      title        = {Analyzing Mathematical Content for Plagiarism and Recommendations},
      author       = {Satpute, Ankit},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Glasgow, Scotland},
      doi          = {10.1145/978-3-031-56069-9_42},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, N. Giessing, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, O. Teschke, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Can LLMs Master Math? Investigating Large Language Models on Math Stack Exchange,” in Proceedings of 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’24), Washington, USA, 2024.
      title     = {Can LLMs Master Math? Investigating Large Language Models on Math Stack Exchange},
      author    = {Satpute, Ankit and Giessing, Noah and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Teschke, Olaf and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {July.},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’24)},
      publisher = {ACM},
      address   = {Washington, USA},
      doi       = {10.1145/3626772.3657945},
      topic     = {mathir}
  • [PDF] A. Stephan, L. Miklautz, K. Sidak, J. P. Wahle, B. Gipp, C. Plant, and B. Roth, “Text-Guided Image Clustering,” in Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024.
      title        = {Text-Guided Image Clustering},
      author       = {Stephan, Andreas and Miklautz, Lukas and Sidak, Kevin and Wahle, Jan Philip and Gipp, Bela and Plant, Claudia and Roth, Benjamin},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
      location     = {Malta, Italy},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      year         = {2024}
  • [PDF] D. Trautwein, Y. Wei, Y. Psaras, M. Schubotz, I. Castro, B. Gipp, and G. Tyson, “IPFS in the Fast Lane: Accelerating Record Storage with Optimistic Provide,” in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Vancouver, Canada, 2024.
      title        = {IPFS in the Fast Lane: Accelerating Record Storage with Optimistic Provide},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Wei, Yiluo and Psaras, Yiannis and Schubotz, Moritz and Castro, Ignacio and Gipp, Bela and Tyson, Gareth},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {May},
      booktitle    = {IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Vancouver, Canada},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, Y. Xu, and B. Gipp, “Paraphrase Types Elicit Prompt Engineering Capabilities,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2024.
      title     = {Paraphrase Types Elicit Prompt Engineering Capabilities},
      author    = {Wahle, Jan Philip  and Ruas, Terry and Xu, Yang and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {11},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      topic     = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, L. von Sperl, C. E. Matt, and B. Gipp, “Generative User-Experience Research for Developing Domain-specific Natural Language Processing Applications,” Knowledge and Information Systems, 2024.
      title     = {Generative User-Experience Research for Developing Domain-specific Natural Language Processing Applications},
      author    = {Zhukova, Anastasia and von Sperl, Lukas and Matt, Christian E. and Gipp, Bela},  
      journal   = {Knowledge and Information Systems},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {09},
      doi       = {10.1007/s10115-024-02212-5},
      url       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-024-02212-5},
      issn      = {0219-3116},
      topic     = {plant}


  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, and N. Meuschke, “Final Report for the DFG-Project Methods and Tools to Advance the Retrieval of Mathematical Knowledge from Digital Libraries for Search-, Recommendation- and Assistance-Systems,” University of Goettingen 2023.
      title        = {Final {{Report}} for the {{DFG-Project Methods}} and {{Tools}} to {{Advance}} the {{Retrieval}} of {{Mathematical Knowledge}} from {{Digital Libraries}} for {{Search-}}, {{Recommendation-}} and {{Assistance-Systems}}},
      author       = {Gipp, Bela and {Greiner-Petter}, Andr{\'e} and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = mar,
      doi          = {10.5281/ZENODO.7924634},
      institution  = {{University of Goettingen}},
      abstract     = {This project investigated new approaches and technologies to enhance the accessibility of mathematical content and its semantic information for a broad range of information retrieval applications. To achieve this goal, the project addressed three main research challenges: (1) syntactic analysis of mathematical expressions, (2) semantic enrichment of mathematical expressions, and (3) evaluation using quality metrics and demonstrators. To make our research useful for the research community, we published tools that enable researchers to process mathematical expressions more effectively and efficiently. The project has made significant research contributions to various Mathematical Information Retrieval (MathIR) tasks and systems, including plagiarism detection and recommendation systems, search engines, the first mathematical type assistance system, math question answering and tutoring systems, automatic plausibility checks for mathematical expressions on Wikipedia, automatic computability of mathematical content via Computer Algebra Systems (CAS), and others. Although our project focused on MathIR tasks, its impact on other natural language research was significant, leading to a more extensive range of demonstrators than originally expected. Many of these demonstrators introduced novel applications, such as the tutoring system PhysWikiQuiz or LaCASt, which automatically verifies the correctness of math formulae on Wikipedia or the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF) via commercial CAS. During the project, we published 29 peer-reviewed articles in international venues, including prestigious conferences like the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) and The Web Conference (WWW) (CORE rank A*), as well as journals such as IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) (IF: 24.314) and Scientometrics (IF: 3.801). Our Wikipedia demonstrator was also featured in public media. Furthermore, we actively presented our contributions, especially demonstrators, to the research community in multiple workshops. This project has strengthened our international collaborations, particularly with colleagues at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US and the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Japan. Several subprojects were partially developed in course projects and theses at the Universities of Konstanz, Wuppertal, and G\"ottingen, exposing junior researchers to cutting-edge technologies and sensitizing students and researchers to the outstanding issues in MathIR technologies. We firmly believe that this project will have a lasting effect on following MathIR technologies. Several of the subprojects initiated as part of this grant are ongoing and motivating follow-up DFG projects, such as Analyzing Mathematics to Detect Disguised Academic Plagiarism (project no. 437179652).}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, Making Presentation Math Computable: A Context-Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023.
      title        = {Making Presentation Math Computable: A Context-Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems},
      shorttitle   = {Making Presentation Math Computable},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andr{\'e}},
      year         = 2023,
      publisher    = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-658-40473-4},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-40472-7 978-3-658-40473-4},
      url          = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-40473-4}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, C. Breitinger, P. Scharpf, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 45, iss. 4, pp. 4384-4395, 2023.
      title        = {Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Breitinger, Corinna and Scharpf, Philipp and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      journal      = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
      volume       = 45,
      number       = 4,
      pages        = {4384--4395},
      doi          = {10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3195261},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, Revealing Media Bias in News Articles: NLP Techniques for Automated Frame Analysis, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
      title        = {Revealing {{Media Bias}} in {{News Articles}}: {{NLP Techniques}} for {{Automated Frame Analysis}}},
      shorttitle   = {Revealing {{Media Bias}} in {{News Articles}}},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix},
      year         = 2023,
      publisher    = {{Springer Nature Switzerland}},
      address      = {{Cham}},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-031-17693-7},
      isbn         = {978-3-031-17692-0 978-3-031-17693-7},
      url          = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-031-17693-7},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Ihle, D. Trautwein, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Networks — A Systematic Literature Review,” ACM Computing Surveys, 2023.
      title        = {Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Networks -- A Systematic Literature Review},
      author       = {Ihle, Cornelius and Trautwein, Dennis and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jan.},
      journal      = {ACM Computing Surveys},
      publisher    = {Association for Computing Machinery},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3578581},
      issn         = {0360-0300},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3578581},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, A. Jagdale, T. Spinde, J. Mitrovi’c, and B. Gipp, “A Benchmark of PDF Information Extraction Tools Using a Multi-task and Multi-domain Evaluation Framework for Academic Documents,” in Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, vol. 13972, pp. 383-405.
      title        = {A Benchmark of PDF Information Extraction Tools Using a Multi-task and Multi-domain Evaluation Framework for Academic Documents},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Jagdale, Apurva and Spinde, Timo and Mitrovi{\'c}, Jelena and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      booktitle    = {Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity},
      publisher    = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
      address      = {Cham},
      series       = {LNCS},
      volume       = 13972,
      pages        = {383--405},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-031-28032-0_31},
      isbn         = {978-3-031-28031-3 978-3-031-28032-0},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, Analyzing Non-Textual Content Elements to Detect Academic Plagiarism, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023.
      title        = {Analyzing {Non}-{Textual} {Content} {Elements} to {Detect} {Academic} {Plagiarism}},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman},
      year         = 2023,
      publisher    = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-658-42062-8},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-42061-1 978-3-658-42062-8},
      url          = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-42062-8},
      urldate      = {2023-08-16},
      abstract     = {Identifying plagiarism is a pressing problem for research institutions, publishers, and funding bodies. Current detection methods focus on textual analysis and find copied, moderately reworded, or translated content. However, detecting more subtle forms of plagiarism, including strong paraphrasing, sense-for-sense translations, or the reuse of non-textual content and ideas, remains a challenge. This book presents a novel approach to address this problem—analyzing non-textual elements in academic documents, such as citations, images, and mathematical content. The proposed detection techniques are validated in five evaluations using confirmed plagiarism cases and exploratory searches for new instances. The results show that non-textual elements contain much semantic information, are language-independent, and resilient to typical tactics for concealing plagiarism. Incorporating non-textual content analysis complements text-based detection approaches and increases the detection effectiveness, particularly for disguised forms of plagiarism. The book introduces the first integrated plagiarism detection system that combines citation, image, math, and text similarity analysis. Its user interface features visual aids that significantly reduce the time and effort users must invest in examining content similarity.},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] M. Ostendorff, “Aspect-based Document Similarity for Literature Recommender Systems,” PhD Thesis, Georg-August University Göttingen, Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS), 2023.
      title        = {Aspect-based Document Similarity for Literature Recommender Systems},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte},
      year         = 2023,
      address      = {Georg-August University Göttingen, Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS)},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Petersen, M. Schubotz, A. Greiner-Petter, and B. Gipp, “Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae,” in Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023.
      title        = {Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae},
      author       = {Petersen, Felix and Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.645},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, A. Aizawa, O. Teschke, and B. Gipp, “TEIMMA: The First Content Reuse Annotator for Text, Images, and Math,” in 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2023.
      title        = {TEIMMA: The First Content Reuse Annotator for Text, Images, and Math},
      author       = {Satpute, Ankit and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Aizawa, Akiko and Teschke, Olaf and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL57899.2023.00056},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, H. S. Cohl, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning.” 2023.
      title        = {Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard S. and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      journal      = {Scientometrics},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11192-023-04667-9},
      url          = {https://www.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04667-9},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, A. Spitz, A. Greiner-Petter, and B. Gipp, “PhysWikiQuiz – An AI-Aided Collaborative Physics Exam Question Generation and Test System for Teachers and Students,” in Interactive Events at the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2023, 2023.
      title        = {PhysWikiQuiz - An AI-Aided Collaborative Physics Exam Question Generation and Test System for Teachers and Students},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Spitz, Andreas and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {July},
      booktitle    = {Interactive Events at the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2023},
      location     = {Tokyo, Japan and virtual (synchronous hybrid)},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, S. M. Mohammad, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “AI Usage Cards: Responsibly Reporting AI-generated Content,” in 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2023.
      title        = {AI Usage Cards: Responsibly Reporting AI-generated Content},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Mohammad, Saif M. and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL57899.2023.00060},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, B. Gipp, and T. Ruas, “Paraphrase Types for Generation and Detection,” in Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 2023, pp. 12148-12164.
      title        = {Paraphrase Types for Generation and Detection},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Gipp, Bela and Ruas, Terry},
      editor       = {Bouamor, Houda and Pino, Juan and Bali, Kalika},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      month        = {December},
      year         = 2023,
      address      = {Singapore},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.746/},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.746},
      pages        = {12148--12164},
      topic        = {nlp},
      abstract     = {Current approaches in paraphrase generation and detection heavily rely on a single general similarity score, ignoring the intricate linguistic properties of language. This paper introduces two new tasks to address this shortcoming by considering paraphrase types - specific linguistic perturbations at particular text positions. We name these tasks Paraphrase Type Generation and Paraphrase Type Detection. Our results suggest that while current techniques perform well in a binary classification scenario, i.e., paraphrased or not, the inclusion of fine-grained paraphrase types poses a significant challenge. While most approaches are good at generating and detecting general semantic similar content, they fail to understand the intrinsic linguistic variables they manipulate. Models trained in generating and identifying paraphrase types also show improvements in tasks without them. In addition, scaling these models further improves their ability to understand paraphrase types. We believe paraphrase types can unlock a new paradigm for developing paraphrase models and solving tasks in the future.}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, M. Abdalla, B. Gipp, and S. Mohammad, “We are Who We Cite: Bridges of Influence Between Natural Language Processing and Other Academic Fields,” in Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 2023, pp. 12896-12913.
      title        = {We are Who We Cite: Bridges of Influence Between Natural Language Processing and Other Academic Fields},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Abdalla, Mohamed and Gipp, Bela and Mohammad, Saif},
      editor       = {Bouamor, Houda and Pino, Juan and Bali, Kalika},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      month        = {December},
      year         = 2023,
      address      = {Singapore},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.797/},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.797},
      pages        = {12896--12913},
      topic        = {nlp},
      abstract     = {Natural Language Processing (NLP) is poised to substantially influence the world. However, significant progress comes hand-in-hand with substantial risks. Addressing them requires broad engagement with various fields of study. Yet, little empirical work examines the state of such engagement (past or current). In this paper, we quantify the degree of influence between 23 fields of study and NLP (on each other). We analyzed {\textasciitilde}77k NLP papers, {\textasciitilde}3.1m citations from NLP papers to other papers, and {\textasciitilde}1.8m citations from other papers to NLP papers. We show that, unlike most fields, the cross-field engagement of NLP, measured by our proposed Citation Field Diversity Index (CFDI), has declined from 0.58 in 1980 to 0.31 in 2022 (an all-time low). In addition, we find that NLP has grown more insular{---}citing increasingly more NLP papers and having fewer papers that act as bridges between fields. NLP citations are dominated by computer science; Less than 8{\%} of NLP citations are to linguistics, and less than 3{\%} are to math and psychology. These findings underscore NLP{'}s urgent need to reflect on its engagement with various fields.}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Wessel, T. Horych, T. Ruas, A. Aizawa, B. Gipp, and T. Spinde, “Introducing MBIB – the first Media Bias Identification Benchmark Task and Dataset Collection,” in Proceedings of 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’23), New York, NY, USA, 2023.
      title        = {Introducing MBIB - the first Media Bias Identification Benchmark Task and Dataset Collection},
      author       = {Wessel, Martin and Horych, Tomas and Ruas, Terry and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela and Spinde, Timo},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’23)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3539618.3591882},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-9408-6/23/07},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, T. L. Ruas, F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “What’s in the News? Towards Identification of Bias by Commission, Omission, and Source Selection (COSS),” in 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2023.
      title        = {{W}hat's in the {N}ews? {T}owards {I}dentification of {B}ias by {C}ommission, {O}mission, and {S}ource {S}election ({COSS})},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Ruas, Terry Lima and Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL57899.2023.00050},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, H. S. Cohl, A. Youssef, M. Schubotz, A. Trost, R. Dey, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems,” in International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), Cham, 2022, pp. 87-105.
      title        = {Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Cohl, Howard S. and Youssef, Abdou and Schubotz, Moritz and Trost, Avi and Dey, Rajen and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS)},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Cham},
      pages        = {87--105},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-99524-9_5},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, “Towards Automated Frame Analysis: Natural Language Processing Techniques to Reveal Media Bias in News Articles,” PhD Thesis, University of Konstanz, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, 2022.
      title        = {Towards Automated Frame Analysis: Natural Language Processing Techniques to Reveal Media Bias in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix},
      year         = 2022,
      address      = {University of Konstanz, Dept. of Computer and Information Science}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Ihle, F. Deifuss, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Towards Portable Identities in the Matrix Protocol,” in 2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW), Bologna, Italy, 2022.
      title        = {Towards Portable Identities in the Matrix Protocol},
      author       = {Ihle, Cornelius and Deifuss, Fabian and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Bologna, Italy},
      doi          = {10.1109/ICDCSW56584.2022.00025},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] F. Kirstein, J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, and B. Gipp, “Analyzing Multi-Task Learning for Abstractive Text Summarization,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM 2022), 2022, pp. 54-77.
      title        = {Analyzing Multi-Task Learning for Abstractive Text Summarization},
      author       = {Kirstein, Frederic and Wahle, Jan Philipp and Ruas, Terry and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM 2022)},
      location     = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      pages        = {54--77},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2022.gem-1.5},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Krieger, T. Spinde, T. Ruas, J. Kulshrestha, and B. Gipp, “A Domain-adaptive Pre-training Approach for Language Bias Detection in News,” in 2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2022.
      title        = {{A} {D}omain-adaptive {P}re-training {A}pproach for {L}anguage {B}ias {D}etection in {N}ews},
      author       = {Krieger, David and Spinde, Timo and Ruas, Terry and Kulshrestha, Juhi and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Cologne,Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3529372.3530932},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, N. Walger, and B. Gipp, “F 5 Plagiat,” in Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft, Seventh ed., R. Kuhlen, D. Lewandowski, W. Semar, and C. Womser-Hacker, Eds., Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur, 2022, pp. 817-828.
      title        = {F 5 {Plagiat}},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Walger, Nicole and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = nov,
      booktitle    = {Grundlagen der {Informationswissenschaft}},
      publisher    = {De Gruyter Saur},
      address      = {Berlin, Boston},
      pages        = {817--828},
      doi          = {10.1515/9783110769043-069},
      isbn         = {978-3-11-076904-3},
      editor       = {Kuhlen, Rainer and Lewandowski, Dirk and Semar, Wolfgang and {Womser-Hacker}, Christa},
      edition      = {Seventh},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, T. Blume, T. Ruas, B. Gipp, and G. Rehm, “Specialized Document Embeddings for Aspect-based Similarity of Research Papers,” in 2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2022.
      title        = {Specialized Document Embeddings for Aspect-based Similarity of Research Papers},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Blume, Till and Ruas, Terry and Gipp, Bela and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Cologne, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3529372.3530912},
      isbn         = 9781450393454,
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, N. Rethmeier, I. Augenstein, B. Gipp, and G. Rehm, “Neighborhood Contrastive Learning for Scientific Document Representations with Citation Embeddings,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022.
      title        = {Neighborhood Contrastive Learning for Scientific Document Representations with Citation Embeddings},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Rethmeier, Nils and Augenstein, Isabelle and Gipp, Bela and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      location     = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      doi          = {10.48550/ARXIV.2202.06671},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Mining Mathematical Documents for Question Answering via Unsupervised Formula Labeling,” in 2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2022.
      title        = {{M}ining {M}athematical {D}ocuments for {Q}uestion {A}nswering via {U}nsupervised {F}ormula {L}abeling},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Cologne, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3529372.3530925},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-9345-4/22/06},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, A. Spitz, A. Greiner-Petter, and B. Gipp, “Collaborative and AI-aided Exam Question Generation using Wikidata in Education,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2022) co-located with the 21th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022), Hangzhou, China (virtual), 2022.
      title        = {Collaborative and AI-aided Exam Question Generation using Wikidata in Education},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Spitz, Andreas and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {October},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2022) co-located with the 21th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022)},
      publisher    = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
      address      = {Hangzhou, China (virtual)},
      doi          = {10.13140/RG.2.2.30988.18568},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, A. Satpute, A. Greiner-Petter, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer,” Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, vol. 7, 2022.
      title        = {Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Satpute, Ankit and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      journal      = {Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics},
      volume       = 7,
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.3389/frma.2022.861944},
      url          = {https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frma.2022.861944},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, J. Krieger, T. Ruas, J. Mitrovic, F. Goetz-Hahn, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Exploiting Transformer-based Multitask Learning for the Detection of Media Bias in News Articles,” in Proceedings of the iConference, 2022.
      title        = {{E}xploiting {T}ransformer-based {M}ultitask {L}earning for the {D}etection of {M}edia {B}ias in {N}ews {A}rticles},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Krieger, Jan-David and Ruas, Terry and Mitrovi\c, Jelena and Goetz-Hahn, Franz and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {February},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference},
      location     = {Virtual Event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_20},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Trautwein, A. Raman, G. Tyson, I. Castro, W. Scott, M. Schubotz, B. Gipp, and Y. Psaras, “Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web,” in ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference (SIGCOMM ’22), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022.
      title        = {Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Raman, Aravindh and Tyson, Gareth and Castro, Ignacio and Scott, Will and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela and Psaras, Yiannis},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference (SIGCOMM '22)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
      doi          = {10.1145/3544216.3544232},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-9420-8/22/08},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, F. Kirstein, and B. Gipp, “How Large Language Models are Transforming Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022, pp. 952-963.
      title        = {How Large Language Models are Transforming Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism},
      author       = {Jan Philip Wahle and Terry Ruas and Frederic Kirstein and Bela Gipp},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      location     = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      pages        = {952--963},
      doi          = {10.48550/arXiv.2210.03568},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2022.emnlp-main.62},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, N. Ashok, T. Ruas, N. Meuschke, T. Ghosal, and B. Gipp, “Testing the Generalization of Neural Language Models for COVID-19 Misinformation Detection,” in Proceedings of the iConference, 2022.
      title        = {{Testing} the {Generalization} of {Neural} {Language} {Models} for {COVID}-19 {Misinformation} {Detection}},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ashok, Nischal and Ruas, Terry and Meuschke, Norman and Ghosal, Tirthankar and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {February},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference},
      location     = {Virtual Event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_33},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, T. Foltynek, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Identifying Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism,” in Proceedings of the iConference, 2022.
      title        = {{Identifying} {Machine}-{Paraphrased} {Plagiarism}},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Foltynek, Tomas and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {February},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference},
      location     = {Virtual Event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_34},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, S. M. Mohammad, and B. Gipp, “D3: A Massive Dataset of Scholarly Metadata for Analyzing the State of Computer Science Research,” in Proceedings of The 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marseille, France, 2022.
      title        = {D3: A Massive Dataset of Scholarly Metadata for Analyzing the State of Computer Science Research},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Mohammad, Saif M. and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {July},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of The 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
      publisher    = {European Language Resources Association},
      address      = {Marseille, France},
      doi          = {10.48550/arXiv.2204.13384}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “XCoref: Cross-document Coreference Resolution in the Wild,” in Proceedings of the iConference, 2022.
      title        = {{XC}oref: {C}ross-document {C}oreference {R}esolution in the {W}ild},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {February},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference},
      location     = {Virtual Event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_25},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Towards Evaluation of Cross-document Coreference Resolution Models Using Datasets with Diverse Annotation Schemes,” in Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2022.
      title        = {{T}owards {E}valuation of {C}ross-document {C}oreference {R}esolution {M}odels {U}sing {D}atasets with {D}iverse {A}nnotation {S}chemes},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
      location     = {Marseille, France},
      publisher    = {European Language Resources Association},
      doi          = {10.48550/arXiv.2109.05250},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Beck, M. Schubotz, V. Stange, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Recognize, Annotate and Visualize Parallel Structures in XML Documents,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 258-261.
      title        = {Recognize, Annotate and Visualize Parallel Structures in XML Documents},
      author       = {Beck, Marco and Schubotz, Moritz and Stange, Vincent and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {258--261},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00078},
      topic        = {knowledgemegmt}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Deifuss, C. Ihle, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “procd: A privacy preserving robust implementation to discover contacts in social networks,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2021), 2021.
      title        = {procd: A privacy preserving robust implementation to discover contacts in social networks},
      author       = {Deifuss, Fabian and Ihle, Cornelius and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2021)},
      location     = {Regensburg, Germany (Virtual Event)},
      doi          = {10.5283/EPUB.44954},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Towards Target-dependent Sentiment Classification in News Articles,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Towards Target-dependent Sentiment Classification in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2021},
      location     = {Beijing, China (Virtual Event)},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-71305-8_12},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, K. Heinser, A. Zhukova, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Newsalyze: Effective Communication of Person-Targeting Biases in News Articles,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 130-139.
      title        = {Newsalyze: Effective Communication of Person-Targeting Biases in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Heinser, Kim and Zhukova, Anastasia and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {130--139},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00025},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, P. Meschenmoser, M. Schubotz, P. Scharpf, and B. Gipp, “NewsDeps: Visualizing the Origin of Information in News Articles,” in Wahrheit und Fake im postfaktisch-digitalen Zeitalter, P. Klimczak and T. Zoglauer, Eds., Springer Vieweg, 2021.
      title        = {NewsDeps: Visualizing the Origin of Information in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Meschenmoser, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Scharpf, Philipp and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      booktitle    = {Wahrheit und Fake im postfaktisch-digitalen Zeitalter},
      publisher    = {Springer Vieweg},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-658-32957-0},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-32957-0},
      editor       = {Klimczak, Peter and Zoglauer, Thomas},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, T. Spinde, K. Heinser, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “How to Effectively Identify and Communicate Person-Targeting Media Bias in Daily News Consumption?,” in Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 9th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2021), 2021.
      title        = {How to Effectively Identify and Communicate Person-Targeting Media Bias in Daily News Consumption?},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Spinde, Timo and Heinser, Kim and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 9th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2021)},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, E. Ash, T. Ruas, B. Gipp, J. Moreno-Schneider, and G. Rehm, “Evaluating Document Representations for Content-based Legal Literature Recommendations,” in The 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2021), 2021.
      title        = {Evaluating Document Representations for Content-based Legal Literature Recommendations},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Ash, Elliott and Ruas, Terry and Gipp, Bela and Moreno-Schneider, Julian and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {The 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2021)},
      location     = {Sao Paulo, Brasil},
      doi          = {10.1145/3462757.3466073},
      isbn         = {978-1-450385268},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “A Qualitative Evaluation of User Preference for Link-Based vs. Text-Based Recommendations of Wikipedia Articles,” in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2021), 2021, pp. 63-79.
      title        = {A Qualitative Evaluation of User Preference for Link-Based vs. Text-Based Recommendations of Wikipedia Articles},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2021)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      pages        = {63--79},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-91669-5_6},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] M. Petrera, D. Trautwein, I. Beckenbach, D. Ehsani, F. Müller, O. Teschke, B. Gipp, and M. Schubotz, “zbMATH Open: API Solutions and Research Challenges,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects (DISCO 2021) co-located with ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL 2021), Online (due to the global pandemic), September 30, 2021, 2021, pp. 4-13.
      title        = {zbMATH Open: {API} Solutions and Research Challenges},
      author       = {Matteo Petrera and Dennis Trautwein and Isabel Beckenbach and Dariush Ehsani and Fabian M{\"{u}}ller and Olaf Teschke and Bela Gipp and Moritz Schubotz},
      year         = 2021,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects {(DISCO} 2021) co-located with {ACM/IEEE} Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL 2021), Online (due to the global pandemic), September 30, 2021},
      publisher    = {CEUR-WS.org},
      series       = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
      volume       = 2976,
      pages        = {4--13},
      url          = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2976/paper-1.pdf},
      editor       = {Wolf{-}Tilo Balke and Anita de Waard and Yuanxi Fu and Bolin Hua and Jodi Schneider and Ningyuan Song and Xiaoguang Wang},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Fast Linking of Mathematical Wikidata Entities in Wikipedia Articles Using Annotation Recommendation,” in Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW) 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Fast Linking of Mathematical Wikidata Entities in Wikipedia Articles Using Annotation Recommendation},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {April},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW) 2021},
      publisher    = {{ACM} / {IW3C2}},
      doi          = {10.1145/3442442.3452348},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-8313-4/21/04},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Mathematics in Wikidata,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2021) co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021), 2021.
      title        = {Mathematics in Wikidata},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {October},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2nd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2021) co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021)},
      publisher    = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.5589640},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, F. Hamborg, L. Rudnitckaia, and B. Gipp, “Identification of Biased Terms in News Articles by Comparison of Outlet-specific Word Embeddings,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Identification of Biased Terms in News Articles by Comparison of Outlet-specific Word Embeddings},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Hamborg, Felix and Rudnitckaia, Lada and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2021},
      location     = {Beijing, China (Virtual Event)},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-71305-8_17},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, C. Kreuter, W. Gaissmaier, F. Hamborg, B. Gipp, and H. Giese, “Do You Think It’s Biased? How To Ask For The Perception Of Media Bias,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 61-69.
      title        = {Do You Think It's Biased? How To Ask For The Perception Of Media Bias},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Kreuter, Christina and Gaissmaier, Wolfgang and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela and Giese, Helge},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {61--69},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00018},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, D. Krieger, M. Plank, and B. Gipp, “Towards A Reliable Ground-Truth For Biased Language Detection,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 324-325.
      title        = {Towards A Reliable Ground-Truth For Biased Language Detection},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Krieger, David and Plank, Manuel and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {324--325},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00053},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, L. Rudnitckaia, J. Mitrovic, F. Hamborg, M. Granitzer, B. Gipp, and K. Donnay, “Automated identification of bias inducing words in news articles using linguistic and context-oriented features,” Information Processing & Management, vol. 58, iss. 3, 2021.
      title        = {Automated identification of bias inducing words in news articles using linguistic and context-oriented features},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Rudnitckaia, Lada and Mitrovic, Jelena and Hamborg, Felix and Granitzer, Michael and Gipp, Bela and Donnay, Karsten},
      year         = 2021,
      journal      = {Information Processing \& Management},
      volume       = 58,
      number       = 3,
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2021.102505},
      url          = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306457321000157},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, L. Rudnitckaia, K. Sinha, F. Hamborg, B. Gipp, and K. Donnay, “MBIC – A Media Bias Annotation Dataset Including Annotator Characteristics,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2021, 2021.
      title        = {MBIC - A Media Bias Annotation Dataset Including Annotator Characteristics},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Rudnitckaia, Lada and Sinha, Kanishka and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela and Donnay, Karsten},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2021},
      location     = {Beijing, China (Virtual Event)},
      doi          = {10.6084/m9.figshare.17192924},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, K. Sinha, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “TASSY–A Text Annotation Survey System,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 322-323.
      title        = {TASSY--A Text Annotation Survey System},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Sinha, Kanishka and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {322--323},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00052},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, M. Plank, J. Krieger, T. Ruas, B. Gipp, and A. Aizawa, “Neural Media Bias Detection Using Distant Supervision With BABE – Bias Annotations By Experts,” in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Neural Media Bias Detection Using Distant Supervision With BABE - Bias Annotations By Experts},
      author       = {Timo Spinde and Manuel Plank and Jan-David Krieger and Terry Ruas and Bela Gipp and Akiko Aizawa},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Nov.},
      booktitle    = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2021.findings-emnlp.101},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Stegmueller, F. Bauer-Marquart, N. Meuschke, T. Ruas, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Detecting Cross-Language Plagiarism using Open Knowledge Graphs,” in 2nd Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE2021) at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL2021), Online, Illinois, USA, 2021.
      title        = {Detecting Cross-Language Plagiarism using Open Knowledge Graphs},
      author       = {Stegmueller, Johannes and Bauer-Marquart, Fabian and Meuschke, Norman and Ruas, Terry and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {2nd Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE2021) at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL2021), Online},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      doi          = {10.6084/m9.figshare.17212340.v3},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. von Tottleben, C. Ihle, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Academic Storage Cluster,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 278-279.
      title        = {Academic Storage Cluster},
      author       = {von Tottleben, Alexander and Ihle, Cornelius and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {278--279},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00034},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Trautwein, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Leveraging Node Heterogeneity to Improve Content Discovery and Content Retrieval in Peer-To-Peer Networks,” in CoNEXT Student Workshop 2021 (CoNEXT-SW’21), December 7, 2021, Virtual Event, Germany, 2021.
      title        = {Leveraging Node Heterogeneity to Improve Content Discovery and Content Retrieval in Peer-To-Peer Networks},
      author       = {Dennis Trautwein and Moritz Schubotz and Bela Gipp},
      year         = 2021,
      booktitle    = {CoNEXT Student Workshop 2021 (CoNEXT-SW'21), December 7, 2021, Virtual Event, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3488658.3493781},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-9133-7/21/12},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Trautwein, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Introducing Peer Copy – A Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer File Transfer Tool,” in 2021 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), Espoo and Helsinki, Finland, 2021.
      title        = {Introducing Peer Copy - A Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer File Transfer Tool},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2021 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Espoo and Helsinki, Finland},
      doi          = {10.23919/IFIPNetworking52078.2021.9472842},
      note         = {ISBN 978-3-9031-7639-3},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Are Neural Language Models Good Plagiarists? A Benchmark for Neural Paraphrase Detection,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 226-229.
      title        = {Are Neural Language Models Good Plagiarists? A Benchmark for Neural Paraphrase Detection},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {226--229},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00065},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Weeber, F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Assisted Text Annotation Using Active Learning to Achieve High Quality with Little Effort,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 287-288.
      title        = {Assisted Text Annotation Using Active Learning to Achieve High Quality with Little Effort},
      author       = {Weeber, Franziska and Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {287--288},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00038},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Concept Identification of Directly and Indirectly Related Mentions Referring to Groups of Person,” in Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue, Cham, 2021, pp. 514-526.
      title        = {Concept Identification of Directly and Indirectly Related Mentions Referring to Groups of Person},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      booktitle    = {Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Cham},
      pages        = {514--526},
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71292-1_40},
      isbn         = {978-3-030-71292-1},
      editor       = {Toeppe, Katharina and Yan, Hui and Chu, Samuel Kai Wah},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “ANEA: Automated (Named) Entity Annotation for German Domain-Specific Texts,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE 2021) co-located with JCDL 2021, Virtual Event, Illinois, USA, 2021.
      title        = {ANEA: Automated (Named) Entity Annotation for German Domain-Specific Texts},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {September, 30th},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE 2021) co-located with JCDL 2021, Virtual Event},
      publisher    = {CEUR},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      doi          = {10.6084/m9.figshare.17185373.v2},
      url          = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3004/paper1.pdf},
      editor       = {Zhang, Chengzhi and Mayr, Philipp and Lu, Wei and Zhang, Yi},
      topic        = {wiki}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Breitinger, B. Kolcu, M. Meuschke, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Supporting the Exploration of Semantic Features in Academic Literature using Graph-based Visualizations,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Supporting the {Exploration} of {Semantic} {Features} in {Academic} {Literature} using {Graph}-based {Visualizations}},
      author       = {Breitinger, Corinna and Kolcu, Birkan and Meuschke, Monique and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      location     = {Virtual Event, China},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398599},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Foltynek, T. Ruas, P. Scharpf, N. Meuschke, M. Schubotz, W. Grosky, and B. Gipp, “Detecting Machine-Obfuscated Plagiarism,” in Sustainable Digital Communities, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, vol. 12051 LNCS, pp. 816-827.
      title        = {Detecting Machine-Obfuscated Plagiarism},
      author       = {Foltynek, Tomas and Ruas, Terry and Scharpf, Philipp and Meuschke, Norman and Schubotz, Moritz and Grosky, William and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      booktitle    = {Sustainable {Digital} {Communities}},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Cham},
      volume       = {12051 LNCS},
      pages        = {816--827},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-43687-2_68},
      isbn         = {978-3-030-43686-5 978-3-030-43687-2},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Foltynek, R. Vsiansky, N. Meuschke, D. Dlabolova, and B. Gipp, “Cross-Language Source Code Plagiarism Detection using Explicit Semantic Analysis and Scored Greedy String Tilling,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Cross-Language Source Code Plagiarism Detection using Explicit Semantic Analysis and Scored Greedy String Tilling},
      author       = {Foltynek, Tomas and Vsiansky, Richard and Meuschke, Norman and Dlabolova, Dita and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398594},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Making Presentation Math Computable: Proposing a Context Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems,” in International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS), Braunschweig, Germany, 2020.
      title        = {Making Presentation Math Computable: Proposing a Context Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS)},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Braunschweig, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_33},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, F. Mueller, C. Breitinger, H. S. Cohl, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest – A Study of Mathematical Notations,” in Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW ’20), April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, 2020.
      title        = {Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest - A Study of Mathematical Notations},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Mueller, Fabian and Breitinger, Corinna and Cohl, Howard S and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW '20), April 20--24, 2020},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Taipei, Taiwan},
      doi          = {10.1145/3366423.3380218},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3366423.3380218},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-7023-3/20/04},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, A. Youssef, T. Ruas, B. Miller, M. Schubotz, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Math-word embedding in math search and semantic extraction,” Scientometrics, vol. 125, iss. 3, pp. 3017-3046, 2020.
      title        = {Math-word embedding in math search and semantic extraction},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Youssef, Abdou and Ruas, Terry and Miller, Bruce and Schubotz, Moritz and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Dec.},
      journal      = {Scientometrics},
      volume       = 125,
      number       = 3,
      pages        = {3017--3046},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11192-020-03502-9},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Bias-aware News Analysis using Matrix-based News Aggregation,” International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), pp. 129-147, 2020.
      title        = {Bias-aware News Analysis using Matrix-based News Aggregation},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      journal      = {International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL)},
      publisher    = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
      pages        = {129--147},
      doi          = {10.1007/s00799-018-0239-9},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-018-0239-9},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, A. Zhukova, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Newsalyze: Enabling News Consumers to Understand Media Bias,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Newsalyze: Enabling News Consumers to Understand Media Bias},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Zhukova, Anastasia and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398561},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Ihle, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “A First Step Towards Content Protecting Plagiarism Detection,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {A {First} {Step} {Towards} {Content} {Protecting} {Plagiarism} {Detection}},
      author       = {Ihle, Cornelius and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398620},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, T. Ruas, T. Blume, B. Gipp, and G. Rehm, “Aspect-based Document Similarity for Research Papers,” in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), 2020.
      title        = {Aspect-based Document Similarity for Research Papers},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Ruas, Terry and Blume, Till and Gipp, Bela and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020)},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.545},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, T. Ruas, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Pairwise Multi-Class Document Classification for Semantic Relations between Wikipedia Articles,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Pairwise Multi-Class Document Classification for Semantic Relations between Wikipedia Articles},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Ruas, Terry and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398525},
      topic        = {wiki}
  • [PDF] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Ostendorff, O. Teschke, and B. Gipp, “ARQMath Lab: An Incubator for Semantic Formula Search in zbMATH Open?,” in ARQMath Lab at the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF), 2020.
      title        = {ARQMath Lab: An Incubator for Semantic Formula Search in zbMATH Open?},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andr\'{e} and Ostendorff, Malte and Teschke, Olaf and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {ARQMath Lab at the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum ({CLEF})},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, A. Youssef, F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Classification and Clustering of arXiv Documents, Sections, and Abstracts, Comparing Encodings of Natural and Mathematical Language,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Classification and {Clustering} of {arXiv} {Documents}, {Sections}, and {Abstracts}, {Comparing} {Encodings} of {Natural} and {Mathematical} {Language}},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Youssef, Abdou and Hamborg, Felix and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398529},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, A. Greiner-Petter, N. Meuschke, O. Teschke, and B. Gipp, “Mathematical Formulae in Wikimedia Projects 2020,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Wuhan, China, 2020.
      title        = {Mathematical Formulae in Wikimedia Projects 2020},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Meuschke, Norman and Teschke, Olaf and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Wuhan, China},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398557},
      topic        = {wiki}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, P. Scharpf, O. Teschke, A. Kuehnemund, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “AutoMSC: Automatic Assignment of Mathematics Subject Classification Labels,” in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), 2020, pp. 237-250.
      title        = {AutoMSC: Automatic Assignment of Mathematics Subject Classification Labels},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Scharpf, Philipp and Teschke, Olaf and Kuehnemund, Andreas and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Intelligent Computer Mathematics ({CICM})},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      pages        = {237--250},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-53518-6_15},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, F. Hamborg, A. Becerra, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Enabling News Consumers to View and Understand Biased News Coverage: A Study on the Perception and Visualization of Media Bias,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Enabling News Consumers to View and Understand Biased News Coverage: A Study on the Perception and Visualization of Media Bias},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Hamborg, Felix and Becerra, Angelica and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398619},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “An Integrated Approach to Detect Media Bias in German News Articles,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {An {Integrated} {Approach} to {Detect} {Media} {Bias} in {German} {News} {Articles}},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398585},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Media Bias in German News Articles: A Combined Approach,” in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2020), Virtual event, 2020.
      title        = {Media Bias in German News Articles: A Combined Approach},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2020)},
      address      = {Virtual event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-65965-3_41},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Interpretable and Comparative Textual Dataset Exploration Using Near-Identity Mention Relations,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Interpretable and Comparative Textual Dataset Exploration Using Near-Identity Mention Relations},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398562},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Interpretable Topic Modeling Using Near-Identity Cross-Document Coreference Resolution,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Interpretable Topic Modeling Using Near-Identity Cross-Document Coreference Resolution},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398564},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Breitinger, B. Gipp, P. Wortner, and H. Reiterer, “‘Too Late to Collaborate’: Challenges to the Discovery of in-progress Research,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019.
      title        = {'Too Late to Collaborate': Challenges to the Discovery of in-progress Research},
      author       = {Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela and Wortner, Patrick and Reiterer, Harald},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2019.00028},
      keywords     = {information seeking,research collaboration,research recommendation},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Foltynek, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Academic Plagiarism Detection: A Systematic Literature Review,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 52, iss. 6, p. 112:1–112:42, 2019.
      title        = {{Academic Plagiarism Detection: A Systematic Literature Review}},
      author       = {Foltynek, Tomas and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Oct.},
      journal      = {ACM Computing Surveys},
      volume       = 52,
      number       = 6,
      pages        = {112:1--112:42},
      doi          = {10.1145/3345317},
      issn         = {03600300},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] A. Greiner-Petter, T. Ruas, M. Schubotz, A. Aizawa, W. Grosky, and B. Gipp, “Why Machines Cannot Learn Mathematics, Yet,” in 4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries colocated at the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference, 2019.
      title        = {Why Machines Cannot Learn Mathematics, Yet},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Ruas, Terry and Schubotz, Moritz and Aizawa, Akiko and Grosky, William and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      booktitle    = {4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries colocated at the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference},
      location     = {Paris, France},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, H. S. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions in Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems,” Aslib Journal of Information Management, vol. 71, iss. 3, pp. 415-439, 2019.
      title        = {Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions in Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard S. and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {May},
      journal      = {Aslib Journal of Information Management},
      volume       = 71,
      number       = 3,
      pages        = {415--439},
      doi          = {10.1108/AJIM-08-2018-0185},
      issn         = {2050-3806},
      date         = {2019-07},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Giveme5W1H: A Universal System for Extracting Main Events from News Articles,” in Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 7th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2019), 2019.
      title        = {Giveme5W1H: A Universal System for Extracting Main Events from News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 7th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2019)},
      location     = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, A. Zhukova, and B. Gipp, “Illegal Aliens or Undocumented Immigrants? Towards the Automated Identification of Bias by Word Choice and Labeling,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2019, 2019.
      title        = {Illegal Aliens or Undocumented Immigrants? Towards the Automated Identification of Bias by Word Choice and Labeling},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Zhukova, Anastasia and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2019},
      location     = {Washington, DC, USA},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-15742-5_17},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15742-5_17},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, A. Zhukova, and B. Gipp, “Automated Identification of Media Bias by Word Choice and Labeling in News Articles,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019.
      title        = {Automated Identification of Media Bias by Word Choice and Labeling in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Zhukova, Anastasia and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2019.00036},
      note         = {newsanalysis},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] T. Hepp, F. Spaeh, A. Schoenhals, P. Ehret, and B. Gipp, “Exploring Potentials and Challenges of Blockchain-based Public Key Infrastructures,” in IEEE INFOCOM 2019 – 2nd Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock 2019), 2019.
      title        = {Exploring Potentials and Challenges of Blockchain-based Public Key Infrastructures},
      author       = {Hepp, Thomas and Spaeh, Fabian and Schoenhals, Alexander and Ehret, Philip and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {May},
      booktitle    = {IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - 2nd Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock 2019)},
      location     = {Paris, France},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. Leible, S. Schlager, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “A Review on Blockchain Technology and Blockchain Projects Fostering Open Science,” Frontiers in Blockchain, vol. 2, pp. 1-28, 2019.
      title        = {A Review on Blockchain Technology and Blockchain Projects Fostering Open Science},
      author       = {Leible, Stephan and Schlager, Steffen and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      journal      = {Frontiers in Blockchain},
      volume       = 2,
      pages        = {1--28},
      doi          = {10.3389/fbloc.2019.00016},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.3389/fbloc.2019.00016},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, V. Stange, M. Schubotz, M. Kramer, and B. Gipp, “Improving Academic Plagiarism Detection for STEM Documents by Analyzing Mathematical Content and Citations,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019.
      title        = {Improving Academic Plagiarism Detection for STEM Documents by Analyzing Mathematical Content and Citations},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Stange, Vincent and Schubotz, Moritz and Kramer, Michael and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2019.00026},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] H. Mienert, T. Hepp, and B. Gipp, “Prioritätsnachweis des Urhebers durch blockchainbasierten Zeitstempel,” , 2019.
      title        = {Priorit\"{a}tsnachweis des Urhebers durch blockchainbasierten Zeitstempel},
      author       = {Mienert, Heval and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2547964},
      url          = {https://zenodo.org/record/2547964},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, I. Mackerracher, M. Schubotz, J. Beel, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “AnnoMathTeX – a Formula Identifier Annotation Recommender System for STEM Documents,” in Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2019), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019.
      title        = {AnnoMathTeX - a Formula Identifier Annotation Recommender System for STEM Documents},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Mackerracher, Ian and Schubotz, Moritz and Beel, Joeran and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2019)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
      doi          = {10.1145/3298689.3347042},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, H. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “Towards Formula Concept Discovery and Recognition,” in 4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2019) held in conjunction with the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), Paris, France, 2019.
      title        = {Towards Formula Concept Discovery and Recognition},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {July},
      booktitle    = {4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2019) held in conjunction with the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Paris, France},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Schoenhals, T. Hepp, S. Leible, P. Ehret, and B. Gipp, “Overview of Licensing Platforms based on Distributed Ledger Technology,” in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2019.
      title        = {Overview of Licensing Platforms based on Distributed Ledger Technology},
      author       = {Schoenhals, Alexander and Hepp, Thomas and Leible, Stephan and Ehret, Philip and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jan.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences},
      address      = {Maui, Hawaii, USA},
      doi          = {10.24251/hicss.2019.564},
      organization = {IEEE},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, O. Teschke, V. Stange, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Forms of Plagiarism in Digital Mathematical Libraries,” in Intelligent Computer Mathematics – 12th International Conference, CICM 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, July 8-12, 2019, Proceedings, 2019.
      title        = {Forms of Plagiarism in Digital Mathematical Libraries},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Teschke, Olaf and Stange, Vincent and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      booktitle    = {Intelligent Computer Mathematics - 12th International Conference, {CICM} 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, July 8-12, 2019, Proceedings},
      location     = {Czech Republic},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-23250-4_18},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] P. Wortner, M. Schubotz, C. Breitinger, S. Leible, and B. Gipp, “Securing the Integrity of Time Series Data in Open Science Projects using Blockchain-based Trusted Timestamping,” in Proceedings of the workshop on Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL) held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, 2019.
      title        = {Securing the Integrity of Time Series Data in Open Science Projects using Blockchain-based Trusted Timestamping},
      author       = {Wortner, Patrick and Schubotz, Moritz and Breitinger, Corinna and Leible, Stephan and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the workshop on Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL) held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
      keywords     = {information seeking,research collaboration,research recommendation},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, H. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “MathTools: An Open API for Convenient MathML Handling,” in 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics CICM, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, 2018.
      title        = {MathTools: An Open API for Convenient MathML Handling},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard~S. and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Aug},
      booktitle    = {11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics CICM, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria},
      address      = {RISC, Hagenberg, Austria},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-96812-4_9},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, C. Breitinger, M. Schubotz, S. Lachnit, and B. Gipp, “Extraction of Main Event Descriptors from News Articles by Answering the Journalistic Five W and One H Questions,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2018.
      title        = {Extraction of Main Event Descriptors from News Articles by Answering the Journalistic Five W and One H Questions},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Breitinger, Corinna and Schubotz, Moritz and Lachnit, Soeren and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3197026.3203899},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3197026.3203899},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Automated Identification of Media Bias in News Articles: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review,” International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), pp. 391-415, 2018.
      title        = {Automated Identification of Media Bias in News Articles: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Nov.},
      journal      = {International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL)},
      publisher    = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
      pages        = {391--415},
      doi          = {10.1007/s00799-018-0261-y},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-018-0261-y},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, S. Lachnit, M. Schubotz, T. Hepp, and B. Gipp, “Giveme5W: Main Event Retrieval from News Articles by Extraction of the Five Journalistic W Questions,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2018, 2018.
      title        = {Giveme5W: Main Event Retrieval from News Articles by Extraction of the Five Journalistic W Questions},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Lachnit, Soeren and Schubotz, Moritz and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2018},
      location     = {Sheffield, UK},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-78105-1_39},
      url          = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-78105-1_39},
      note         = {Finalist for the Best Paper Award at the iConference 2018},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Hepp, A. Schoenhals, C. Gondek, and B. Gipp, “OriginStamp: A blockchain-backed system for decentralized trusted timestamping,” it – Information Technology, vol. 60, iss. 5-6, pp. 273-281, 2018.
      title        = {{OriginStamp}: A blockchain-backed system for decentralized trusted timestamping},
      author       = {Hepp, Thomas and Schoenhals, Alexander and Gondek, Christopher and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {dec},
      journal      = {it - Information Technology},
      publisher    = {Walter de Gruyter {GmbH}},
      volume       = 60,
      number       = {5-6},
      pages        = {273--281},
      doi          = {10.1515/itit-2018-0020},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1515/itit-2018-0020},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Hepp, M. Sharinghousen, P. Ehret, A. Schoenhals, and B. Gipp, “On-chain vs. off-chain storage for supply- and blockchain integration,” it – Information Technology, vol. 60, iss. 5-6, pp. 283-291, 2018.
      title        = {On-chain vs. off-chain storage for supply- and blockchain integration},
      author       = {Hepp, Thomas and Sharinghousen, Matthew and Ehret, Philip and Schoenhals, Alexander and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {dec},
      journal      = {it - Information Technology},
      publisher    = {Walter de Gruyter {GmbH}},
      volume       = 60,
      number       = {5-6},
      pages        = {283--291},
      doi          = {10.1515/itit-2018-0019},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1515/itit-2018-0019},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Hepp, P. Wortner, A. Schoenhals, and B. Gipp, “Securing Physical Assets on the Blockchain – Linking a novel Object Identification Concept with Distributed Ledgers,” in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock’18), Munich, Germany, 2018.
      title        = {Securing Physical Assets on the Blockchain - Linking a novel Object Identification Concept with Distributed Ledgers},
      author       = {Hepp, Thomas and Wortner, Patrick and Schoenhals, Alexander and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock'18)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Munich, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3211933.3211944},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3211933.3211944},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-5838-5/18/06},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, C. Gondek, D. Seebacher, C. Breitinger, D. Keim, and B. Gipp, “An Adaptive Image-based Plagiarism Detection Approach,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Fort Worth, USA, 2018.
      title        = {An Adaptive Image-based Plagiarism Detection Approach},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Gondek, Christopher and Seebacher, Daniel and Breitinger, Corinna and Keim, Daniel and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3197026.3197042},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, V. Stange, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “HyPlag: A Hybrid Approach to Academic Plagiarism Detection,” in Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2018.
      title        = {HyPlag: A Hybrid Approach to Academic Plagiarism Detection},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Stange, Vincent and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR)},
      location     = {Ann Arbor, MI, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3209978.3210177},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] F. Petersen, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Towards Formula Translation using Recursive Neural Networks,” in Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), 2018.
      title        = {Towards Formula Translation using Recursive Neural Networks},
      author       = {Petersen, Felix and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM)},
      location     = {Hagenberg, Austria},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Representing Mathematical Formulae in Content MathML using Wikidata,” in 3rd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2018) held in conjunction with the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018), 2018.
      title        = {Representing Mathematical Formulae in Content MathML using Wikidata},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      booktitle    = {3rd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2018) held in conjunction with the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018)},
      location     = {Ann Arbor, MI, USA},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Schoenhals, T. Hepp, P. Ehret, and B. Gipp, Tracking of Intellectual Property using the Blockchain, 2018.
      title        = {Tracking of Intellectual Property using the Blockchain},
      author       = {Schoenhals, Alexander and Hepp, Thomas and Ehret, Philip and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2537209},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2537209},
      biburl       = {https://zenodo.org/record/2537209/export/hx\#.XDhlxMYo8aw},
      preprint     = {https://zenodo.org/record/2537209/files/bfs_poster_schoenhals.pdf?download=1},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Schoenhals, T. Hepp, and B. Gipp, “Design Thinking using the Blockchain – Enable Traceability of Intellectual Property in Problem-Solving Processes for Open Innovation,” in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock’18), Munich, Germany, 2018.
      title        = {Design Thinking using the Blockchain - Enable Traceability of Intellectual Property in Problem-Solving Processes for Open Innovation},
      author       = {Schoenhals, Alexander and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock'18)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Munich, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3211933.3211952},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3211933.3211952},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-5838-5/18/06},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, C. Breitinger, T. Hepp, and B. Gipp, Repurposing Open Source Tools for Open Science: a Practical Guide, 2018.
      title        = {Repurposing Open Source Tools for Open Science: a Practical Guide},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Breitinger, Corinna and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2453415},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2453415},
      biburl       = {https://zenodo.org/record/2453415/export/hx\#.XCJhJ8Yo8aw},
      keywords     = {SchubotzCV,preprint},
      preprint     = {https://zenodo.org/record/2453415/files/bc4openScience.pdf?download=1},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, A. Greiner-Petter, P. Scharpf, N. Meuschke, H. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “Improving the Representation and Conversion of Mathematical Formulae by Considering their Textual Context,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Fort Worth, USA, 2018.
      title        = {Improving the Representation and Conversion of Mathematical Formulae by Considering their Textual Context},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Scharpf, Philipp and Meuschke, Norman and Cohl, Howard and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3197026.3197058},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, P. Scharpf, K. Dudhat, Y. Nagar, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Introducing MathQA – A Math-Aware Question Answering System,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Fort Worth, USA, 2018.
      title        = {Introducing MathQA - A Math-Aware Question Answering System},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Scharpf, Philipp and Dudhat, Kaushal and Nagar, Yash and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Workshop on Knowledge Discovery},
      address      = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1108/idd-06-2018-0022},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, and B. Gipp, “TF-IDuF: A Novel Term-Weighting Scheme for User Modeling based on Users’ Personal Document Collections,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2017, Wuhan, China, 2017.
      title        = {{TF-IDuF}: {A} {N}ovel {T}erm-{W}eighting {S}cheme for {U}ser {M}odeling based on {U}sers' {P}ersonal {D}ocument {Collections}},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = Mar # { 22-25},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the i{C}onference 2017},
      address      = {Wuhan, China},
      doi          = {10.9776/17217},
      url          = {https://ischools.org/the-iconference/},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, A. Aizawa, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Mr. DLib: Recommendations-as-a-Service (RaaS) for Academia,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2017.
      title        = {Mr. DLib: Recommendations-as-a-Service (RaaS) for Academia},
      author       = {Beel, Joeran and Aizawa, Akiko and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      doi          = {10.1109/jcdl.2017.7991606},
      owner        = {j},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] C. Breitinger and B. Gipp, “VirtualPatent – Enabling the Traceability of Ideas Shared Online using Decentralized Trusted Timestamping,” in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science, 2017, pp. 89-95.
      title        = {{V}irtualPatent - {E}nabling the {T}raceability of {I}deas {S}hared {O}nline using {D}ecentralized {T}rusted {T}imestamping},
      author       = {{B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 15th {I}nternational {S}ymposium of {I}nformation {S}cience},
      location     = {Berlin},
      pages        = {89--95},
      url          = {http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/docviews/abstract.php?lang=ger\&id=43360},
      editor       = {Gaede, Maria and Trkulja, Violeta and Petra, Vivien},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] E. Dahm, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “A Vision for Performing Social and Economic Data Analysis using Wikipedia’s Edit History,” in 26th International World Wide Web Conference, 2017.
      title        = {A Vision for Performing Social and Economic Data Analysis using Wikipedia's Edit History},
      author       = {Dahm, Erik and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {26th International World Wide Web Conference},
      doi          = {10.1145/3041021.3053363},
      isbn         = 9781450349147,
      url          = {https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3053363},
      keywords     = {article quality,author reputation,editor types,wikipedia},
      topic        = {wiki}
  • [PDF] P. Ehret, A. Zucalla, and B. Gipp, “University rankings in computer science: A study and visualization of ‘geo-based’ impact and conference proceeding (CORE) scores,” in Proceedings of ISSI 2017: 17th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Wuhan, China, 2017.
      title        = {University rankings in computer science: A study and visualization of 'geo-based' impact and conference proceeding (CORE) scores},
      author       = {Ehret, Philip and Zucalla, Alesia and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {Oct.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of ISSI 2017: 17th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference},
      address      = {Wuhan, China},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. El-Assady, R. Sevastjanova, B. Gipp, D. Keim, and C. Collins, “NEREx: Named-Entity Relationship Exploration in Multi-Party Conversations,” in Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 2017.
      title        = {NEREx: Named-Entity Relationship Exploration in Multi-Party Conversations},
      author       = {El-Assady, Mennatallah and Sevastjanova, Rita and Gipp, Bela and Keim, Daniel and Collins, Christopher},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis)},
      volume       = 36,
      number       = 3,
      doi          = {10.1111/cgf.13181},
      owner        = {f},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. Feyer, S. Siebert, B. Gipp, A. Aizawa, and J. Beel, “Integration of the Scientific Recommender System Mr. DLib into the Reference Manager JabRef,” in Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR17), Aberdeen, Scotland, 2017.
      title        = {{I}ntegration of the {S}cientific {R}ecommender {S}ystem {Mr. DLib} into the {R}eference {M}anager {JabRef}},
      author       = {{F}eyer, {S}tefan and {S}iebert, {S}ophie and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {A}izawa, {A}kiko and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = Apr # { 8-13},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 29th {E}uropean {C}onference on {I}nformation {R}etrieval ({ECIR17})},
      address      = {Aberdeen, Scotland},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-56608-5_80},
      url          = {https://www.ecir2017.org/},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, C. Breitinger, N. Meuschke, and J. Beel, “CryptSubmit: Introducing Securely Timestamped Manuscript Submission and Peer Review Feedback using the Blockchain,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Toronto, Canada, 2017.
      title        = {CryptSubmit: Introducing Securely Timestamped Manuscript Submission and Peer Review Feedback using the Blockchain},
      author       = {Gipp, Bela and Breitinger, Corinna and Meuschke, Norman and Beel, Joeran},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Toronto, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1109/jcdl.2017.7991588},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, J. Beel, and C. Breitinger, “Using the Blockchain of Cryptocurrencies for Timestamping Digital Cultural Heritage,” Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL), vol. 13, iss. 1, 2017.
      title        = {Using the Blockchain of Cryptocurrencies for Timestamping Digital Cultural Heritage},
      author       = {Gipp, Bela and Meuschke, Norman and Beel, Joeran and Breitinger, Corinna},
      year         = 2017,
      journal      = {Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL)},
      volume       = 13,
      number       = 1,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3547510},
      url          = {http://www.ieee-tcdl.org/mediawiki/TCDL/Bulletin/current/papers/gipp.pdf},
      keywords     = {Web archiving,blockchain applications,online news preservation,trusted timestamping},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Identification and Analysis of Media Bias in News Articles,” in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science, 2017, pp. 224-236.
      title        = {{I}dentification and {A}nalysis of {M}edia {B}ias in {N}ews {A}rticles},
      author       = {{H}amborg, {F}elix and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {A}izawa, {A}kiko and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 15th {I}nternational {S}ymposium of {I}nformation {S}cience},
      location     = {Berlin},
      pages        = {224--236},
      url          = {http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/docviews/abstract.php?id=43364},
      editor       = {Gaede, Maria and Trkulja, Violeta and Petra, Vivien},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “news-please: A Generic News Crawler and Extractor,” in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science, 2017, pp. 218-223.
      title        = {{news-please}: {A} {G}eneric {N}ews {C}rawler and {E}xtractor},
      author       = {{H}amborg, {F}elix and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 15th {I}nternational {S}ymposium of {I}nformation {S}cience},
      location     = {Berlin},
      pages        = {218--223},
      url          = {http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/docviews/abstract.php?id=43365},
      editor       = {Gaede, Maria and Trkulja, Violeta and Petra, Vivien},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, M. Elmaghraby, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Automated Generation of Timestamped Patent Abstracts at Scale to Outsmart Patent-Trolls,” in 2nd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2017) held in conjunction with the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2017), Tokyo, Japan, 2017.
      title        = {Automated Generation of Timestamped Patent Abstracts at Scale to Outsmart Patent-Trolls},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Elmaghraby, Moustafa and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {2nd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2017) held in conjunction with the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2017)},
      address      = {Tokyo, Japan},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Matrix-based News Aggregation: Exploring Different News Perspectives,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2017.
      title        = {Matrix-based News Aggregation: Exploring Different News Perspectives},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2017.7991561},
      note         = {Best Student Paper Award at the JCDL 2017},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] W. Jentner, M. El-Assady, B. Gipp, and D. Keim, “Feature Alignment for the Analysis of Verbatim Text Transcripts,” in Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 2017.
      title        = {Feature Alignment for the Analysis of Verbatim Text Transcripts},
      author       = {Jentner, Wolfgang and El-Assady, Mennatallah and Gipp, Bela and Keim, Daniel},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis)},
      doi          = {10.2312/eurova.20171113},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, M. Schubotz, F. Hamborg, T. Skopal, and B. Gipp, “Analyzing Mathematical Content to Detect Academic Plagiarism,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2017.
      title        = {Analyzing Mathematical Content to Detect Academic Plagiarism},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Schubotz, Moritz and Hamborg, Felix and Skopal, Tomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)},
      location     = {Singapore},
      doi          = {10.1145/3132847.3133144},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, N. Siebeck, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Analyzing Semantic Concept Patterns to Detect Academic Plagiarism,” in Proceedings International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP) held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2017.
      title        = {Analyzing Semantic Concept Patterns to Detect Academic Plagiarism},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Siebeck, Nicolas and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP) held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Toronto, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/3127526.3127535},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] H. Mienert and B. Gipp, “Dashcam, Blockchain und der Beweis im Prozess. Kriterien für einen Privacy by Design-Loesungsansatz bei Dashcams,” Zeitschrift für Datenschutz, iss. 11, pp. 514-519, 2017.
      title        = {Dashcam, Blockchain und der Beweis im Prozess. Kriterien f\"{u}r einen Privacy by Design-Loesungsansatz bei Dashcams},
      author       = {Mienert, Heval and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      journal      = {Zeitschrift f\"{u}r Datenschutz},
      number       = 11,
      pages        = {514--519},
      url          = {https://beck-online.beck.de},
      keywords     = {Dashcam, Datenschutz, Bitcoin, Blockchain},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, L. Kraemer, N. Meuschke, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Evaluating and Improving the Extraction of Mathematical Identifier Definitions,” in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the CLEF Association (CLEF 2017), 2017.
      title        = {Evaluating and Improving the Extraction of Mathematical Identifier Definitions},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Kraemer, Leonard and Meuschke, Norman and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {September},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the CLEF Association (CLEF 2017)},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-65813-1_7},
      editor       = {Jones, Gareth and Lawless, Seamus and Gonzalo, Julio and Kelly, Liadh and Goeuriot, Lorraine and Mandl, Thomas and Cappellato, Linda and Ferro, Nicola},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, T. Hepp, H. S. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “VMEXT: A Visualization Tool for Mathematical Expression Trees,” in Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 2017.
      title        = {VMEXT: A Visualization Tool for Mathematical Expression Trees},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Hepp, Thomas and Cohl, Howard S. and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-62075-6_24},
      isbn         = {978-3-319-62074-9},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schwarzer, C. Breitinger, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Citolytics – A Wikipedia Recommender System,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), 2017.
      title        = {Citolytics - A Wikipedia Recommender System},
      author       = {Schwarzer, Malte and Breitinger, Corinna and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)},
      doi          = {10.1145/3109859.3109981},
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, C. Breitinger, S. Langer, A. Lommatzsch, and B. Gipp, “Towards reproducibility in recommender-systems research,” User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), vol. 26, pp. 69-101, 2016.
      title        = {{T}owards reproducibility in recommender-systems research},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {L}ommatzsch, {A}ndreas and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      journal      = {{U}ser {M}odeling and {U}ser-{A}dapted {I}nteraction ({UMUAI})},
      volume       = 26,
      pages        = {69--101},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11257-016-9174-x},
      issn         = {1573-1391},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-016-9174-x},
      abstract     = {Numerous recommendation approaches are in use today. However, comparing their effectiveness is a challenging task because evaluation results are rarely reproducible. In this article, we examine the challenge of reproducibility in recommender-system research. We conduct experiments using Plista's news recommender system, and Docear's research-paper recommender system. The experiments show that there are large discrepancies in the effectiveness of identical recommendation approaches in only slightly different scenarios, as well as large discrepancies for slightly different approaches in identical scenarios. For example, in one news-recommendation scenario, the performance of a content-based filtering approach was twice as high as the second-best approach, while in another scenario the same content-based filtering approach was the worst performing approach. We found several determinants that may contribute to the large discrepancies observed in recommendation effectiveness. Determinants we examined include user characteristics (gender and age), datasets, weighting schemes, the time at which recommendations were shown, and user-model size. Some of the determinants have interdependencies. For instance, the optimal size of an algorithms' user model depended on users' age. Since minor variations in approaches and scenarios can lead to significant changes in a recommendation approach's performance, ensuring reproducibility of experimental results is difficult. We discuss these findings and conclude that to ensure reproducibility, the recommender-system community needs to (1) survey other research fields and learn from them, (2) find a common understanding of reproducibility, (3) identify and understand the determinants that affect reproducibility, (4) conduct more comprehensive experiments, (5) modernize publication practices, (6) foster the development and use of recommendation frameworks, and (7) establish best-practice guidelines for recommender-systems research.},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] B. Gipp, J. Kosti, and C. Breitinger, “Securing Video Integrity Using Decentralized Trusted Timestamping on the Blockchain,” in Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Paphos, Cyprus, 2016.
      title        = {Securing Video Integrity Using Decentralized Trusted Timestamping on the Blockchain},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {K}osti, {J}agrut and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2016,
      month        = sep # { 4-6},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 10th {M}editerranean {C}onference on {I}nformation {S}ystems ({MCIS})},
      address      = {Paphos, Cyprus},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Hofmann, J. Mueller, B. Gipp, and H. Reiterer, “bibox: A Tangible Approach to Motivating Participation in Public Libraries,” in Humans and Computers 2016, Proceedings, 2016.
      title        = {bibox: {A} {T}angible {A}pproach to {M}otivating {P}articipation in {P}ublic {L}ibraries},
      author       = {{H}ofmann, {J}acqueline and {M}ueller, {J}ens and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {R}eiterer, {H}arald},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {{H}umans and {C}omputers 2016, {P}roceedings},
      doi          = {10.18420/muc2016-mci-0030},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2016-mci-0030},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [DOI] P. Meschenmoser, N. Meuschke, M. Hotz, and B. Gipp, “Crawling Scientific Repositories,” in 5th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP) held in conjunction with the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2016.
      title        = {Crawling Scientific Repositories},
      author       = {{M}eschenmoser, {P}hilipp and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {H}otz, {M}anuel and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {5th {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {M}ining {S}cientific {P}ublications ({WOSP}) held in conjunction with the 16th {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL})},
      location     = {Newark, New Jersey, USA},
      doi          = {10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Meschenmoser, N. Meuschke, M. Hotz, and B. Gipp, “Scraping Scientific Web Repositories: Challenges and Solutions for Automated Content Extraction,” D-Lib Magazine, vol. 22, iss. 9/10, 2016.
      title        = {{S}craping {S}cientific {W}eb {R}epositories: {C}hallenges and {S}olutions for {A}utomated {C}ontent {E}xtraction},
      author       = {{M}eschenmoser, {P}hilipp and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {H}otz, {M}anuel and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      journal      = {D-Lib Magazine},
      volume       = 22,
      number       = {9/10},
      doi          = {10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, A. Grigorev, M. Leich, H. S. Cohl, N. Meuschke, B. Gipp, A. S. Youssef, and V. Markl, “Semantification of Identifiers in Mathematics for Better Math Information Retrieval,” in Proceedings of the 39th Int. ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2016.
      title        = {{S}emantification of {I}dentifiers in {M}athematics for {B}etter {M}ath {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
      author       = {{S}chubotz, {M}oritz and {G}rigorev, {A}lexey and {L}eich, {M}arcus and {C}ohl, {H}oward {S}. and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {Y}oussef, {A}bdou {S}. and {M}arkl, {V}olker},
      year         = 2016,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 39th {I}nt. {ACM} {SIGIR} {C}onference on {R}esearch and {D}evelopment in {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
      doi          = {10.1145/2911451.2911503},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2911451.2911503},
      note         = {Full Paper},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, M. Leich, and B. Gipp, “Exploring the One-brain Barrier: a Manual Contribution to the NTCIR-12 Math Task,” in Proceedings of the 12th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies (NTCIR-12), 2016.
      title        = {{E}xploring the {O}ne-brain {B}arrier: a {M}anual {C}ontribution to the {NTCIR}-12 {M}ath {T}ask},
      author       = {{S}chubotz, {M}oritz and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {L}eich, {M}arcus and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {NTCIR} {C}onference on {E}valuation of {I}nformation {A}ccess {T}echnologies ({NTCIR}-12)},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3547436},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schwarzer, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, V. Markl, and B. Gipp, “Evaluating Link-based Recommendations for Wikipedia,” in Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), New York, NY, USA, 2016, pp. 191-200.
      title        = {{E}valuating {L}ink-based {R}ecommendations for {W}ikipedia},
      author       = {{S}chwarzer, {M}alte and {S}chubotz, {M}oritz and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {M}arkl, {V}olker and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 16th {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL})},
      location     = {Newark, New Jersey, USA},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      series       = {JCDL '16},
      pages        = {191--200},
      doi          = {10.1145/2910896.2910908},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-4229-2},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2910896.2910908},
      numpages     = 10,
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Weiler, J. Beel, B. Gipp, and M. Grossniklaus, “Stability Evaluation of Event Detection Techniques for Twitter,” in Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV, H. Bostroem, A. Knobbe, C. Soares, and P. Papapetrou, Eds., Springer, 2016.
      title        = {Stability Evaluation of Event Detection Techniques for Twitter},
      author       = {Weiler, Andreas and Beel, Joeran and Gipp, Bela and Grossniklaus, Michael},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-46349-0_32},
      isbn         = {978-3-319-46348-3},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46349-0_32},
      editor       = {Bostroem, Henrik and Knobbe, Arno and Soares, Carlos and Papapetrou, Panagiotis},
      subtitle     = {Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA'16)},
      volumes      = 9897,
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, S. Langer, and C. Breitinger, “Research-paper recommender systems: a literature survey,” International Journal on Digital Libraries, pp. 1-34, 2015.
      title        = {{R}esearch-paper recommender systems: a literature survey},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = {Jul.},
      journal      = {{I}nternational {J}ournal on {D}igital {L}ibraries},
      publisher    = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
      pages        = {1--34},
      doi          = {10.1007/s00799-015-0156-0},
      issn         = {1432-5012},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-015-0156-0},
      keywords     = {Recommender system; User modeling; Research paper recommender systems; Content based filtering; Review; Survey},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, G. M. Kapitsaki, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Exploring the Potential of User Modeling based on Mind Maps,” in User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization – 23rd International Conference, UMAP 2015, Dublin, Ireland, 2015, pp. 3-17.
      title        = {{E}xploring the {P}otential of {U}ser {M}odeling based on {M}ind {M}aps},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {K}apitsaki, {G}eorgia {M}. and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = {June 29 - July 3},
      booktitle    = {{U}ser {M}odeling, {A}daptation and {P}ersonalization - 23rd {I}nternational {C}onference, {UMAP} 2015, {D}ublin, {I}reland},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science},
      pages        = {3--17},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-20267-9},
      isbn         = {978-3-319-20266-2},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20267-9},
      editor       = {Ricci, F., Bontcheva, K., Conlan, O., Lawless, S. (Eds.)},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, and A. Gernandt, “Decentralized Trusted Timestamping using the Crypto Currency Bitcoin,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, California, 2015.
      title        = {{D}ecentralized {T}rusted {T}imestamping using the {C}rypto {C}urrency {B}itcoin},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ernandt, {A}ndre},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = Mar # { 24-27},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the i{C}onference 2015},
      address      = {Newport Beach, California},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3547488},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, and M. Lipinski, “CITREC: An Evaluation Framework for Citation-Based Similarity Measures based on TREC Genomics and PubMed Central,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, California, 2015.
      title        = {{CITREC}: {A}n {E}valuation {F}ramework for {C}itation-{B}ased {S}imilarity {M}easures based on {TREC} {G}enomics and {P}ub{M}ed {C}entral},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {L}ipinski, {M}ario},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = Mar # { 24-27},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the i{C}onference 2015},
      address      = {Newport Beach, California},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3547372},
      topic        = {cit}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, B. Gipp, and A. Nuernberger, “The Architecture and Datasets of Docear’s Research Paper Recommender System,” D-Lib Magazine – The Magazine of Digital Library Research, vol. 20, iss. 11/12, 2014.
      title        = {{T}he {A}rchitecture and {D}atasets of {D}ocear's {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
      year         = 2014,
      month        = {Nov.},
      journal      = {{D}-{L}ib {M}agazine - {T}he {M}agazine of {D}igital {L}ibrary {R}esearch},
      volume       = 20,
      number       = {11/12},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_26},
      url          = {https://www.dlib.org/dlib/november14/beel/11beel.html},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, B. Gipp, and A. Nuernberger, “Utilizing Mind-Maps for Information Retrieval and User Modelling,” in Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on User Modelling, Adaption, and Personalization (UMAP), 2014, pp. 301-313.
      title        = {{U}tilizing {M}ind-{M}aps for {I}nformation {R}etrieval and {U}ser {M}odelling},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
      year         = 2014,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 22nd {C}onference on {U}ser {M}odelling, {A}daption, and {P}ersonalization ({UMAP})},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
      volume       = 8538,
      pages        = {301--313},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_26},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_26},
      editor       = {Vania Dimitrova and Tsvi Kuflik and David Chin and Francesco Ricci and Peter Dolog and Geert-Jan Houben},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, and B. Gipp, “The Architecture and Datasets of Docear’s Research Paper Recommender System,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2014) at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2014), London, UK, 2014.
      title        = {{T}he {A}rchitecture and {D}atasets of {D}ocear's {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2014,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 3rd {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {M}ining {S}cientific {P}ublications ({WOSP} 2014) at the {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL} 2014)},
      address      = {London, UK},
      doi          = {10.1045/november14-beel},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1045/november14-beel},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, J. Pitman, and A. Nuernberger, “Web-based Demonstration of Semantic Similarity Detection using Citation Pattern Visualization for a Cross Language Plagiarism Case,” in Special Session on Information Systems Security within Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, 2014, pp. 677-683.
      title        = {{W}eb-based {D}emonstration of {S}emantic {S}imilarity {D}etection using {C}itation {P}attern {V}isualization for a {C}ross {L}anguage {P}lagiarism {C}ase},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {P}itman, {J}im and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
      year         = 2014,
      month        = apr # { 27-30},
      booktitle    = {{S}pecial {S}ession on {I}nformation {S}ystems {S}ecurity within {P}roceedings of the 16th {I}nternational {C}onference on {E}nterprise {I}nformation {S}ystems ({ICEIS} 2014)},
      address      = {Lisbon, Portugal},
      pages        = {677 -- 683},
      doi          = {10.5220/0004985406770683},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.5220/0004985406770683},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, and C. Breitinger, “Citation-based Plagiarism Detection: Practicability on a Large-scale Scientific Corpus,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), vol. 65, iss. 2, pp. 1527-1540, 2014.
      title        = {{C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {P}racticability on a {L}arge-scale {S}cientific {C}orpus},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2014,
      journal      = {{J}ournal of the {A}merican {S}ociety for {I}nformation {S}cience and {T}echnology {(JASIST)}},
      volume       = 65,
      number       = 2,
      pages        = {1527--1540},
      doi          = {10.1002/asi.23228},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.23228},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, Citation-based Plagiarism Detection – Detecting Disguised and Cross-language Plagiarism using Citation Pattern Analysis, Springer Vieweg Research, 2014.
      title        = {{C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection - {D}etecting {D}isguised and {C}ross-language {P}lagiarism using {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2014,
      publisher    = {Springer Vieweg Research},
      pages        = 350,
      doi          = {0.1007/978-3-658-06394-8},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-06393-1},
      url          = {https://www.springer.com/978-3-658-06393-1},
      school       = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke and B. Gipp, “Reducing Computational Effort for Plagiarism Detection by using Citation Characteristics to Limit Retrieval Space,” in Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2014), London, UK, 2014, pp. 197-200.
      title        = {{R}educing {C}omputational {E}ffort for {P}lagiarism {D}etection by using {C}itation {C}haracteristics to {L}imit {R}etrieval {S}pace},
      author       = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2014,
      month        = sep # { 8-12,},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {IEEE}/{ACM} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL} 2014)},
      address      = {London, UK},
      pages        = {197--200},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2014.6970168},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1109/JCDL.2014.6970168},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, M. Genzmehr, B. Gipp, and A. Nuernberger, “A Comparative Analysis of Offline and Online Evaluations and Discussion of Research Paper Recommender System Evaluation,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication in Recommender Systems Evaluation (RepSys) at the ACM Recommender System Conference (RecSys), 2013.
      title        = {{A} {C}omparative {A}nalysis of {O}ffline and {O}nline {E}valuations and {D}iscussion of {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem {E}valuation},
      author       = {{J}oeran {B}eel and {S}tefan {L}anger and {M}arcel {G}enzmehr and {B}ela {G}ipp and {A}ndreas {N}uernberger},
      year         = 2013,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {W}orkshop on {R}eproducibility and {R}eplication in {R}ecommender {S}ystems {E}valuation ({R}ep{S}ys) at the {ACM} {R}ecommender {S}ystem {C}onference ({R}ec{S}ys)},
      series       = {ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS)},
      doi          = {10.1145/2532508.2532511},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2532508.2532511},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, M. Genzmehr, B. Gipp, C. Breitinger, and A. Nuernberger, “Research Paper Recommender System Evaluation: A Quantitative Literature Survey,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication in Recommender Systems Evaluation (RepSys) at the ACM Recommender System Conference (RecSys), 2013.
      title        = {{R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem {E}valuation: {A} {Q}uantitative {L}iterature {S}urvey},
      author       = {{J}oeran {B}eel and {S}tefan {L}anger and {M}arcel {G}enzmehr and {B}ela {G}ipp and {C}orinna {B}reitinger and {A}ndreas {N}uernberger},
      year         = 2013,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {W}orkshop on {R}eproducibility and {R}eplication in {R}ecommender {S}ystems {E}valuation ({R}ep{S}ys) at the {ACM} {R}ecommender {S}ystem {C}onference ({R}ec{S}ys)},
      series       = {ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS)},
      doi          = {10.1145/2532508.2532512},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2532508.2532512},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, M. Lipinski, and A. Nuernberger, “Demonstration of Citation Pattern Analysis for Plagiarism Detection,” in Proceedings of the 36th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Dublin, UK, 2013.
      title        = {{D}emonstration of {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis for {P}lagiarism {D}etection},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {L}ipinski, {M}ario and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
      year         = 2013,
      month        = {Jul. 28 - Aug. 1},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 36th {I}nternational {ACM} {SIGIR} {C}onference on {R}esearch and {D}evelopment in {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Dublin, UK},
      doi          = {10.1145/2484028.2484214},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2484028.2484214},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] B. Gipp, Doctoral Thesis: Citation-based Plagiarism Detection: Applying Citation Pattern Analysis to Identify Currently Non-Machine-Detectable Disguised Plagiarism in Scientific Publications, University of Magdeburg, 2013.
      title        = {{D}octoral {T}hesis: {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {A}pplying {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis to {I}dentify {C}urrently {N}on-{M}achine-{D}etectable {D}isguised {P}lagiarism in {S}cientific {P}ublications},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2013,
      publisher    = {University of Magdeburg},
      school       = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Lipinski, K. Yao, C. Breitinger, J. Beel, and B. Gipp, “Evaluation of Header Metadata Extraction Approaches and Tools for Scientific PDF Documents,” in Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Indianapolis, IN, USA, 2013.
      title        = {{E}valuation of {H}eader {M}etadata {E}xtraction {A}pproaches and {T}ools for {S}cientific {PDF} {D}ocuments},
      author       = {{L}ipinski, {M}ario and {Y}ao, {K}evin and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2013,
      month        = {Jul. 22 - 26},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 13th {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL})},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Indianapolis, IN, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/2467696.2467753},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2467696.2467753},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke and B. Gipp, “State of the Art in Detecting Academic Plagiarism,” International Journal for Educational Integrity, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 50-71, 2013.
      title        = {{S}tate of the {A}rt in {D}etecting {A}cademic {P}lagiarism},
      author       = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2013,
      month        = {Jun.},
      journal      = {{I}nternational {J}ournal for {E}ducational {I}ntegrity},
      volume       = 9,
      number       = 1,
      pages        = {50--71},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3482941},
      url          = {https://www.ojs.unisa.edu.au/index.php/IJEI/article/view/847/610},
      topic        = {pd}


  • N. Meuschke, B. Gipp, and C. Breitinger, “CitePlag: A Citation-based Plagiarism Detection System Prototype,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Plagiarism Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2012.
      title        = {{C}ite{P}lag: {A} {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection {S}ystem {P}rototype},
      author       = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2012,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {P}lagiarism {C}onference},
      address      = {Newcastle upon Tyne, UK},
      url          = {https://www.plagiarismadvice.org/research-papers/item/a-citation-based-plagiarism-detection-system-prototype},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, S. Langer, M. Genzmehr, E. Wilde, A. Nuernberger, and J. Pitman, “Introducing Mr. DLib, a Machine-readable Digital Library,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL`11), Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
      title        = {{I}ntroducing {M}r. {DL}ib, a {M}achine-readable {D}igital {L}ibrary},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}enzmehr, {M}arcel and {W}ilde, {E}rik and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas and {P}itman, {J}im},
      year         = 2011,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}`11)},
      address      = {Ottawa, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/1998076.1998187},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1998076.1998188},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, S. Langer, and M. Genzmehr, “Docear: An Academic Literature Suite for Searching, Organizing and Creating Academic Literature,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL`11), 2011.
      title        = {{D}ocear: {A}n {A}cademic {L}iterature {S}uite for {S}earching, {O}rganizing and {C}reating {A}cademic {L}iterature},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}enzmehr, {M}arcel},
      year         = 2011,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}`11)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      doi          = {10.1145/1998076.1998188},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Method and System for Detecting a Similarity of Documents,” , 2011.
      title        = {{M}ethod and {S}ystem for {D}etecting a {S}imilarity of {D}ocuments},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2011,
      month        = {Oct.},
      day          = 27,
      url          = {https://www.patentlens.net/patentlens/patent/US_2011_0264672_A1/en/},
      note         = {US 2011/0264672 A1},
      nationality  = {US},
      yearfiled    = 2011,
      dayfiled     = {01},
      monthfiled   = {07},
      abstract     = {The invention relates to a method and a system for detecting a similarity of documents. The similarity of documents is detected with the help of an analysis of citations in one or more citation document(s), wherein the distance between the individual citations is used as criterion of the analysis. On the basis of the determined distance between two citations, respectively, a similarity value is determined, which is characteristic of the cited documents. A small distance between two citations leads to a high similarity of the cited documents. In case of several citations with regard to documents from several citation documents, the similarity values for the citation pairs from the individual citation documents are used for determining a final similarity value.},
      filing_num   = 13174882,
      howpublished = {Patent Application},
      ipc_class    = {G06F 17/30},
      us_class     = {707749; 707E17008; 707E17108},
      version      = {A1},
      topic        = {cit}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, and J. Beel, “Comparative Evaluation of Text- and Citation-based Plagiarism Detection Approaches using GuttenPlag,” in Proceedings of 11th annual international ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL’11), Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
      title        = {{C}omparative {E}valuation of {T}ext- and {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection {A}pproaches using {G}utten{P}lag},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2011,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of 11th annual international {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}'11)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Ottawa, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/1998076.1998124},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1998076.1998124},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp and N. Meuschke, “Citation Pattern Matching Algorithms for Citation-based Plagiarism Detection: Greedy Citation Tiling, Citation Chunking and Longest Common Citation Sequence,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM symposium on Document engineering (DocEng ’11), Mountain, View, CA, USA, 2011.
      title        = {{C}itation {P}attern {M}atching {A}lgorithms for {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {G}reedy {C}itation {T}iling, {C}itation {C}hunking and {L}ongest {C}ommon {C}itation {S}equence},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman},
      year         = 2011,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM} symposium on {D}ocument engineering ({D}oc{E}ng '11)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Mountain, View, CA, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/2034691.2034741},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-0863-2},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2034691.2034741},
      topic        = {pd}
  • B. Gipp, J. Stiller, and J. Beel, “(WO2011044865) Method for Determining a Similarity of Objects,” , iss. WO/2011/044865, 2011.
      title        = {({WO}2011044865) {M}ethod for {D}etermining a {S}imilarity of {O}bjects},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2011,
      month        = {Apr.},
      day          = 21,
      number       = {WO/2011/044865},
      url          = {https://www.wipo.int/patentscope/search/en/WO2011044865},
      nationality  = {European Patent Office},
      yearfiled    = 2009,
      dayfiled     = 12,
      monthfiled   = 10,
      topic        = {rec}
  • B. Gipp, “Identifying Related Work and Plagiarism by Citation Analysis,” IEEE-TCDL Bulletin, vol. 7, 2011.
      title        = {{I}dentifying {R}elated {W}ork and {P}lagiarism by {C}itation {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2011,
      journal      = {{IEEE}-{TCDL} {B}ulletin},
      volume       = 7,
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, A. Shaker, and N. Friedrich, “SciPlore Xtract: Extracting Titles from Scientific PDF Documents by Analyzing Style Information (Font Size),” in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL’10), Glasgow, UK, 2010.
      title        = {{S}ci{P}lore {X}tract: {E}xtracting {T}itles from {S}cientific {PDF} {D}ocuments by {A}nalyzing {S}tyle {I}nformation ({F}ont {S}ize)},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}haker, {A}mmar and {F}riedrich, {N}ick},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Glasgow, UK},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 6273,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_45},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_45},
      editor       = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, and E. Wilde, “Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO): Optimizing Scholarly Literature for Google Scholar and Co,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing, vol. 41, iss. 2, pp. 176-190, 2010.
      title        = {{A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngine {O}ptimization ({ASEO}): {O}ptimizing {S}cholarly {L}iterature for {G}oogle {S}cholar and {C}o},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {W}ilde, {E}rik},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan.},
      journal      = {{J}ournal of {S}cholarly {P}ublishing},
      volume       = 41,
      number       = 2,
      pages        = {176--190},
      doi          = {10.3138/jsp.41.2.176},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.3138/jsp.41.2.176},
      note         = {University of Toronto Press},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Link Analysis in Mind Maps: A New Approach To Determine Document Relatedness,” in Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC’10), Seoul, Korea, 2010.
      title        = {{L}ink {A}nalysis in {M}ind {M}aps: {A} {N}ew {A}pproach {T}o {D}etermine {D}ocument {R}elatedness},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 4th {ACM} {I}nternational {C}onference on {U}biquitous {I}nformation {M}anagement and {C}ommunication ({ICUIMC}'10)},
      address      = {Seoul, Korea},
      doi          = {10.1145/2108616.2108662},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2108616.2108662},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “On the Robustness of Google Scholar Against Spam,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT’10), Toronto, Canada, 2010.
      title        = {{O}n the {R}obustness of {G}oogle {S}cholar {A}gainst {S}pam},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Toronto, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/1810617.1810683},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1810617.1810683},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Enhancing Information Search by Utilizing Mind Maps,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT’10), Toronto, Canada, 2010.
      title        = {{E}nhancing {I}nformation {S}earch by {U}tilizing {M}ind {M}aps},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Toronto, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/1810617.1810686},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1810617.1810686},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Academic Search Engine Spam and Google Scholar’s Resilience Against it,” Journal of Electronic Publishing, vol. 13, iss. 3, 2010.
      title        = {{A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngine {S}pam and {G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}esilience {A}gainst it},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Dec.},
      journal      = {{J}ournal of {E}lectronic {P}ublishing},
      volume       = 13,
      number       = 3,
      doi          = {10.3998/3336451.0013.305},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.3998/3336451.0013.305},
      topic        = {rec}
  • B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Integrating Citation Proximity Analysis into Google Books and Google Scholar,” Invited Talk at Google Inc., Mountain View, Ca, USA, 2010.
      title        = {{I}ntegrating {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis into {G}oogle {B}ooks and {G}oogle {S}cholar},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan.},
      journal      = {{I}nvited {T}alk at {G}oogle {I}nc., {M}ountain {V}iew, {C}a, {USA}},
      howpublished = {Invited Talk at Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA},
      topic        = {cit}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Citation Based Plagiarism Detection – A New Approach to Identify Plagiarized Work Language Independently,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT’10), New York, NY, USA, 2010.
      title        = {{C}itation {B}ased {P}lagiarism {D}etection - {A} {N}ew {A}pproach to {I}dentify {P}lagiarized {W}ork {L}anguage {I}ndependently},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
      location     = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/1810617.1810671},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-0041-4},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1810617.1810671},
      topic        = {pd}
  • B. Gipp and J. Beel, “(WO2010078857) Detection of a Similarity of Documents by Citation Proximity Analysis,” , iss. WO/2010/078857, 2010.
      title        = {({WO}2010078857) {D}etection of a {S}imilarity of {D}ocuments by {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Oct.},
      day          = 15,
      number       = {WO/2010/078857},
      url          = {https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/WO2010078857},
      nationality  = {European Patent Office},
      yearfiled    = 2009,
      dayfiled     = {08},
      monthfiled   = {01},
      topic        = {cit}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, A. Taylor, and J. Beel, “Link Proximity Analysis – Clustering Websites by Examining Link Proximity,” in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL’10), 2010.
      title        = {{L}ink {P}roximity {A}nalysis - {C}lustering {W}ebsites by {E}xamining {L}ink {P}roximity},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {T}aylor, {A}driana and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 6273,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_54},
      editor       = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
      topic        = {misc}
  • B. Gipp, “Citation Proximity Analysis,” Invited Talk: Seminar on Information Access at the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley; Invitation by Michael Buckland., 2010.
      title        = {{C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan. 22nd},
      journal      = {{I}nvited {T}alk: {S}eminar on {I}nformation {A}ccess at the {S}chool of {I}nformation, {U}niversity of {C}alifornia, {B}erkeley; {I}nvitation by {M}ichael {B}uckland.},
      note         = {Invitation by Michael Buckland.},
      howpublished = {Invited Talk, Seminar on Information Access at the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley},
      topic        = {cit}
  • B. Gipp, “Measuring Document Relatedness by Citation Proximity Analysis and Citation Order Analysis,” in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL’10), 2010.
      title        = {{M}easuring {D}ocument {R}elatedness by {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis and {C}itation {O}rder {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 6273,
      editor       = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
      topic        = {cit}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, and C. Mueller, “‘SciPlore MindMapping’ – A Tool for Creating Mind Maps Combined with PDF and Reference Management,” D-Lib Magazine, vol. 15, iss. 11, 2009.
      title        = {'{S}ci{P}lore {M}ind{M}apping' - {A} {T}ool for {C}reating {M}ind {M}aps {C}ombined with {PDF} and {R}eference {M}anagement},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}ueller, {C}hristoph},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Nov.},
      journal      = {{D}-{L}ib {M}agazine},
      volume       = 15,
      number       = 11,
      doi          = {10.1045/november2009-inbrief},
      url          = {https://www.dlib.org/dlib/november09/11inbrief.html},
      note         = {Brief Online Article},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • J. Beel, B. Gipp, and J. Stiller, “Could Mind Maps Be Used To Improve Academic Search Engines?,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analysis (ICMLDA’09), Berkeley, USA, 2009.
      title        = {{C}ould {M}ind {M}aps {B}e {U}sed {T}o {I}mprove {A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngines?},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Oct.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {C}onference on {M}achine {L}earning and {D}ata {A}nalysis ({ICMLDA}'09)},
      publisher    = {Newswood Limited},
      address      = {Berkeley, USA},
      series       = {Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science},
      volume       = 2,
      note         = {ISBN 978-988-18210-2-7.},
      editor       = {Ao, S. I. and Douglas, C. and Grundfest , W. S. and Burgstone, J.},
      organization = {International Association of Engineers (IAENG)},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, and J. Stiller, “Information Retrieval on Mind Maps – What Could it be Good For?,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing (CollaborateCom’09), Washington, USA, 2009.
      title        = {{I}nformation {R}etrieval on {M}ind {M}aps - {W}hat {C}ould it be {G}ood {F}or?},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Nov.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}ollaborative {C}omputing: {N}etworking, {A}pplications and {W}orksharing ({C}ollaborate{C}om'09)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Washington, USA},
      doi          = {10.4108/ICST.COLLABORATECOM2009.8298},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.4108/ICST.COLLABORATECOM2009.8298},
      note         = {ISBN 978-963-9799-76-9},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • [PDF] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Google Scholar’s Ranking Algorithm: An Introductory Overview,” in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI’09), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009.
      title        = {{G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}anking {A}lgorithm: {A}n {I}ntroductory {O}verview},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}cientometrics and {I}nformetrics ({ISSI}'09)},
      publisher    = {International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics},
      address      = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
      volume       = 1,
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ITNG.2009.317},
      note         = {ISSN 2175-1935},
      editor       = {Larsen, Birger and Leta, Jacqueline},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Google Scholar’s Ranking Algorithm: The Impact of Citation Counts (An Empirical Study),” in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’09), Fez, Morocco, 2009.
      title        = {{G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}anking {A}lgorithm: {T}he {I}mpact of {C}itation {C}ounts ({A}n {E}mpirical {S}tudy)},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 3rd {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {R}esearch {C}hallenges in {I}nformation {S}cience ({RCIS}'09)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Fez, Morocco},
      doi          = {10.1109/RCIS.2009.5089308},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1109/RCIS.2009.5089308},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4244-2865-6},
      editor       = {Flory, Andr\~{A}Æ’\^{A}\textcopyright{} and Collard, Martine},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Google Scholar’s Ranking Algorithm: The Impact of Articles’ Age (An Empirical Study),” in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG’09), Las Vegas, USA, 2009.
      title        = {{G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}anking {A}lgorithm: {T}he {I}mpact of {A}rticles' {A}ge ({A}n {E}mpirical {S}tudy)},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 6th {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}nformation {T}echnology: {N}ew {G}enerations ({ITNG}'09)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Las Vegas, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/ITNG.2009.317},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ITNG.2009.317},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1424437702},
      editor       = {Latifi, Shahram},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] B. Gipp, J. Beel, and C. Hentschel, “Scienstein: A Research Paper Recommender System,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing (ICETiC’09), Virudhunagar, India, 2009.
      title        = {{S}cienstein: {A} {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {H}entschel, {C}hristian},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Jan.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {C}onference on {E}merging {T}rends in {C}omputing ({ICET}i{C}'09)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Virudhunagar, India},
      organization = {Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology India},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Citation Proximity Analysis (CPA) – A New Approach for Identifying Related Work Based on Co-Citation Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI’09), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009.
      title        = {{C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis ({CPA}) - {A} {N}ew {A}pproach for {I}dentifying {R}elated {W}ork {B}ased on {C}o-{C}itation {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}cientometrics and {I}nformetrics ({ISSI}'09)},
      publisher    = {International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics},
      address      = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
      volume       = 2,
      note         = {ISSN 2175-1935},
      editor       = {Larsen, Birger and Leta, Jacqueline},
      topic        = {rec}
  • B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Identifying Related Documents For Research Paper Recommender By CPA And COA,” in Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2009, Berkeley, USA, 2009.
      title        = {{I}dentifying {R}elated {D}ocuments {F}or {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {B}y {CPA} {A}nd {COA}},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Oct.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of {T}he {W}orld {C}ongress on {E}ngineering and {C}omputer {S}cience 2009},
      publisher    = {Newswood Limited},
      address      = {Berkeley, USA},
      series       = {Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science},
      volume       = 1,
      isbn         = {978-988-17012-6-8},
      url          = {http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCECS2009/WCECS2009_pp636-639.pdf},
      editor       = {Ao, S. I. and Douglas, C. and Grundfest, W. S. and Burgstone, J.},
      organization = {International Association of Engineers (IAENG)},
      topic        = {rec}
  • B. Gipp, “Very Large Business Applications (VLBA): Systemlandschaften der Zukunft,” , H. -K. Arndt and H. Krcmar, Eds., Magdeburg: Shaker Verlag, 2009, pp. 163-173.
      title        = {{V}ery {L}arge {B}usiness {A}pplications ({VLBA}): {S}ystemlandschaften der {Z}ukunft},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Oct.},
      publisher    = {Shaker Verlag},
      address      = {Magdeburg},
      series       = {3. Workshop des Centers for Very Large Business Applications (CVLBA)},
      pages        = {163--173},
      chapter      = {Entwicklung neuer Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Dokumentenaehnlichkeiten mittels Referenz- und Zitationsanalyse},
      editor       = {Arndt, H.-K. and Krcmar, H.},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “The Potential of Collaborative Document Evaluation for Science,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL’08), Heidelberg (Germany), 2008.
      title        = {{T}he {P}otential of {C}ollaborative {D}ocument {E}valuation for {S}cience},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2008,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}sia-{P}acific {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ICADL}'08)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Heidelberg (Germany)},
      series       = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 5362,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6},
      isbn         = {978-3-540-89532-9},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6},
      editor       = {Buchanan, George and Masoodian, Masood and Cunningham, Sally Jo},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Collaborative Document Evaluation: An Alternative Approach to Classic Peer Review,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL’08), Vienna, Austria, 2008.
      title        = {{C}ollaborative {D}ocument {E}valuation: {A}n {A}lternative {A}pproach to {C}lassic {P}eer {R}eview},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2008,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ICDL}'08)},
      address      = {Vienna, Austria},
      volume       = 31,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6_48},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6_48},
      note         = {ISSN 1307-6884},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] B. Gipp, J. Beel, and I. Roessling, ePassport: The World’s New Electronic Passport, Scotts Valley, USA: Createspace, 2007.
      title        = {e{P}assport: {T}he {W}orld's {N}ew {E}lectronic {P}assport},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {R}oessling, {I}vo},
      year         = 2007,
      month        = {Oct.},
      publisher    = {Createspace},
      address      = {Scotts Valley, USA},
      url          = {http://epassport-book.com},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1434823182. Also available at \url{http://epassport-book.com}},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp, “(Co-)Citation Proximity Analysis – A Measure to Identify Related Work,” Doctoral Proposal, VLBA-Lab, Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Claus Rautenstrauch., 2006.
      title        = {({C}o-){C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis - {A} {M}easure to {I}dentify {R}elated {W}ork},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2006,
      month        = {Feb.},
      journal      = {{D}octoral {P}roposal, {VLBA}-{L}ab, {O}tto-von-{G}uericke {U}niversity, {G}ermany. {S}upervisor: {P}rof. {C}laus {R}autenstrauch.},
      url          = {https://www.vlba-lab.de; https://www.ovgu.de/},
      howpublished = {Doctoral Proposal, VLBA-Lab, Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany, Supervisor: Prof. Claus Rautenstrauch},
      topic        = {cit}


  • [PDF] J. Beel and B. Gipp, ePass – der neue biometrische Reisepass, Aachen, Germany: Shaker Verlag, 2005.
      title        = {e{P}ass - der neue biometrische {R}eisepass},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2005,
      month        = {Oct.},
      publisher    = {Shaker Verlag},
      address      = {Aachen, Germany},
      url          = {http://www.epass-buch.de},
      note         = {ISBN 9783-8322-4693-8},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Alcala, J. Beel, A. Frenkel, B. Gipp, J. Luelf, and H. Hoepfner, “UbiLoc: A System for Locating Mobile Devices using Mobile Devices,” in Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2004 (WPNC 04), 2004.
      title        = {{U}bi{L}oc: {A} {S}ystem for {L}ocating {M}obile {D}evices using {M}obile {D}evices},
      author       = {{A}lcala, {F}elix and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {F}renkel, {A}rne and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}uelf, {J}ohannes and {H}oepfner, {H}agen},
      year         = 2004,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of 1st {W}orkshop on {P}ositioning, {N}avigation and {C}ommunication 2004 ({WPNC} 04)},
      publisher    = {University of Hannover},
      doi          = {},
      editor       = {Kyamakya, K.},
      topic        = {misc}


  • F. Alcala, J. Beel, A. Frenkel, B. Gipp, J. Luelf, and H. Hoepfner, “Ortung von mobilen Geraeten fuer die Realisierung lokationsbasierter Dienste,” in Mobilitaet und Informationssysteme – Workshop des GI-Arbeitskreises “Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme”, Zurich, 2003.
      title        = {{O}rtung von mobilen {G}eraeten fuer die {R}ealisierung lokationsbasierter {D}ienste},
      author       = {{A}lcala, {F}elix and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {F}renkel, {A}rne and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}uelf, {J}ohannes and {H}oepfner, {H}agen},
      year         = 2003,
      month        = {Oct.},
      booktitle    = {{M}obilitaet und {I}nformationssysteme - {W}orkshop des {GI}-{A}rbeitskreises "{M}obile {D}atenbanken und {I}nformationssysteme"},
      publisher    = {ETH Zuerich},
      address      = {Zurich},
      editor       = {Tuerker, Can},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp, J. Beel, and L. Petersen, “Der GSM-Schutzengel (“The GSM guardian angel”),” Research project in the national competition of the Foundation ‘Jugend forscht’, (Germany’s premier youth science competition); http://www.gsm-schutzengel.de, Hamburg, Germany, 2001.
      title        = {{D}er {GSM}-{S}chutzengel ("{T}he {GSM} guardian angel")},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {P}etersen, {L}ars},
      year         = 2001,
      journal      = {{R}esearch project in the national competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition); http://www.gsm-schutzengel.de, {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
      abstract     = {Jedes Jahr sterben auf deutschen Strassen 7.000 Menschen durch Verkehrsunfaelle. Davon koennten ueber 700 vor dem Tod bewahrt werden, wenn die Rettungsdienste unverzueglich nach dem Unfall informiert wuerden. Leider kommt es immer wieder vor, dass Verunfallte erst nach Minuten oder gar Stunden gefunden werden und so wertvolle Zeit bis zur Benachrichtigung der Rettungskraefte verstreicht. Warum nicht das flaechendeckend verfuegbare Mobilfunknetz nutzen, um automatisch Hilfe herbeizuholen? Urspruenglich im Rahmen von Jugend-forscht entwickelten wir in den vergangenen zwei Jahren ein flexibles und kostenguenstiges Notrufsystem - den "GSM Schutzengel". Dieser sieht aus wie ein gewoehnlicher Mobiltelefonakku, enthaelt aber zusaetzlich einen Beschleunigungssensor und einen Mikrokontroller zum Auswerten der Messdaten. Mit dieser Technik ist es moeglich, jedes handelsuebliche Mobiltelefon zu einem mobilen Schutzengel aufzuruesten, der Unfaelle sicher erkennt. Fehlalarme, beispielsweise durch Vollbremsungen waehrend der Autofahrt oder Hinunterfallen des Mobiltelefons, sind dabei ausgeschlossen. Bei einem Unfall ruft der GSM Schutzengel sofort die Rettungskraefte herbei. Dadurch kann selbst bewusstlosen Fahrern schnellstmoeglich geholfen werden. Die Position des Unfalls wird dabei ueber das Mobilfunknetz bestimmt - bis auf 150 m genau. Somit kann zielgenaue Hilfe gewaehrleistet werden, denn wer kann schon direkt nach einem Unfall beschreiben, wo genau er ist?},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp and J. Stiller, “Der High-Tech Bernhardiner – Ein Rettungssystem fuer Lawinenopfer (“The High-tech St. Bernhard – an avalanche rescue system”),” Research project in the state-wide competition of the Foundation ‘Jugend forscht’, (Germany’s premier youth science competition); http://www.gsm-schutzengel.de/hightec-index.shtml, Hamburg, Germany, 1999.
      title        = {{D}er {H}igh-{T}ech {B}ernhardiner - {E}in {R}ettungssystem fuer {L}awinenopfer ("{T}he {H}igh-tech {S}t. {B}ernhard - an avalanche rescue system")},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
      year         = 1999,
      journal      = {{R}esearch project in the state-wide competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition); http://www.gsm-schutzengel.de/hightec-index.shtml, {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
      abstract     = {"Wo Menschen von Lawinen verschuettet werden, zaehlt bei der Rettung und Bergung jede Minute. Was in der Vergangenheit die traditionellen Lawinenhunde geleistet haben, muss in Zeiten des Massen-Tourismus mit technischem Know-how geloest werden. Die Idee von Bela Gipp, Jan-Olaf Stiller und Florian Krueger: Ein System, bei dem eine Infrarotkamera von einem Modellhubschrauber aus Bilder an ein Leitsystem weitergibt, auf dem sich die Temperaturunterschiede zwischen warmen Koerpern und Schnee erkennen lassen. Zur Orientierung des Hubschraubers dient eine zusaetzliche Echtfarbkamera, ein Ultraschallgeraet fuer schlechte Sicht und ein Global Positioning System (GPS). Alles kann mit einem Programm, das die jungen Erfinder geschrieben haben, ueber das Internet gesteuert und ausgewertet werden." 1999, Bundesjury 'Jugend forscht' zu dem Projekt "Der High-tech Bernhardiner"},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp and J. Stiller, “Verlaengerung der Standby-Zeit von Mobiltelefonen mittels intelligenter Integration eines Zusatzempfaengers im 433 MHz-Bereich (“Extending cell phone standby time by intelligent integration of an additional receiver in the 433 MHz-field”),” Research project in the state-wide competition of the Foundation ‘Jugend forscht’, (Germany’s premier youth science competition) Hamburg, Germany, 1998.
      title        = {{V}erlaengerung der {S}tandby-{Z}eit von {M}obiltelefonen mittels intelligenter {I}ntegration eines {Z}usatzempfaengers im 433 {MHz}-{B}ereich ("{E}xtending cell phone standby time by intelligent integration of an additional receiver in the 433 {MHz}-field")},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
      year         = 1998,
      journal      = {{R}esearch project in the state-wide competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition) {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp and J. Stiller, “Glasfaserbasierte analoge Bilduebertragung (“Fiber optic-based analog image transfer”),” Research project in the national competition of the Foundation ‘Jugend forscht’, (Germany’s premier youth science competition), Hamburg, Germany, 1997.
      title        = {{G}lasfaserbasierte analoge {B}ilduebertragung ("{F}iber optic-based analog image transfer")},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
      year         = 1997,
      journal      = {{R}esearch project in the national competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition), {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
      topic        = {misc}

Doctoral Theses of Group Members

  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, Making Presentation Math Computable: A Context-Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023.
      title        = {Making Presentation Math Computable: A Context-Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems},
      shorttitle   = {Making Presentation Math Computable},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andr{\'e}},
      year         = 2023,
      publisher    = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-658-40473-4},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-40472-7 978-3-658-40473-4},
      url          = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-40473-4}

  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, Revealing Media Bias in News Articles: NLP Techniques for Automated Frame Analysis, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
      title        = {Revealing {{Media Bias}} in {{News Articles}}: {{NLP Techniques}} for {{Automated Frame Analysis}}},
      shorttitle   = {Revealing {{Media Bias}} in {{News Articles}}},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix},
      year         = 2023,
      publisher    = {{Springer Nature Switzerland}},
      address      = {{Cham}},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-031-17693-7},
      isbn         = {978-3-031-17692-0 978-3-031-17693-7},
      url          = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-031-17693-7},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}

  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, Analyzing Non-Textual Content Elements to Detect Academic Plagiarism, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2023.
      title        = {Analyzing {Non}-{Textual} {Content} {Elements} to {Detect} {Academic} {Plagiarism}},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman},
      year         = 2023,
      publisher    = {Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-658-42062-8},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-42061-1 978-3-658-42062-8},
      url          = {https://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-658-42062-8},
      urldate      = {2023-08-16},
      abstract     = {Identifying plagiarism is a pressing problem for research institutions, publishers, and funding bodies. Current detection methods focus on textual analysis and find copied, moderately reworded, or translated content. However, detecting more subtle forms of plagiarism, including strong paraphrasing, sense-for-sense translations, or the reuse of non-textual content and ideas, remains a challenge. This book presents a novel approach to address this problem—analyzing non-textual elements in academic documents, such as citations, images, and mathematical content. The proposed detection techniques are validated in five evaluations using confirmed plagiarism cases and exploratory searches for new instances. The results show that non-textual elements contain much semantic information, are language-independent, and resilient to typical tactics for concealing plagiarism. Incorporating non-textual content analysis complements text-based detection approaches and increases the detection effectiveness, particularly for disguised forms of plagiarism. The book introduces the first integrated plagiarism detection system that combines citation, image, math, and text similarity analysis. Its user interface features visual aids that significantly reduce the time and effort users must invest in examining content similarity.},
      topic        = {pd}

  • [PDF] M. Ostendorff, “Aspect-based Document Similarity for Literature Recommender Systems,” PhD Thesis, Georg-August University Göttingen, Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS), 2023.
      title        = {Aspect-based Document Similarity for Literature Recommender Systems},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte},
      year         = 2023,
      address      = {Georg-August University Göttingen, Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS)},
      topic        = {rec}

  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, Citation-based Plagiarism Detection – Detecting Disguised and Cross-language Plagiarism using Citation Pattern Analysis, Springer Vieweg Research, 2014.
      title        = {{C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection - {D}etecting {D}isguised and {C}ross-language {P}lagiarism using {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2014,
      publisher    = {Springer Vieweg Research},
      pages        = 350,
      doi          = {0.1007/978-3-658-06394-8},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-06393-1},
      url          = {https://www.springer.com/978-3-658-06393-1},
      school       = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany},
      topic        = {pd}

ePassport: The World’s New Biometric Passport

One and a half years after publishing the first book on the world’s new electronic passport ‘ePassport’, Jöran Beel, Ivo Rössling and I published a completely revised version of our book in English. The new book ‘ePassport: The World’s New Biometric Passport’ describes the basic details of the ePassport and gives a thorough overview of the technical specifications. Subsequently, it provides an in-depth analysis considering both the chances and risks of the new technology. Aside from the general explanation and analysis of biometric passports, the introduction of the ePassport in Germany is considered in particular.

Among other things, the book shows that some fears of data protectionists are unsubstantiated. On the other hand, the book reveals disinformation by the German Government and finds that the security of the Basic Access Control is usually significantly lower than the promoted 56 Bit.

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On amazon.com

ePass – der neue biometrische Reisepass

epassThis book is about the electronic passport, which is called ‘ePass’ in Germany. The electronic passport will become compulsory for all EU-citizens within the next few years and other countries, including the United States and Australia also have plans to introduce it. The book covers all relevant topics of the electronic passport, such as security concepts, biometrics, digital signatures, encryption, and data privacy. Political aspects are also considered.

Since the book was published in October 2005, it has become the standard book about the ePass. The media, researchers, and ePass opponents and proponents in Germany base their work on this book.

Read more (in German)…

On amazon.com

Publications by Topic:

Blockchain Related Research


  • [PDF] D. Trautwein, Y. Wei, Y. Psaras, M. Schubotz, I. Castro, B. Gipp, and G. Tyson, “IPFS in the Fast Lane: Accelerating Record Storage with Optimistic Provide,” in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Vancouver, Canada, 2024.
      title        = {IPFS in the Fast Lane: Accelerating Record Storage with Optimistic Provide},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Wei, Yiluo and Psaras, Yiannis and Schubotz, Moritz and Castro, Ignacio and Gipp, Bela and Tyson, Gareth},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {May},
      booktitle    = {IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Vancouver, Canada},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Ihle, D. Trautwein, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Networks — A Systematic Literature Review,” ACM Computing Surveys, 2023.
      title        = {Incentive Mechanisms in Peer-to-Peer Networks -- A Systematic Literature Review},
      author       = {Ihle, Cornelius and Trautwein, Dennis and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jan.},
      journal      = {ACM Computing Surveys},
      publisher    = {Association for Computing Machinery},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3578581},
      issn         = {0360-0300},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3578581},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Ihle, F. Deifuss, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Towards Portable Identities in the Matrix Protocol,” in 2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW), Bologna, Italy, 2022.
      title        = {Towards Portable Identities in the Matrix Protocol},
      author       = {Ihle, Cornelius and Deifuss, Fabian and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {2022 IEEE 42nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Bologna, Italy},
      doi          = {10.1109/ICDCSW56584.2022.00025},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Trautwein, A. Raman, G. Tyson, I. Castro, W. Scott, M. Schubotz, B. Gipp, and Y. Psaras, “Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web,” in ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference (SIGCOMM ’22), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022.
      title        = {Design and Evaluation of IPFS: A Storage Layer for the Decentralized Web},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Raman, Aravindh and Tyson, Gareth and Castro, Ignacio and Scott, Will and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela and Psaras, Yiannis},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {ACM SIGCOMM 2022 Conference (SIGCOMM '22)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
      doi          = {10.1145/3544216.3544232},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-9420-8/22/08},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Trautwein, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Leveraging Node Heterogeneity to Improve Content Discovery and Content Retrieval in Peer-To-Peer Networks,” in CoNEXT Student Workshop 2021 (CoNEXT-SW’21), December 7, 2021, Virtual Event, Germany, 2021.
      title        = {Leveraging Node Heterogeneity to Improve Content Discovery and Content Retrieval in Peer-To-Peer Networks},
      author       = {Dennis Trautwein and Moritz Schubotz and Bela Gipp},
      year         = 2021,
      booktitle    = {CoNEXT Student Workshop 2021 (CoNEXT-SW'21), December 7, 2021, Virtual Event, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3488658.3493781},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-9133-7/21/12},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Trautwein, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Introducing Peer Copy – A Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer File Transfer Tool,” in 2021 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), Espoo and Helsinki, Finland, 2021.
      title        = {Introducing Peer Copy - A Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer File Transfer Tool},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2021 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Espoo and Helsinki, Finland},
      doi          = {10.23919/IFIPNetworking52078.2021.9472842},
      note         = {ISBN 978-3-9031-7639-3},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] T. Hepp, F. Spaeh, A. Schoenhals, P. Ehret, and B. Gipp, “Exploring Potentials and Challenges of Blockchain-based Public Key Infrastructures,” in IEEE INFOCOM 2019 – 2nd Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock 2019), 2019.
      title        = {Exploring Potentials and Challenges of Blockchain-based Public Key Infrastructures},
      author       = {Hepp, Thomas and Spaeh, Fabian and Schoenhals, Alexander and Ehret, Philip and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {May},
      booktitle    = {IEEE INFOCOM 2019 - 2nd Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock 2019)},
      location     = {Paris, France},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. Leible, S. Schlager, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “A Review on Blockchain Technology and Blockchain Projects Fostering Open Science,” Frontiers in Blockchain, vol. 2, pp. 1-28, 2019.
      title        = {A Review on Blockchain Technology and Blockchain Projects Fostering Open Science},
      author       = {Leible, Stephan and Schlager, Steffen and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      journal      = {Frontiers in Blockchain},
      volume       = 2,
      pages        = {1--28},
      doi          = {10.3389/fbloc.2019.00016},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.3389/fbloc.2019.00016},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] H. Mienert, T. Hepp, and B. Gipp, “Prioritätsnachweis des Urhebers durch blockchainbasierten Zeitstempel,” , 2019.
      title        = {Priorit\"{a}tsnachweis des Urhebers durch blockchainbasierten Zeitstempel},
      author       = {Mienert, Heval and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2547964},
      url          = {https://zenodo.org/record/2547964},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Schoenhals, T. Hepp, S. Leible, P. Ehret, and B. Gipp, “Overview of Licensing Platforms based on Distributed Ledger Technology,” in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2019.
      title        = {Overview of Licensing Platforms based on Distributed Ledger Technology},
      author       = {Schoenhals, Alexander and Hepp, Thomas and Leible, Stephan and Ehret, Philip and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jan.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences},
      address      = {Maui, Hawaii, USA},
      doi          = {10.24251/hicss.2019.564},
      organization = {IEEE},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] P. Wortner, M. Schubotz, C. Breitinger, S. Leible, and B. Gipp, “Securing the Integrity of Time Series Data in Open Science Projects using Blockchain-based Trusted Timestamping,” in Proceedings of the workshop on Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL) held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, 2019.
      title        = {Securing the Integrity of Time Series Data in Open Science Projects using Blockchain-based Trusted Timestamping},
      author       = {Wortner, Patrick and Schubotz, Moritz and Breitinger, Corinna and Leible, Stephan and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the workshop on Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (WADL) held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
      keywords     = {information seeking,research collaboration,research recommendation},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Hepp, A. Schoenhals, C. Gondek, and B. Gipp, “OriginStamp: A blockchain-backed system for decentralized trusted timestamping,” it – Information Technology, vol. 60, iss. 5-6, pp. 273-281, 2018.
      title        = {{OriginStamp}: A blockchain-backed system for decentralized trusted timestamping},
      author       = {Hepp, Thomas and Schoenhals, Alexander and Gondek, Christopher and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {dec},
      journal      = {it - Information Technology},
      publisher    = {Walter de Gruyter {GmbH}},
      volume       = 60,
      number       = {5-6},
      pages        = {273--281},
      doi          = {10.1515/itit-2018-0020},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1515/itit-2018-0020},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Hepp, M. Sharinghousen, P. Ehret, A. Schoenhals, and B. Gipp, “On-chain vs. off-chain storage for supply- and blockchain integration,” it – Information Technology, vol. 60, iss. 5-6, pp. 283-291, 2018.
      title        = {On-chain vs. off-chain storage for supply- and blockchain integration},
      author       = {Hepp, Thomas and Sharinghousen, Matthew and Ehret, Philip and Schoenhals, Alexander and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {dec},
      journal      = {it - Information Technology},
      publisher    = {Walter de Gruyter {GmbH}},
      volume       = 60,
      number       = {5-6},
      pages        = {283--291},
      doi          = {10.1515/itit-2018-0019},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1515/itit-2018-0019},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Hepp, P. Wortner, A. Schoenhals, and B. Gipp, “Securing Physical Assets on the Blockchain – Linking a novel Object Identification Concept with Distributed Ledgers,” in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock’18), Munich, Germany, 2018.
      title        = {Securing Physical Assets on the Blockchain - Linking a novel Object Identification Concept with Distributed Ledgers},
      author       = {Hepp, Thomas and Wortner, Patrick and Schoenhals, Alexander and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock'18)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Munich, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3211933.3211944},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3211933.3211944},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-5838-5/18/06},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Schoenhals, T. Hepp, P. Ehret, and B. Gipp, Tracking of Intellectual Property using the Blockchain, 2018.
      title        = {Tracking of Intellectual Property using the Blockchain},
      author       = {Schoenhals, Alexander and Hepp, Thomas and Ehret, Philip and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2537209},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2537209},
      biburl       = {https://zenodo.org/record/2537209/export/hx\#.XDhlxMYo8aw},
      preprint     = {https://zenodo.org/record/2537209/files/bfs_poster_schoenhals.pdf?download=1},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Schoenhals, T. Hepp, and B. Gipp, “Design Thinking using the Blockchain – Enable Traceability of Intellectual Property in Problem-Solving Processes for Open Innovation,” in Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock’18), Munich, Germany, 2018.
      title        = {Design Thinking using the Blockchain - Enable Traceability of Intellectual Property in Problem-Solving Processes for Open Innovation},
      author       = {Schoenhals, Alexander and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems (CryBlock'18)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Munich, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3211933.3211952},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3211933.3211952},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-5838-5/18/06},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, C. Breitinger, T. Hepp, and B. Gipp, Repurposing Open Source Tools for Open Science: a Practical Guide, 2018.
      title        = {Repurposing Open Source Tools for Open Science: a Practical Guide},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Breitinger, Corinna and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.2453415},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2453415},
      biburl       = {https://zenodo.org/record/2453415/export/hx\#.XCJhJ8Yo8aw},
      keywords     = {SchubotzCV,preprint},
      preprint     = {https://zenodo.org/record/2453415/files/bc4openScience.pdf?download=1},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, C. Breitinger, N. Meuschke, and J. Beel, “CryptSubmit: Introducing Securely Timestamped Manuscript Submission and Peer Review Feedback using the Blockchain,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Toronto, Canada, 2017.
      title        = {CryptSubmit: Introducing Securely Timestamped Manuscript Submission and Peer Review Feedback using the Blockchain},
      author       = {Gipp, Bela and Breitinger, Corinna and Meuschke, Norman and Beel, Joeran},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Toronto, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1109/jcdl.2017.7991588},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, J. Beel, and C. Breitinger, “Using the Blockchain of Cryptocurrencies for Timestamping Digital Cultural Heritage,” Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL), vol. 13, iss. 1, 2017.
      title        = {Using the Blockchain of Cryptocurrencies for Timestamping Digital Cultural Heritage},
      author       = {Gipp, Bela and Meuschke, Norman and Beel, Joeran and Breitinger, Corinna},
      year         = 2017,
      journal      = {Bulletin of IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries (TCDL)},
      volume       = 13,
      number       = 1,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3547510},
      url          = {http://www.ieee-tcdl.org/mediawiki/TCDL/Bulletin/current/papers/gipp.pdf},
      keywords     = {Web archiving,blockchain applications,online news preservation,trusted timestamping},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] H. Mienert and B. Gipp, “Dashcam, Blockchain und der Beweis im Prozess. Kriterien für einen Privacy by Design-Loesungsansatz bei Dashcams,” Zeitschrift für Datenschutz, iss. 11, pp. 514-519, 2017.
      title        = {Dashcam, Blockchain und der Beweis im Prozess. Kriterien f\"{u}r einen Privacy by Design-Loesungsansatz bei Dashcams},
      author       = {Mienert, Heval and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      journal      = {Zeitschrift f\"{u}r Datenschutz},
      number       = 11,
      pages        = {514--519},
      url          = {https://beck-online.beck.de},
      keywords     = {Dashcam, Datenschutz, Bitcoin, Blockchain},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] B. Gipp, J. Kosti, and C. Breitinger, “Securing Video Integrity Using Decentralized Trusted Timestamping on the Blockchain,” in Proceedings of the 10th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Paphos, Cyprus, 2016.
      title        = {Securing Video Integrity Using Decentralized Trusted Timestamping on the Blockchain},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {K}osti, {J}agrut and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2016,
      month        = sep # { 4-6},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 10th {M}editerranean {C}onference on {I}nformation {S}ystems ({MCIS})},
      address      = {Paphos, Cyprus},
      topic        = {blockchain}


  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, and A. Gernandt, “Decentralized Trusted Timestamping using the Crypto Currency Bitcoin,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, California, 2015.
      title        = {{D}ecentralized {T}rusted {T}imestamping using the {C}rypto {C}urrency {B}itcoin},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ernandt, {A}ndre},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = Mar # { 24-27},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the i{C}onference 2015},
      address      = {Newport Beach, California},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3547488},
      topic        = {blockchain}

Natural Language Processing


  • [PDF] A. Stephan, L. Miklautz, K. Sidak, J. P. Wahle, B. Gipp, C. Plant, and B. Roth, “Text-Guided Image Clustering,” in Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024.
      title        = {Text-Guided Image Clustering},
      author       = {Stephan, Andreas and Miklautz, Lukas and Sidak, Kevin and Wahle, Jan Philip and Gipp, Bela and Plant, Claudia and Roth, Benjamin},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics},
      location     = {Malta, Italy},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      year         = {2024}
  • [PDF] T. Horych, M. Wessel, J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, J. Wassmuth, A. Greiner-Petter, A. Aizawa, B. Gipp, and T. Spinde, “MAGPIE: Multi-Task Analysis of Media-Bias Generalization with Pre-Trained Identification of Expressions,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation, 2024.
      title        = {MAGPIE: Multi-Task Analysis of Media-Bias Generalization with Pre-Trained Identification of Expressions},
      author       = {Horych, Tomas and Wessel, Martin and Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Wassmuth, Jerome and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela and Spinde, Timo},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {Feb.},
      booktitle    = {"Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation"},
      publisher    = {"European Language Resources Association"},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, Y. Xu, and B. Gipp, “Paraphrase Types Elicit Prompt Engineering Capabilities,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2024.
      title     = {Paraphrase Types Elicit Prompt Engineering Capabilities},
      author    = {Wahle, Jan Philip  and Ruas, Terry and Xu, Yang and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {11},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      topic     = {nlp}
  • [PDF] F. Kirstein, J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, and B. Gipp, “What’s under the hood: Investigating Automatic Metrics on Meeting Summarization,” in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024, 2024.
      title     = {What's under the hood: Investigating Automatic Metrics on Meeting Summarization},
      author    = {Kirstein, Frederic and Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {11},
      booktitle = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      topic     = {nlp}
  • [PDF] F. Kirstein, T. Ruas, R. Kratel, and B. Gipp, “Tell me what I need to know: Exploring LLM-based (Personalized) Abstractive Multi-Source Meeting Summarization,” in Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track, 2024, p. 20.
      title     = {Tell me what I need to know: Exploring LLM-based (Personalized) Abstractive Multi-Source Meeting Summarization},
      author    = {Kirstein, Frederic and Ruas, Terry and Kratel, Robert and Gipp, Bela},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track},
      pages     = {20},
      publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      year      = {2024},
      month     = {11},
      topic     = {nlp}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, S. M. Mohammad, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “AI Usage Cards: Responsibly Reporting AI-generated Content,” in 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2023.
      title        = {AI Usage Cards: Responsibly Reporting AI-generated Content},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Mohammad, Saif M. and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL57899.2023.00060},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, B. Gipp, and T. Ruas, “Paraphrase Types for Generation and Detection,” in Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 2023, pp. 12148-12164.
      title        = {Paraphrase Types for Generation and Detection},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Gipp, Bela and Ruas, Terry},
      editor       = {Bouamor, Houda and Pino, Juan and Bali, Kalika},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      month        = {December},
      year         = 2023,
      address      = {Singapore},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.746/},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.746},
      pages        = {12148--12164},
      topic        = {nlp},
      abstract     = {Current approaches in paraphrase generation and detection heavily rely on a single general similarity score, ignoring the intricate linguistic properties of language. This paper introduces two new tasks to address this shortcoming by considering paraphrase types - specific linguistic perturbations at particular text positions. We name these tasks Paraphrase Type Generation and Paraphrase Type Detection. Our results suggest that while current techniques perform well in a binary classification scenario, i.e., paraphrased or not, the inclusion of fine-grained paraphrase types poses a significant challenge. While most approaches are good at generating and detecting general semantic similar content, they fail to understand the intrinsic linguistic variables they manipulate. Models trained in generating and identifying paraphrase types also show improvements in tasks without them. In addition, scaling these models further improves their ability to understand paraphrase types. We believe paraphrase types can unlock a new paradigm for developing paraphrase models and solving tasks in the future.}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, M. Abdalla, B. Gipp, and S. Mohammad, “We are Who We Cite: Bridges of Influence Between Natural Language Processing and Other Academic Fields,” in Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 2023, pp. 12896-12913.
      title        = {We are Who We Cite: Bridges of Influence Between Natural Language Processing and Other Academic Fields},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Abdalla, Mohamed and Gipp, Bela and Mohammad, Saif},
      editor       = {Bouamor, Houda and Pino, Juan and Bali, Kalika},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      month        = {December},
      year         = 2023,
      address      = {Singapore},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-main.797/},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.797},
      pages        = {12896--12913},
      topic        = {nlp},
      abstract     = {Natural Language Processing (NLP) is poised to substantially influence the world. However, significant progress comes hand-in-hand with substantial risks. Addressing them requires broad engagement with various fields of study. Yet, little empirical work examines the state of such engagement (past or current). In this paper, we quantify the degree of influence between 23 fields of study and NLP (on each other). We analyzed {\textasciitilde}77k NLP papers, {\textasciitilde}3.1m citations from NLP papers to other papers, and {\textasciitilde}1.8m citations from other papers to NLP papers. We show that, unlike most fields, the cross-field engagement of NLP, measured by our proposed Citation Field Diversity Index (CFDI), has declined from 0.58 in 1980 to 0.31 in 2022 (an all-time low). In addition, we find that NLP has grown more insular{---}citing increasingly more NLP papers and having fewer papers that act as bridges between fields. NLP citations are dominated by computer science; Less than 8{\%} of NLP citations are to linguistics, and less than 3{\%} are to math and psychology. These findings underscore NLP{'}s urgent need to reflect on its engagement with various fields.}


  • [PDF] F. Kirstein, J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, and B. Gipp, “Analyzing Multi-Task Learning for Abstractive Text Summarization,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM 2022), 2022, pp. 54-77.
      title        = {Analyzing Multi-Task Learning for Abstractive Text Summarization},
      author       = {Kirstein, Frederic and Wahle, Jan Philipp and Ruas, Terry and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics (GEM 2022)},
      location     = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      pages        = {54--77},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2022.gem-1.5},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, N. Rethmeier, I. Augenstein, B. Gipp, and G. Rehm, “Neighborhood Contrastive Learning for Scientific Document Representations with Citation Embeddings,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022.
      title        = {Neighborhood Contrastive Learning for Scientific Document Representations with Citation Embeddings},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Rethmeier, Nils and Augenstein, Isabelle and Gipp, Bela and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      location     = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      doi          = {10.48550/ARXIV.2202.06671},
      topic        = {nlp}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, N. Ashok, T. Ruas, N. Meuschke, T. Ghosal, and B. Gipp, “Testing the Generalization of Neural Language Models for COVID-19 Misinformation Detection,” in Proceedings of the iConference, 2022.
      title        = {{Testing} the {Generalization} of {Neural} {Language} {Models} for {COVID}-19 {Misinformation} {Detection}},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ashok, Nischal and Ruas, Terry and Meuschke, Norman and Ghosal, Tirthankar and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {February},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference},
      location     = {Virtual Event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_33},
      topic        = {nlp}

News Analysis and Media Bias


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Wessel, T. Horych, T. Ruas, A. Aizawa, B. Gipp, and T. Spinde, “Introducing MBIB – the first Media Bias Identification Benchmark Task and Dataset Collection,” in Proceedings of 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’23), New York, NY, USA, 2023.
      title        = {Introducing MBIB - the first Media Bias Identification Benchmark Task and Dataset Collection},
      author       = {Wessel, Martin and Horych, Tomas and Ruas, Terry and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela and Spinde, Timo},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’23)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3539618.3591882},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-9408-6/23/07},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, T. L. Ruas, F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “What’s in the News? Towards Identification of Bias by Commission, Omission, and Source Selection (COSS),” in 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2023.
      title        = {{W}hat's in the {N}ews? {T}owards {I}dentification of {B}ias by {C}ommission, {O}mission, and {S}ource {S}election ({COSS})},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Ruas, Terry Lima and Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL57899.2023.00050},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Krieger, T. Spinde, T. Ruas, J. Kulshrestha, and B. Gipp, “A Domain-adaptive Pre-training Approach for Language Bias Detection in News,” in 2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2022.
      title        = {{A} {D}omain-adaptive {P}re-training {A}pproach for {L}anguage {B}ias {D}etection in {N}ews},
      author       = {Krieger, David and Spinde, Timo and Ruas, Terry and Kulshrestha, Juhi and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Cologne,Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3529372.3530932},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, J. Krieger, T. Ruas, J. Mitrovic, F. Goetz-Hahn, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Exploiting Transformer-based Multitask Learning for the Detection of Media Bias in News Articles,” in Proceedings of the iConference, 2022.
      title        = {{E}xploiting {T}ransformer-based {M}ultitask {L}earning for the {D}etection of {M}edia {B}ias in {N}ews {A}rticles},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Krieger, Jan-David and Ruas, Terry and Mitrovi\c, Jelena and Goetz-Hahn, Franz and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {February},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference},
      location     = {Virtual Event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_20},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “XCoref: Cross-document Coreference Resolution in the Wild,” in Proceedings of the iConference, 2022.
      title        = {{XC}oref: {C}ross-document {C}oreference {R}esolution in the {W}ild},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {February},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference},
      location     = {Virtual Event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_25},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Towards Evaluation of Cross-document Coreference Resolution Models Using Datasets with Diverse Annotation Schemes,” in Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, 2022.
      title        = {{T}owards {E}valuation of {C}ross-document {C}oreference {R}esolution {M}odels {U}sing {D}atasets with {D}iverse {A}nnotation {S}chemes},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},
      location     = {Marseille, France},
      publisher    = {European Language Resources Association},
      doi          = {10.48550/arXiv.2109.05250},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Towards Target-dependent Sentiment Classification in News Articles,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Towards Target-dependent Sentiment Classification in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2021},
      location     = {Beijing, China (Virtual Event)},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-71305-8_12},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, K. Heinser, A. Zhukova, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Newsalyze: Effective Communication of Person-Targeting Biases in News Articles,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 130-139.
      title        = {Newsalyze: Effective Communication of Person-Targeting Biases in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Heinser, Kim and Zhukova, Anastasia and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {130--139},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00025},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, P. Meschenmoser, M. Schubotz, P. Scharpf, and B. Gipp, “NewsDeps: Visualizing the Origin of Information in News Articles,” in Wahrheit und Fake im postfaktisch-digitalen Zeitalter, P. Klimczak and T. Zoglauer, Eds., Springer Vieweg, 2021.
      title        = {NewsDeps: Visualizing the Origin of Information in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Meschenmoser, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Scharpf, Philipp and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      booktitle    = {Wahrheit und Fake im postfaktisch-digitalen Zeitalter},
      publisher    = {Springer Vieweg},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-658-32957-0},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-32957-0},
      editor       = {Klimczak, Peter and Zoglauer, Thomas},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, T. Spinde, K. Heinser, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “How to Effectively Identify and Communicate Person-Targeting Media Bias in Daily News Consumption?,” in Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 9th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2021), 2021.
      title        = {How to Effectively Identify and Communicate Person-Targeting Media Bias in Daily News Consumption?},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Spinde, Timo and Heinser, Kim and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 15th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 9th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2021)},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, F. Hamborg, L. Rudnitckaia, and B. Gipp, “Identification of Biased Terms in News Articles by Comparison of Outlet-specific Word Embeddings,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Identification of Biased Terms in News Articles by Comparison of Outlet-specific Word Embeddings},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Hamborg, Felix and Rudnitckaia, Lada and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2021},
      location     = {Beijing, China (Virtual Event)},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-71305-8_17},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, C. Kreuter, W. Gaissmaier, F. Hamborg, B. Gipp, and H. Giese, “Do You Think It’s Biased? How To Ask For The Perception Of Media Bias,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 61-69.
      title        = {Do You Think It's Biased? How To Ask For The Perception Of Media Bias},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Kreuter, Christina and Gaissmaier, Wolfgang and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela and Giese, Helge},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {61--69},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00018},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, D. Krieger, M. Plank, and B. Gipp, “Towards A Reliable Ground-Truth For Biased Language Detection,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 324-325.
      title        = {Towards A Reliable Ground-Truth For Biased Language Detection},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Krieger, David and Plank, Manuel and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {324--325},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00053},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, L. Rudnitckaia, J. Mitrovic, F. Hamborg, M. Granitzer, B. Gipp, and K. Donnay, “Automated identification of bias inducing words in news articles using linguistic and context-oriented features,” Information Processing & Management, vol. 58, iss. 3, 2021.
      title        = {Automated identification of bias inducing words in news articles using linguistic and context-oriented features},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Rudnitckaia, Lada and Mitrovic, Jelena and Hamborg, Felix and Granitzer, Michael and Gipp, Bela and Donnay, Karsten},
      year         = 2021,
      journal      = {Information Processing \& Management},
      volume       = 58,
      number       = 3,
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2021.102505},
      url          = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306457321000157},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, L. Rudnitckaia, K. Sinha, F. Hamborg, B. Gipp, and K. Donnay, “MBIC – A Media Bias Annotation Dataset Including Annotator Characteristics,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2021, 2021.
      title        = {MBIC - A Media Bias Annotation Dataset Including Annotator Characteristics},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Rudnitckaia, Lada and Sinha, Kanishka and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela and Donnay, Karsten},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2021},
      location     = {Beijing, China (Virtual Event)},
      doi          = {10.6084/m9.figshare.17192924},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, K. Sinha, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “TASSY–A Text Annotation Survey System,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 322-323.
      title        = {TASSY--A Text Annotation Survey System},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Sinha, Kanishka and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {322--323},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00052},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, M. Plank, J. Krieger, T. Ruas, B. Gipp, and A. Aizawa, “Neural Media Bias Detection Using Distant Supervision With BABE – Bias Annotations By Experts,” in Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Neural Media Bias Detection Using Distant Supervision With BABE - Bias Annotations By Experts},
      author       = {Timo Spinde and Manuel Plank and Jan-David Krieger and Terry Ruas and Bela Gipp and Akiko Aizawa},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Nov.},
      booktitle    = {Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2021.findings-emnlp.101},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Weeber, F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Assisted Text Annotation Using Active Learning to Achieve High Quality with Little Effort,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 287-288.
      title        = {Assisted Text Annotation Using Active Learning to Achieve High Quality with Little Effort},
      author       = {Weeber, Franziska and Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {287--288},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00038},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Concept Identification of Directly and Indirectly Related Mentions Referring to Groups of Person,” in Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue, Cham, 2021, pp. 514-526.
      title        = {Concept Identification of Directly and Indirectly Related Mentions Referring to Groups of Person},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      booktitle    = {Diversity, Divergence, Dialogue},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Cham},
      pages        = {514--526},
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-71292-1_40},
      isbn         = {978-3-030-71292-1},
      editor       = {Toeppe, Katharina and Yan, Hui and Chu, Samuel Kai Wah},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Bias-aware News Analysis using Matrix-based News Aggregation,” International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), pp. 129-147, 2020.
      title        = {Bias-aware News Analysis using Matrix-based News Aggregation},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      journal      = {International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL)},
      publisher    = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
      pages        = {129--147},
      doi          = {10.1007/s00799-018-0239-9},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-018-0239-9},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, A. Zhukova, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Newsalyze: Enabling News Consumers to Understand Media Bias,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Newsalyze: Enabling News Consumers to Understand Media Bias},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Zhukova, Anastasia and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398561},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, F. Hamborg, A. Becerra, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Enabling News Consumers to View and Understand Biased News Coverage: A Study on the Perception and Visualization of Media Bias,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Enabling News Consumers to View and Understand Biased News Coverage: A Study on the Perception and Visualization of Media Bias},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Hamborg, Felix and Becerra, Angelica and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398619},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “An Integrated Approach to Detect Media Bias in German News Articles,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {An {Integrated} {Approach} to {Detect} {Media} {Bias} in {German} {News} {Articles}},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398585},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Media Bias in German News Articles: A Combined Approach,” in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2020), Virtual event, 2020.
      title        = {Media Bias in German News Articles: A Combined Approach},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2020)},
      address      = {Virtual event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-65965-3_41},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Interpretable and Comparative Textual Dataset Exploration Using Near-Identity Mention Relations,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Interpretable and Comparative Textual Dataset Exploration Using Near-Identity Mention Relations},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398562},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Interpretable Topic Modeling Using Near-Identity Cross-Document Coreference Resolution,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Interpretable Topic Modeling Using Near-Identity Cross-Document Coreference Resolution},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398564},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Giveme5W1H: A Universal System for Extracting Main Events from News Articles,” in Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 7th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2019), 2019.
      title        = {Giveme5W1H: A Universal System for Extracting Main Events from News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 7th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2019)},
      location     = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, A. Zhukova, and B. Gipp, “Illegal Aliens or Undocumented Immigrants? Towards the Automated Identification of Bias by Word Choice and Labeling,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2019, 2019.
      title        = {Illegal Aliens or Undocumented Immigrants? Towards the Automated Identification of Bias by Word Choice and Labeling},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Zhukova, Anastasia and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2019},
      location     = {Washington, DC, USA},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-15742-5_17},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-15742-5_17},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, A. Zhukova, and B. Gipp, “Automated Identification of Media Bias by Word Choice and Labeling in News Articles,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019.
      title        = {Automated Identification of Media Bias by Word Choice and Labeling in News Articles},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Zhukova, Anastasia and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2019.00036},
      note         = {newsanalysis},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, C. Breitinger, M. Schubotz, S. Lachnit, and B. Gipp, “Extraction of Main Event Descriptors from News Articles by Answering the Journalistic Five W and One H Questions,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2018.
      title        = {Extraction of Main Event Descriptors from News Articles by Answering the Journalistic Five W and One H Questions},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Breitinger, Corinna and Schubotz, Moritz and Lachnit, Soeren and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3197026.3203899},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3197026.3203899},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, K. Donnay, and B. Gipp, “Automated Identification of Media Bias in News Articles: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review,” International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL), pp. 391-415, 2018.
      title        = {Automated Identification of Media Bias in News Articles: An Interdisciplinary Literature Review},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Donnay, Karsten and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Nov.},
      journal      = {International Journal on Digital Libraries (IJDL)},
      publisher    = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
      pages        = {391--415},
      doi          = {10.1007/s00799-018-0261-y},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-018-0261-y},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, S. Lachnit, M. Schubotz, T. Hepp, and B. Gipp, “Giveme5W: Main Event Retrieval from News Articles by Extraction of the Five Journalistic W Questions,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2018, 2018.
      title        = {Giveme5W: Main Event Retrieval from News Articles by Extraction of the Five Journalistic W Questions},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Lachnit, Soeren and Schubotz, Moritz and Hepp, Thomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference 2018},
      location     = {Sheffield, UK},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-78105-1_39},
      url          = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-78105-1_39},
      note         = {Finalist for the Best Paper Award at the iConference 2018},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}


  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Identification and Analysis of Media Bias in News Articles,” in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science, 2017, pp. 224-236.
      title        = {{I}dentification and {A}nalysis of {M}edia {B}ias in {N}ews {A}rticles},
      author       = {{H}amborg, {F}elix and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {A}izawa, {A}kiko and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 15th {I}nternational {S}ymposium of {I}nformation {S}cience},
      location     = {Berlin},
      pages        = {224--236},
      url          = {http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/docviews/abstract.php?id=43364},
      editor       = {Gaede, Maria and Trkulja, Violeta and Petra, Vivien},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “news-please: A Generic News Crawler and Extractor,” in Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium of Information Science, 2017, pp. 218-223.
      title        = {{news-please}: {A} {G}eneric {N}ews {C}rawler and {E}xtractor},
      author       = {{H}amborg, {F}elix and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 15th {I}nternational {S}ymposium of {I}nformation {S}cience},
      location     = {Berlin},
      pages        = {218--223},
      url          = {http://edoc.hu-berlin.de/docviews/abstract.php?id=43365},
      editor       = {Gaede, Maria and Trkulja, Violeta and Petra, Vivien},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Matrix-based News Aggregation: Exploring Different News Perspectives,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2017.
      title        = {Matrix-based News Aggregation: Exploring Different News Perspectives},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2017.7991561},
      note         = {Best Student Paper Award at the JCDL 2017},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}

Recommender Systems


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, E. Ash, T. Ruas, B. Gipp, J. Moreno-Schneider, and G. Rehm, “Evaluating Document Representations for Content-based Legal Literature Recommendations,” in The 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2021), 2021.
      title        = {Evaluating Document Representations for Content-based Legal Literature Recommendations},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Ash, Elliott and Ruas, Terry and Gipp, Bela and Moreno-Schneider, Julian and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {The 18th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2021)},
      location     = {Sao Paulo, Brasil},
      doi          = {10.1145/3462757.3466073},
      isbn         = {978-1-450385268},
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Breitinger, B. Kolcu, M. Meuschke, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Supporting the Exploration of Semantic Features in Academic Literature using Graph-based Visualizations,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Supporting the {Exploration} of {Semantic} {Features} in {Academic} {Literature} using {Graph}-based {Visualizations}},
      author       = {Breitinger, Corinna and Kolcu, Birkan and Meuschke, Monique and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      location     = {Virtual Event, China},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398599},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, T. Ruas, T. Blume, B. Gipp, and G. Rehm, “Aspect-based Document Similarity for Research Papers,” in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020), 2020.
      title        = {Aspect-based Document Similarity for Research Papers},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Ruas, Terry and Blume, Till and Gipp, Bela and Rehm, Georg},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2020)},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.545},
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Breitinger, B. Gipp, P. Wortner, and H. Reiterer, “‘Too Late to Collaborate’: Challenges to the Discovery of in-progress Research,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019.
      title        = {'Too Late to Collaborate': Challenges to the Discovery of in-progress Research},
      author       = {Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela and Wortner, Patrick and Reiterer, Harald},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2019.00028},
      keywords     = {information seeking,research collaboration,research recommendation},
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, and B. Gipp, “TF-IDuF: A Novel Term-Weighting Scheme for User Modeling based on Users’ Personal Document Collections,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2017, Wuhan, China, 2017.
      title        = {{TF-IDuF}: {A} {N}ovel {T}erm-{W}eighting {S}cheme for {U}ser {M}odeling based on {U}sers' {P}ersonal {D}ocument {Collections}},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = Mar # { 22-25},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the i{C}onference 2017},
      address      = {Wuhan, China},
      doi          = {10.9776/17217},
      url          = {https://ischools.org/the-iconference/},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] S. Feyer, S. Siebert, B. Gipp, A. Aizawa, and J. Beel, “Integration of the Scientific Recommender System Mr. DLib into the Reference Manager JabRef,” in Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR17), Aberdeen, Scotland, 2017.
      title        = {{I}ntegration of the {S}cientific {R}ecommender {S}ystem {Mr. DLib} into the {R}eference {M}anager {JabRef}},
      author       = {{F}eyer, {S}tefan and {S}iebert, {S}ophie and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {A}izawa, {A}kiko and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = Apr # { 8-13},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 29th {E}uropean {C}onference on {I}nformation {R}etrieval ({ECIR17})},
      address      = {Aberdeen, Scotland},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-56608-5_80},
      url          = {https://www.ecir2017.org/},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, A. Aizawa, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Mr. DLib: Recommendations-as-a-Service (RaaS) for Academia,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2017.
      title        = {Mr. DLib: Recommendations-as-a-Service (RaaS) for Academia},
      author       = {Beel, Joeran and Aizawa, Akiko and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      doi          = {10.1109/jcdl.2017.7991606},
      owner        = {j},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schwarzer, C. Breitinger, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Citolytics – A Wikipedia Recommender System,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys), 2017.
      title        = {Citolytics - A Wikipedia Recommender System},
      author       = {Schwarzer, Malte and Breitinger, Corinna and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys)},
      doi          = {10.1145/3109859.3109981},
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, C. Breitinger, S. Langer, A. Lommatzsch, and B. Gipp, “Towards reproducibility in recommender-systems research,” User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), vol. 26, pp. 69-101, 2016.
      title        = {{T}owards reproducibility in recommender-systems research},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {L}ommatzsch, {A}ndreas and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      journal      = {{U}ser {M}odeling and {U}ser-{A}dapted {I}nteraction ({UMUAI})},
      volume       = 26,
      pages        = {69--101},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11257-016-9174-x},
      issn         = {1573-1391},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-016-9174-x},
      abstract     = {Numerous recommendation approaches are in use today. However, comparing their effectiveness is a challenging task because evaluation results are rarely reproducible. In this article, we examine the challenge of reproducibility in recommender-system research. We conduct experiments using Plista's news recommender system, and Docear's research-paper recommender system. The experiments show that there are large discrepancies in the effectiveness of identical recommendation approaches in only slightly different scenarios, as well as large discrepancies for slightly different approaches in identical scenarios. For example, in one news-recommendation scenario, the performance of a content-based filtering approach was twice as high as the second-best approach, while in another scenario the same content-based filtering approach was the worst performing approach. We found several determinants that may contribute to the large discrepancies observed in recommendation effectiveness. Determinants we examined include user characteristics (gender and age), datasets, weighting schemes, the time at which recommendations were shown, and user-model size. Some of the determinants have interdependencies. For instance, the optimal size of an algorithms' user model depended on users' age. Since minor variations in approaches and scenarios can lead to significant changes in a recommendation approach's performance, ensuring reproducibility of experimental results is difficult. We discuss these findings and conclude that to ensure reproducibility, the recommender-system community needs to (1) survey other research fields and learn from them, (2) find a common understanding of reproducibility, (3) identify and understand the determinants that affect reproducibility, (4) conduct more comprehensive experiments, (5) modernize publication practices, (6) foster the development and use of recommendation frameworks, and (7) establish best-practice guidelines for recommender-systems research.},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schwarzer, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, V. Markl, and B. Gipp, “Evaluating Link-based Recommendations for Wikipedia,” in Proceedings of the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), New York, NY, USA, 2016, pp. 191-200.
      title        = {{E}valuating {L}ink-based {R}ecommendations for {W}ikipedia},
      author       = {{S}chwarzer, {M}alte and {S}chubotz, {M}oritz and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {M}arkl, {V}olker and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 16th {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL})},
      location     = {Newark, New Jersey, USA},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      series       = {JCDL '16},
      pages        = {191--200},
      doi          = {10.1145/2910896.2910908},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-4229-2},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2910896.2910908},
      numpages     = 10,
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, S. Langer, and C. Breitinger, “Research-paper recommender systems: a literature survey,” International Journal on Digital Libraries, pp. 1-34, 2015.
      title        = {{R}esearch-paper recommender systems: a literature survey},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = {Jul.},
      journal      = {{I}nternational {J}ournal on {D}igital {L}ibraries},
      publisher    = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
      pages        = {1--34},
      doi          = {10.1007/s00799-015-0156-0},
      issn         = {1432-5012},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s00799-015-0156-0},
      keywords     = {Recommender system; User modeling; Research paper recommender systems; Content based filtering; Review; Survey},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, G. M. Kapitsaki, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Exploring the Potential of User Modeling based on Mind Maps,” in User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization – 23rd International Conference, UMAP 2015, Dublin, Ireland, 2015, pp. 3-17.
      title        = {{E}xploring the {P}otential of {U}ser {M}odeling based on {M}ind {M}aps},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {K}apitsaki, {G}eorgia {M}. and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = {June 29 - July 3},
      booktitle    = {{U}ser {M}odeling, {A}daptation and {P}ersonalization - 23rd {I}nternational {C}onference, {UMAP} 2015, {D}ublin, {I}reland},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science},
      pages        = {3--17},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-20267-9},
      isbn         = {978-3-319-20266-2},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-20267-9},
      editor       = {Ricci, F., Bontcheva, K., Conlan, O., Lawless, S. (Eds.)},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, B. Gipp, and A. Nuernberger, “The Architecture and Datasets of Docear’s Research Paper Recommender System,” D-Lib Magazine – The Magazine of Digital Library Research, vol. 20, iss. 11/12, 2014.
      title        = {{T}he {A}rchitecture and {D}atasets of {D}ocear's {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
      year         = 2014,
      month        = {Nov.},
      journal      = {{D}-{L}ib {M}agazine - {T}he {M}agazine of {D}igital {L}ibrary {R}esearch},
      volume       = 20,
      number       = {11/12},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-08786-3_26},
      url          = {https://www.dlib.org/dlib/november14/beel/11beel.html},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, and B. Gipp, “The Architecture and Datasets of Docear’s Research Paper Recommender System,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP 2014) at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2014), London, UK, 2014.
      title        = {{T}he {A}rchitecture and {D}atasets of {D}ocear's {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2014,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 3rd {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {M}ining {S}cientific {P}ublications ({WOSP} 2014) at the {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL} 2014)},
      address      = {London, UK},
      doi          = {10.1045/november14-beel},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1045/november14-beel},
      topic        = {rec}


  • [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, M. Genzmehr, B. Gipp, and A. Nuernberger, “A Comparative Analysis of Offline and Online Evaluations and Discussion of Research Paper Recommender System Evaluation,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication in Recommender Systems Evaluation (RepSys) at the ACM Recommender System Conference (RecSys), 2013.
      title        = {{A} {C}omparative {A}nalysis of {O}ffline and {O}nline {E}valuations and {D}iscussion of {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem {E}valuation},
      author       = {{J}oeran {B}eel and {S}tefan {L}anger and {M}arcel {G}enzmehr and {B}ela {G}ipp and {A}ndreas {N}uernberger},
      year         = 2013,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {W}orkshop on {R}eproducibility and {R}eplication in {R}ecommender {S}ystems {E}valuation ({R}ep{S}ys) at the {ACM} {R}ecommender {S}ystem {C}onference ({R}ec{S}ys)},
      series       = {ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS)},
      doi          = {10.1145/2532508.2532511},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2532508.2532511},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, S. Langer, M. Genzmehr, B. Gipp, C. Breitinger, and A. Nuernberger, “Research Paper Recommender System Evaluation: A Quantitative Literature Survey,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Reproducibility and Replication in Recommender Systems Evaluation (RepSys) at the ACM Recommender System Conference (RecSys), 2013.
      title        = {{R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem {E}valuation: {A} {Q}uantitative {L}iterature {S}urvey},
      author       = {{J}oeran {B}eel and {S}tefan {L}anger and {M}arcel {G}enzmehr and {B}ela {G}ipp and {C}orinna {B}reitinger and {A}ndreas {N}uernberger},
      year         = 2013,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {W}orkshop on {R}eproducibility and {R}eplication in {R}ecommender {S}ystems {E}valuation ({R}ep{S}ys) at the {ACM} {R}ecommender {S}ystem {C}onference ({R}ec{S}ys)},
      series       = {ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS)},
      doi          = {10.1145/2532508.2532512},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2532508.2532512},
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, S. Langer, M. Genzmehr, E. Wilde, A. Nuernberger, and J. Pitman, “Introducing Mr. DLib, a Machine-readable Digital Library,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL`11), Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
      title        = {{I}ntroducing {M}r. {DL}ib, a {M}achine-readable {D}igital {L}ibrary},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}enzmehr, {M}arcel and {W}ilde, {E}rik and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas and {P}itman, {J}im},
      year         = 2011,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}`11)},
      address      = {Ottawa, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/1998076.1998187},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1998076.1998188},
      topic        = {rec}
  • B. Gipp, J. Stiller, and J. Beel, “(WO2011044865) Method for Determining a Similarity of Objects,” , iss. WO/2011/044865, 2011.
      title        = {({WO}2011044865) {M}ethod for {D}etermining a {S}imilarity of {O}bjects},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2011,
      month        = {Apr.},
      day          = 21,
      number       = {WO/2011/044865},
      url          = {https://www.wipo.int/patentscope/search/en/WO2011044865},
      nationality  = {European Patent Office},
      yearfiled    = 2009,
      dayfiled     = 12,
      monthfiled   = 10,
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, and E. Wilde, “Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO): Optimizing Scholarly Literature for Google Scholar and Co,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing, vol. 41, iss. 2, pp. 176-190, 2010.
      title        = {{A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngine {O}ptimization ({ASEO}): {O}ptimizing {S}cholarly {L}iterature for {G}oogle {S}cholar and {C}o},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {W}ilde, {E}rik},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan.},
      journal      = {{J}ournal of {S}cholarly {P}ublishing},
      volume       = 41,
      number       = 2,
      pages        = {176--190},
      doi          = {10.3138/jsp.41.2.176},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.3138/jsp.41.2.176},
      note         = {University of Toronto Press},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “On the Robustness of Google Scholar Against Spam,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT’10), Toronto, Canada, 2010.
      title        = {{O}n the {R}obustness of {G}oogle {S}cholar {A}gainst {S}pam},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Toronto, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/1810617.1810683},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1810617.1810683},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Academic Search Engine Spam and Google Scholar’s Resilience Against it,” Journal of Electronic Publishing, vol. 13, iss. 3, 2010.
      title        = {{A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngine {S}pam and {G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}esilience {A}gainst it},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Dec.},
      journal      = {{J}ournal of {E}lectronic {P}ublishing},
      volume       = 13,
      number       = 3,
      doi          = {10.3998/3336451.0013.305},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.3998/3336451.0013.305},
      topic        = {rec}


  • [PDF] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Google Scholar’s Ranking Algorithm: An Introductory Overview,” in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI’09), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009.
      title        = {{G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}anking {A}lgorithm: {A}n {I}ntroductory {O}verview},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}cientometrics and {I}nformetrics ({ISSI}'09)},
      publisher    = {International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics},
      address      = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
      volume       = 1,
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ITNG.2009.317},
      note         = {ISSN 2175-1935},
      editor       = {Larsen, Birger and Leta, Jacqueline},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Google Scholar’s Ranking Algorithm: The Impact of Citation Counts (An Empirical Study),” in Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS’09), Fez, Morocco, 2009.
      title        = {{G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}anking {A}lgorithm: {T}he {I}mpact of {C}itation {C}ounts ({A}n {E}mpirical {S}tudy)},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 3rd {IEEE} {I}nternational {C}onference on {R}esearch {C}hallenges in {I}nformation {S}cience ({RCIS}'09)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Fez, Morocco},
      doi          = {10.1109/RCIS.2009.5089308},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1109/RCIS.2009.5089308},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4244-2865-6},
      editor       = {Flory, Andr\~{A}Æ’\^{A}\textcopyright{} and Collard, Martine},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Google Scholar’s Ranking Algorithm: The Impact of Articles’ Age (An Empirical Study),” in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG’09), Las Vegas, USA, 2009.
      title        = {{G}oogle {S}cholar's {R}anking {A}lgorithm: {T}he {I}mpact of {A}rticles' {A}ge ({A}n {E}mpirical {S}tudy)},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 6th {I}nternational {C}onference on {I}nformation {T}echnology: {N}ew {G}enerations ({ITNG}'09)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Las Vegas, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/ITNG.2009.317},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ITNG.2009.317},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1424437702},
      editor       = {Latifi, Shahram},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] B. Gipp, J. Beel, and C. Hentschel, “Scienstein: A Research Paper Recommender System,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing (ICETiC’09), Virudhunagar, India, 2009.
      title        = {{S}cienstein: {A} {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {S}ystem},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {H}entschel, {C}hristian},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Jan.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {I}nternational {C}onference on {E}merging {T}rends in {C}omputing ({ICET}i{C}'09)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Virudhunagar, India},
      organization = {Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology India},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Citation Proximity Analysis (CPA) – A New Approach for Identifying Related Work Based on Co-Citation Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI’09), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009.
      title        = {{C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis ({CPA}) - {A} {N}ew {A}pproach for {I}dentifying {R}elated {W}ork {B}ased on {C}o-{C}itation {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}cientometrics and {I}nformetrics ({ISSI}'09)},
      publisher    = {International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics},
      address      = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
      volume       = 2,
      note         = {ISSN 2175-1935},
      editor       = {Larsen, Birger and Leta, Jacqueline},
      topic        = {rec}
  • B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Identifying Related Documents For Research Paper Recommender By CPA And COA,” in Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2009, Berkeley, USA, 2009.
      title        = {{I}dentifying {R}elated {D}ocuments {F}or {R}esearch {P}aper {R}ecommender {B}y {CPA} {A}nd {COA}},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Oct.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of {T}he {W}orld {C}ongress on {E}ngineering and {C}omputer {S}cience 2009},
      publisher    = {Newswood Limited},
      address      = {Berkeley, USA},
      series       = {Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science},
      volume       = 1,
      isbn         = {978-988-17012-6-8},
      url          = {http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCECS2009/WCECS2009_pp636-639.pdf},
      editor       = {Ao, S. I. and Douglas, C. and Grundfest, W. S. and Burgstone, J.},
      organization = {International Association of Engineers (IAENG)},
      topic        = {rec}

Literature Search & Knowledge Management


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, S. Langer, and M. Genzmehr, “Docear: An Academic Literature Suite for Searching, Organizing and Creating Academic Literature,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL`11), 2011.
      title        = {{D}ocear: {A}n {A}cademic {L}iterature {S}uite for {S}earching, {O}rganizing and {C}reating {A}cademic {L}iterature},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {G}enzmehr, {M}arcel},
      year         = 2011,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM}/{IEEE} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}`11)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      doi          = {10.1145/1998076.1998188},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Enhancing Information Search by Utilizing Mind Maps,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT’10), Toronto, Canada, 2010.
      title        = {{E}nhancing {I}nformation {S}earch by {U}tilizing {M}ind {M}aps},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Toronto, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/1810617.1810686},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1810617.1810686},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}

Plagiarism Detection


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, A. Greiner-Petter, N. Giessing, I. Beckenbach, M. Schubotz, O. Teschke, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Taxonomy of Mathematical Plagiarism,” in 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.
      title        = {Taxonomy of Mathematical Plagiarism},
      author       = {Satpute, Ankit and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Giessing, Noah and Beckenbach, Isabel and Schubotz, Moritz and Teschke, Olaf and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Glasgow, Scotland},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-031-56066-8_2},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, “Analyzing Mathematical Content for Plagiarism and Recommendations,” in 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.
      title        = {Analyzing Mathematical Content for Plagiarism and Recommendations},
      author       = {Satpute, Ankit},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Glasgow, Scotland},
      doi          = {10.1145/978-3-031-56069-9_42},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, A. Aizawa, O. Teschke, and B. Gipp, “TEIMMA: The First Content Reuse Annotator for Text, Images, and Math,” in 2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2023.
      title        = {TEIMMA: The First Content Reuse Annotator for Text, Images, and Math},
      author       = {Satpute, Ankit and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Aizawa, Akiko and Teschke, Olaf and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2023 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL57899.2023.00056},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, F. Kirstein, and B. Gipp, “How Large Language Models are Transforming Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism,” in Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022, pp. 952-963.
      title        = {How Large Language Models are Transforming Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism},
      author       = {Jan Philip Wahle and Terry Ruas and Frederic Kirstein and Bela Gipp},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
      location     = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      pages        = {952--963},
      doi          = {10.48550/arXiv.2210.03568},
      url          = {https://aclanthology.org/2022.emnlp-main.62},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, N. Walger, and B. Gipp, “F 5 Plagiat,” in Grundlagen der Informationswissenschaft, Seventh ed., R. Kuhlen, D. Lewandowski, W. Semar, and C. Womser-Hacker, Eds., Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur, 2022, pp. 817-828.
      title        = {F 5 {Plagiat}},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Walger, Nicole and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = nov,
      booktitle    = {Grundlagen der {Informationswissenschaft}},
      publisher    = {De Gruyter Saur},
      address      = {Berlin, Boston},
      pages        = {817--828},
      doi          = {10.1515/9783110769043-069},
      isbn         = {978-3-11-076904-3},
      editor       = {Kuhlen, Rainer and Lewandowski, Dirk and Semar, Wolfgang and {Womser-Hacker}, Christa},
      edition      = {Seventh},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, T. Foltynek, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Identifying Machine-Paraphrased Plagiarism,” in Proceedings of the iConference, 2022.
      title        = {{Identifying} {Machine}-{Paraphrased} {Plagiarism}},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Foltynek, Tomas and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {February},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the iConference},
      location     = {Virtual Event},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-96957-8_34},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Stegmueller, F. Bauer-Marquart, N. Meuschke, T. Ruas, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Detecting Cross-Language Plagiarism using Open Knowledge Graphs,” in 2nd Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE2021) at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL2021), Online, Illinois, USA, 2021.
      title        = {Detecting Cross-Language Plagiarism using Open Knowledge Graphs},
      author       = {Stegmueller, Johannes and Bauer-Marquart, Fabian and Meuschke, Norman and Ruas, Terry and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {2nd Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE2021) at the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL2021), Online},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      doi          = {10.6084/m9.figshare.17212340.v3},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. P. Wahle, T. Ruas, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Are Neural Language Models Good Plagiarists? A Benchmark for Neural Paraphrase Detection,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 226-229.
      title        = {Are Neural Language Models Good Plagiarists? A Benchmark for Neural Paraphrase Detection},
      author       = {Wahle, Jan Philip and Ruas, Terry and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {226--229},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00065},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Foltynek, T. Ruas, P. Scharpf, N. Meuschke, M. Schubotz, W. Grosky, and B. Gipp, “Detecting Machine-Obfuscated Plagiarism,” in Sustainable Digital Communities, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020, vol. 12051 LNCS, pp. 816-827.
      title        = {Detecting Machine-Obfuscated Plagiarism},
      author       = {Foltynek, Tomas and Ruas, Terry and Scharpf, Philipp and Meuschke, Norman and Schubotz, Moritz and Grosky, William and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      booktitle    = {Sustainable {Digital} {Communities}},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Cham},
      volume       = {12051 LNCS},
      pages        = {816--827},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-43687-2_68},
      isbn         = {978-3-030-43686-5 978-3-030-43687-2},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Foltynek, R. Vsiansky, N. Meuschke, D. Dlabolova, and B. Gipp, “Cross-Language Source Code Plagiarism Detection using Explicit Semantic Analysis and Scored Greedy String Tilling,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Cross-Language Source Code Plagiarism Detection using Explicit Semantic Analysis and Scored Greedy String Tilling},
      author       = {Foltynek, Tomas and Vsiansky, Richard and Meuschke, Norman and Dlabolova, Dita and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398594},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] C. Ihle, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “A First Step Towards Content Protecting Plagiarism Detection,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {A {First} {Step} {Towards} {Content} {Protecting} {Plagiarism} {Detection}},
      author       = {Ihle, Cornelius and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398620},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Foltynek, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Academic Plagiarism Detection: A Systematic Literature Review,” ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 52, iss. 6, p. 112:1–112:42, 2019.
      title        = {{Academic Plagiarism Detection: A Systematic Literature Review}},
      author       = {Foltynek, Tomas and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Oct.},
      journal      = {ACM Computing Surveys},
      volume       = 52,
      number       = 6,
      pages        = {112:1--112:42},
      doi          = {10.1145/3345317},
      issn         = {03600300},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, V. Stange, M. Schubotz, M. Kramer, and B. Gipp, “Improving Academic Plagiarism Detection for STEM Documents by Analyzing Mathematical Content and Citations,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2019.
      title        = {Improving Academic Plagiarism Detection for STEM Documents by Analyzing Mathematical Content and Citations},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Stange, Vincent and Schubotz, Moritz and Kramer, Michael and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2019.00026},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, O. Teschke, V. Stange, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Forms of Plagiarism in Digital Mathematical Libraries,” in Intelligent Computer Mathematics – 12th International Conference, CICM 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, July 8-12, 2019, Proceedings, 2019.
      title        = {Forms of Plagiarism in Digital Mathematical Libraries},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Teschke, Olaf and Stange, Vincent and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      booktitle    = {Intelligent Computer Mathematics - 12th International Conference, {CICM} 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, July 8-12, 2019, Proceedings},
      location     = {Czech Republic},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-23250-4_18},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, C. Gondek, D. Seebacher, C. Breitinger, D. Keim, and B. Gipp, “An Adaptive Image-based Plagiarism Detection Approach,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Fort Worth, USA, 2018.
      title        = {An Adaptive Image-based Plagiarism Detection Approach},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Gondek, Christopher and Seebacher, Daniel and Breitinger, Corinna and Keim, Daniel and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3197026.3197042},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, V. Stange, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “HyPlag: A Hybrid Approach to Academic Plagiarism Detection,” in Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR), 2018.
      title        = {HyPlag: A Hybrid Approach to Academic Plagiarism Detection},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Stange, Vincent and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR)},
      location     = {Ann Arbor, MI, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3209978.3210177},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, M. Schubotz, F. Hamborg, T. Skopal, and B. Gipp, “Analyzing Mathematical Content to Detect Academic Plagiarism,” in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2017.
      title        = {Analyzing Mathematical Content to Detect Academic Plagiarism},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Schubotz, Moritz and Hamborg, Felix and Skopal, Tomas and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)},
      location     = {Singapore},
      doi          = {10.1145/3132847.3133144},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, N. Siebeck, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Analyzing Semantic Concept Patterns to Detect Academic Plagiarism,” in Proceedings International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP) held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2017.
      title        = {Analyzing Semantic Concept Patterns to Detect Academic Plagiarism},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Siebeck, Nicolas and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP) held in conjunction with the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Toronto, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/3127526.3127535},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, J. Pitman, and A. Nuernberger, “Web-based Demonstration of Semantic Similarity Detection using Citation Pattern Visualization for a Cross Language Plagiarism Case,” in Special Session on Information Systems Security within Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, 2014, pp. 677-683.
      title        = {{W}eb-based {D}emonstration of {S}emantic {S}imilarity {D}etection using {C}itation {P}attern {V}isualization for a {C}ross {L}anguage {P}lagiarism {C}ase},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {P}itman, {J}im and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
      year         = 2014,
      month        = apr # { 27-30},
      booktitle    = {{S}pecial {S}ession on {I}nformation {S}ystems {S}ecurity within {P}roceedings of the 16th {I}nternational {C}onference on {E}nterprise {I}nformation {S}ystems ({ICEIS} 2014)},
      address      = {Lisbon, Portugal},
      pages        = {677 -- 683},
      doi          = {10.5220/0004985406770683},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.5220/0004985406770683},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, and C. Breitinger, “Citation-based Plagiarism Detection: Practicability on a Large-scale Scientific Corpus,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), vol. 65, iss. 2, pp. 1527-1540, 2014.
      title        = {{C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {P}racticability on a {L}arge-scale {S}cientific {C}orpus},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2014,
      journal      = {{J}ournal of the {A}merican {S}ociety for {I}nformation {S}cience and {T}echnology {(JASIST)}},
      volume       = 65,
      number       = 2,
      pages        = {1527--1540},
      doi          = {10.1002/asi.23228},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.23228},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, Citation-based Plagiarism Detection – Detecting Disguised and Cross-language Plagiarism using Citation Pattern Analysis, Springer Vieweg Research, 2014.
      title        = {{C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection - {D}etecting {D}isguised and {C}ross-language {P}lagiarism using {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2014,
      publisher    = {Springer Vieweg Research},
      pages        = 350,
      doi          = {0.1007/978-3-658-06394-8},
      isbn         = {978-3-658-06393-1},
      url          = {https://www.springer.com/978-3-658-06393-1},
      school       = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke and B. Gipp, “Reducing Computational Effort for Plagiarism Detection by using Citation Characteristics to Limit Retrieval Space,” in Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2014), London, UK, 2014, pp. 197-200.
      title        = {{R}educing {C}omputational {E}ffort for {P}lagiarism {D}etection by using {C}itation {C}haracteristics to {L}imit {R}etrieval {S}pace},
      author       = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2014,
      month        = sep # { 8-12,},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the {IEEE}/{ACM} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL} 2014)},
      address      = {London, UK},
      pages        = {197--200},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL.2014.6970168},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1109/JCDL.2014.6970168},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, C. Breitinger, M. Lipinski, and A. Nuernberger, “Demonstration of Citation Pattern Analysis for Plagiarism Detection,” in Proceedings of the 36th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Dublin, UK, 2013.
      title        = {{D}emonstration of {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis for {P}lagiarism {D}etection},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {L}ipinski, {M}ario and {N}uernberger, {A}ndreas},
      year         = 2013,
      month        = {Jul. 28 - Aug. 1},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 36th {I}nternational {ACM} {SIGIR} {C}onference on {R}esearch and {D}evelopment in {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Dublin, UK},
      doi          = {10.1145/2484028.2484214},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2484028.2484214},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] B. Gipp, Doctoral Thesis: Citation-based Plagiarism Detection: Applying Citation Pattern Analysis to Identify Currently Non-Machine-Detectable Disguised Plagiarism in Scientific Publications, University of Magdeburg, 2013.
      title        = {{D}octoral {T}hesis: {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {A}pplying {C}itation {P}attern {A}nalysis to {I}dentify {C}urrently {N}on-{M}achine-{D}etectable {D}isguised {P}lagiarism in {S}cientific {P}ublications},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2013,
      publisher    = {University of Magdeburg},
      school       = {Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke and B. Gipp, “State of the Art in Detecting Academic Plagiarism,” International Journal for Educational Integrity, vol. 9, iss. 1, pp. 50-71, 2013.
      title        = {{S}tate of the {A}rt in {D}etecting {A}cademic {P}lagiarism},
      author       = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2013,
      month        = {Jun.},
      journal      = {{I}nternational {J}ournal for {E}ducational {I}ntegrity},
      volume       = 9,
      number       = 1,
      pages        = {50--71},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3482941},
      url          = {https://www.ojs.unisa.edu.au/index.php/IJEI/article/view/847/610},
      topic        = {pd}


  • N. Meuschke, B. Gipp, and C. Breitinger, “CitePlag: A Citation-based Plagiarism Detection System Prototype,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Plagiarism Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2012.
      title        = {{C}ite{P}lag: {A} {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection {S}ystem {P}rototype},
      author       = {{M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna},
      year         = 2012,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {P}lagiarism {C}onference},
      address      = {Newcastle upon Tyne, UK},
      url          = {https://www.plagiarismadvice.org/research-papers/item/a-citation-based-plagiarism-detection-system-prototype},
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, and J. Beel, “Comparative Evaluation of Text- and Citation-based Plagiarism Detection Approaches using GuttenPlag,” in Proceedings of 11th annual international ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL’11), Ottawa, Canada, 2011.
      title        = {{C}omparative {E}valuation of {T}ext- and {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection {A}pproaches using {G}utten{P}lag},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2011,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of 11th annual international {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL}'11)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Ottawa, Canada},
      doi          = {10.1145/1998076.1998124},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1998076.1998124},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp and N. Meuschke, “Citation Pattern Matching Algorithms for Citation-based Plagiarism Detection: Greedy Citation Tiling, Citation Chunking and Longest Common Citation Sequence,” in Proceedings of the 11th ACM symposium on Document engineering (DocEng ’11), Mountain, View, CA, USA, 2011.
      title        = {{C}itation {P}attern {M}atching {A}lgorithms for {C}itation-based {P}lagiarism {D}etection: {G}reedy {C}itation {T}iling, {C}itation {C}hunking and {L}ongest {C}ommon {C}itation {S}equence},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman},
      year         = 2011,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {ACM} symposium on {D}ocument engineering ({D}oc{E}ng '11)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Mountain, View, CA, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/2034691.2034741},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-0863-2},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2034691.2034741},
      topic        = {pd}
  • B. Gipp, “Identifying Related Work and Plagiarism by Citation Analysis,” IEEE-TCDL Bulletin, vol. 7, 2011.
      title        = {{I}dentifying {R}elated {W}ork and {P}lagiarism by {C}itation {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2011,
      journal      = {{IEEE}-{TCDL} {B}ulletin},
      volume       = 7,
      topic        = {pd}


  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Citation Based Plagiarism Detection – A New Approach to Identify Plagiarized Work Language Independently,” in Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (HT’10), New York, NY, USA, 2010.
      title        = {{C}itation {B}ased {P}lagiarism {D}etection - {A} {N}ew {A}pproach to {I}dentify {P}lagiarized {W}ork {L}anguage {I}ndependently},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 21st {ACM} {C}onference on {H}ypertext and {H}ypermedia ({HT}'10)},
      location     = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {New York, NY, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/1810617.1810671},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-0041-4},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/1810617.1810671},
      topic        = {pd}

Mathematical Information Retrieval


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, “Analyzing Mathematical Content for Plagiarism and Recommendations,” in 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Glasgow, Scotland, 2024.
      title        = {Analyzing Mathematical Content for Plagiarism and Recommendations},
      author       = {Satpute, Ankit},
      year         = 2024,
      month        = {March},
      booktitle    = {46th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Glasgow, Scotland},
      doi          = {10.1145/978-3-031-56069-9_42},
      topic        = {pd}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Satpute, N. Giessing, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, O. Teschke, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Can LLMs Master Math? Investigating Large Language Models on Math Stack Exchange,” in Proceedings of 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’24), Washington, USA, 2024.
      title     = {Can LLMs Master Math? Investigating Large Language Models on Math Stack Exchange},
      author    = {Satpute, Ankit and Giessing, Noah and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Teschke, Olaf and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {July.},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’24)},
      publisher = {ACM},
      address   = {Washington, USA},
      doi       = {10.1145/3626772.3657945},
      topic     = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, C. Breitinger, P. Scharpf, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 45, iss. 4, pp. 4384-4395, 2023.
      title        = {Do the Math: Making Mathematics in Wikipedia Computable},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Breitinger, Corinna and Scharpf, Philipp and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      journal      = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
      volume       = 45,
      number       = 4,
      pages        = {4384--4395},
      doi          = {10.1109/TPAMI.2022.3195261},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Petersen, M. Schubotz, A. Greiner-Petter, and B. Gipp, “Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae,” in Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2023.
      title        = {Neural Machine Translation for Mathematical Formulae},
      author       = {Petersen, Felix and Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)},
      publisher    = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
      doi          = {10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.645},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, H. S. Cohl, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning.” 2023.
      title        = {Discovery and Recognition of Formula Concepts using Machine Learning},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard S. and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {Jul.},
      journal      = {Scientometrics},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11192-023-04667-9},
      url          = {https://www.doi.org/10.1007/s11192-023-04667-9},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, A. Spitz, A. Greiner-Petter, and B. Gipp, “PhysWikiQuiz – An AI-Aided Collaborative Physics Exam Question Generation and Test System for Teachers and Students,” in Interactive Events at the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2023, 2023.
      title        = {PhysWikiQuiz - An AI-Aided Collaborative Physics Exam Question Generation and Test System for Teachers and Students},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Spitz, Andreas and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      month        = {July},
      booktitle    = {Interactive Events at the 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2023},
      location     = {Tokyo, Japan and virtual (synchronous hybrid)},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, H. S. Cohl, A. Youssef, M. Schubotz, A. Trost, R. Dey, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems,” in International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), Cham, 2022, pp. 87-105.
      title        = {Comparative Verification of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions and Computer Algebra Systems},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Cohl, Howard S. and Youssef, Abdou and Schubotz, Moritz and Trost, Avi and Dey, Rajen and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS)},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Cham},
      pages        = {87--105},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-99524-9_5},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Mining Mathematical Documents for Question Answering via Unsupervised Formula Labeling,” in 2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2022.
      title        = {{M}ining {M}athematical {D}ocuments for {Q}uestion {A}nswering via {U}nsupervised {F}ormula {L}abeling},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2022 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      location     = {Cologne, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1145/3529372.3530925},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-9345-4/22/06},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, A. Spitz, A. Greiner-Petter, and B. Gipp, “Collaborative and AI-aided Exam Question Generation using Wikidata in Education,” in Proceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2022) co-located with the 21th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022), Hangzhou, China (virtual), 2022.
      title        = {Collaborative and AI-aided Exam Question Generation using Wikidata in Education},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Spitz, Andreas and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      month        = {October},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 3rd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2022) co-located with the 21th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2022)},
      publisher    = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
      address      = {Hangzhou, China (virtual)},
      doi          = {10.13140/RG.2.2.30988.18568},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] M. Petrera, D. Trautwein, I. Beckenbach, D. Ehsani, F. Müller, O. Teschke, B. Gipp, and M. Schubotz, “zbMATH Open: API Solutions and Research Challenges,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects (DISCO 2021) co-located with ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL 2021), Online (due to the global pandemic), September 30, 2021, 2021, pp. 4-13.
      title        = {zbMATH Open: {API} Solutions and Research Challenges},
      author       = {Matteo Petrera and Dennis Trautwein and Isabel Beckenbach and Dariush Ehsani and Fabian M{\"{u}}ller and Olaf Teschke and Bela Gipp and Moritz Schubotz},
      year         = 2021,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Digital Infrastructures for Scholarly Content Objects {(DISCO} 2021) co-located with {ACM/IEEE} Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2021 (JCDL 2021), Online (due to the global pandemic), September 30, 2021},
      publisher    = {CEUR-WS.org},
      series       = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
      volume       = 2976,
      pages        = {4--13},
      url          = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2976/paper-1.pdf},
      editor       = {Wolf{-}Tilo Balke and Anita de Waard and Yuanxi Fu and Bolin Hua and Jodi Schneider and Ningyuan Song and Xiaoguang Wang},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Fast Linking of Mathematical Wikidata Entities in Wikipedia Articles Using Annotation Recommendation,” in Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW) 2021, 2021.
      title        = {Fast Linking of Mathematical Wikidata Entities in Wikipedia Articles Using Annotation Recommendation},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {April},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW) 2021},
      publisher    = {{ACM} / {IW3C2}},
      doi          = {10.1145/3442442.3452348},
      isbn         = {978-1-4503-8313-4/21/04},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Mathematics in Wikidata,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2021) co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021), 2021.
      title        = {Mathematics in Wikidata},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {October},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2nd Wikidata Workshop (Wikidata 2021) co-located with the 20th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2021)},
      publisher    = {{CEUR} Workshop Proceedings},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.5589640},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Making Presentation Math Computable: Proposing a Context Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems,” in International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS), Braunschweig, Germany, 2020.
      title        = {Making Presentation Math Computable: Proposing a Context Sensitive Approach for Translating LaTeX to Computer Algebra Systems},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {International Congress on Mathematical Software (ICMS)},
      publisher    = {Springer International Publishing},
      address      = {Braunschweig, Germany},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-52200-1_33},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, F. Mueller, C. Breitinger, H. S. Cohl, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest – A Study of Mathematical Notations,” in Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW ’20), April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan, 2020.
      title        = {Discovering Mathematical Objects of Interest - A Study of Mathematical Notations},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Mueller, Fabian and Breitinger, Corinna and Cohl, Howard S and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Apr.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of The Web Conference 2020 (WWW '20), April 20--24, 2020},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Taipei, Taiwan},
      doi          = {10.1145/3366423.3380218},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3366423.3380218},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1-4503-7023-3/20/04},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, A. Youssef, T. Ruas, B. Miller, M. Schubotz, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Math-word embedding in math search and semantic extraction,” Scientometrics, vol. 125, iss. 3, pp. 3017-3046, 2020.
      title        = {Math-word embedding in math search and semantic extraction},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Youssef, Abdou and Ruas, Terry and Miller, Bruce and Schubotz, Moritz and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Dec.},
      journal      = {Scientometrics},
      volume       = 125,
      number       = 3,
      pages        = {3017--3046},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11192-020-03502-9},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, A. Greiner-Petter, M. Ostendorff, O. Teschke, and B. Gipp, “ARQMath Lab: An Incubator for Semantic Formula Search in zbMATH Open?,” in ARQMath Lab at the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF), 2020.
      title        = {ARQMath Lab: An Incubator for Semantic Formula Search in zbMATH Open?},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andr\'{e} and Ostendorff, Malte and Teschke, Olaf and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {ARQMath Lab at the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum ({CLEF})},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, A. Youssef, F. Hamborg, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Classification and Clustering of arXiv Documents, Sections, and Abstracts, Comparing Encodings of Natural and Mathematical Language,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Classification and {Clustering} of {arXiv} {Documents}, {Sections}, and {Abstracts}, {Comparing} {Encodings} of {Natural} and {Mathematical} {Language}},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Youssef, Abdou and Hamborg, Felix and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398529},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, P. Scharpf, O. Teschke, A. Kuehnemund, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “AutoMSC: Automatic Assignment of Mathematics Subject Classification Labels,” in Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), 2020, pp. 237-250.
      title        = {AutoMSC: Automatic Assignment of Mathematics Subject Classification Labels},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Scharpf, Philipp and Teschke, Olaf and Kuehnemund, Andreas and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 13th International Conference Intelligent Computer Mathematics ({CICM})},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      pages        = {237--250},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-030-53518-6_15},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] A. Greiner-Petter, T. Ruas, M. Schubotz, A. Aizawa, W. Grosky, and B. Gipp, “Why Machines Cannot Learn Mathematics, Yet,” in 4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries colocated at the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference, 2019.
      title        = {Why Machines Cannot Learn Mathematics, Yet},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Ruas, Terry and Schubotz, Moritz and Aizawa, Akiko and Grosky, William and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      booktitle    = {4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries colocated at the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference},
      location     = {Paris, France},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, H. S. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions in Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems,” Aslib Journal of Information Management, vol. 71, iss. 3, pp. 415-439, 2019.
      title        = {Semantic Preserving Bijective Mappings for Expressions involving Special Functions in Computer Algebra Systems and Document Preparation Systems},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard S. and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {May},
      journal      = {Aslib Journal of Information Management},
      volume       = 71,
      number       = 3,
      pages        = {415--439},
      doi          = {10.1108/AJIM-08-2018-0185},
      issn         = {2050-3806},
      date         = {2019-07},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Scharpf, I. Mackerracher, M. Schubotz, J. Beel, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “AnnoMathTeX – a Formula Identifier Annotation Recommender System for STEM Documents,” in Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2019), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019.
      title        = {AnnoMathTeX - a Formula Identifier Annotation Recommender System for STEM Documents},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Mackerracher, Ian and Schubotz, Moritz and Beel, Joeran and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {Sept.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2019)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
      doi          = {10.1145/3298689.3347042},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, H. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “Towards Formula Concept Discovery and Recognition,” in 4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2019) held in conjunction with the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), Paris, France, 2019.
      title        = {Towards Formula Concept Discovery and Recognition},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2019,
      month        = {July},
      booktitle    = {4th Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2019) held in conjunction with the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019)},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Paris, France},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Greiner-Petter, M. Schubotz, H. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “MathTools: An Open API for Convenient MathML Handling,” in 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics CICM, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria, 2018.
      title        = {MathTools: An Open API for Convenient MathML Handling},
      author       = {Greiner-Petter, Andre and Schubotz, Moritz and Cohl, Howard~S. and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Aug},
      booktitle    = {11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics CICM, RISC, Hagenberg, Austria},
      address      = {RISC, Hagenberg, Austria},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-96812-4_9},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] F. Petersen, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Towards Formula Translation using Recursive Neural Networks,” in Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM), 2018.
      title        = {Towards Formula Translation using Recursive Neural Networks},
      author       = {Petersen, Felix and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM)},
      location     = {Hagenberg, Austria},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] P. Scharpf, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Representing Mathematical Formulae in Content MathML using Wikidata,” in 3rd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2018) held in conjunction with the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018), 2018.
      title        = {Representing Mathematical Formulae in Content MathML using Wikidata},
      author       = {Scharpf, Philipp and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      booktitle    = {3rd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2018) held in conjunction with the 41st International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018)},
      location     = {Ann Arbor, MI, USA},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, A. Greiner-Petter, P. Scharpf, N. Meuschke, H. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “Improving the Representation and Conversion of Mathematical Formulae by Considering their Textual Context,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Fort Worth, USA, 2018.
      title        = {Improving the Representation and Conversion of Mathematical Formulae by Considering their Textual Context},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Scharpf, Philipp and Meuschke, Norman and Cohl, Howard and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      address      = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/3197026.3197058},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, P. Scharpf, K. Dudhat, Y. Nagar, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Introducing MathQA – A Math-Aware Question Answering System,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Fort Worth, USA, 2018.
      title        = {Introducing MathQA - A Math-Aware Question Answering System},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Scharpf, Philipp and Dudhat, Kaushal and Nagar, Yash and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2018,
      month        = {Jun.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Workshop on Knowledge Discovery},
      address      = {Fort Worth, USA},
      doi          = {10.1108/idd-06-2018-0022},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, L. Kraemer, N. Meuschke, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “Evaluating and Improving the Extraction of Mathematical Identifier Definitions,” in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the CLEF Association (CLEF 2017), 2017.
      title        = {Evaluating and Improving the Extraction of Mathematical Identifier Definitions},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Kraemer, Leonard and Meuschke, Norman and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {September},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of the CLEF Association (CLEF 2017)},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-65813-1_7},
      editor       = {Jones, Gareth and Lawless, Seamus and Gonzalo, Julio and Kelly, Liadh and Goeuriot, Lorraine and Mandl, Thomas and Cappellato, Linda and Ferro, Nicola},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, T. Hepp, H. S. Cohl, and B. Gipp, “VMEXT: A Visualization Tool for Mathematical Expression Trees,” in Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, 2017.
      title        = {VMEXT: A Visualization Tool for Mathematical Expression Trees},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Hepp, Thomas and Cohl, Howard S. and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-62075-6_24},
      isbn         = {978-3-319-62074-9},
      topic        = {mathir}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, A. Grigorev, M. Leich, H. S. Cohl, N. Meuschke, B. Gipp, A. S. Youssef, and V. Markl, “Semantification of Identifiers in Mathematics for Better Math Information Retrieval,” in Proceedings of the 39th Int. ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2016.
      title        = {{S}emantification of {I}dentifiers in {M}athematics for {B}etter {M}ath {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
      author       = {{S}chubotz, {M}oritz and {G}rigorev, {A}lexey and {L}eich, {M}arcus and {C}ohl, {H}oward {S}. and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {Y}oussef, {A}bdou {S}. and {M}arkl, {V}olker},
      year         = 2016,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 39th {I}nt. {ACM} {SIGIR} {C}onference on {R}esearch and {D}evelopment in {I}nformation {R}etrieval},
      doi          = {10.1145/2911451.2911503},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2911451.2911503},
      note         = {Full Paper},
      topic        = {mathir}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, M. Leich, and B. Gipp, “Exploring the One-brain Barrier: a Manual Contribution to the NTCIR-12 Math Task,” in Proceedings of the 12th NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies (NTCIR-12), 2016.
      title        = {{E}xploring the {O}ne-brain {B}arrier: a {M}anual {C}ontribution to the {NTCIR}-12 {M}ath {T}ask},
      author       = {{S}chubotz, {M}oritz and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {L}eich, {M}arcus and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {NTCIR} {C}onference on {E}valuation of {I}nformation {A}ccess {T}echnologies ({NTCIR}-12)},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3547436},
      topic        = {mathir}

Citation and Link-based Analysis


  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, N. Meuschke, and M. Lipinski, “CITREC: An Evaluation Framework for Citation-Based Similarity Measures based on TREC Genomics and PubMed Central,” in Proceedings of the iConference 2015, Newport Beach, California, 2015.
      title        = {{CITREC}: {A}n {E}valuation {F}ramework for {C}itation-{B}ased {S}imilarity {M}easures based on {TREC} {G}enomics and {P}ub{M}ed {C}entral},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {L}ipinski, {M}ario},
      year         = 2015,
      month        = Mar # { 24-27},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the i{C}onference 2015},
      address      = {Newport Beach, California},
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3547372},
      topic        = {cit}


  • B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Method and System for Detecting a Similarity of Documents,” , 2011.
      title        = {{M}ethod and {S}ystem for {D}etecting a {S}imilarity of {D}ocuments},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2011,
      month        = {Oct.},
      day          = 27,
      url          = {https://www.patentlens.net/patentlens/patent/US_2011_0264672_A1/en/},
      note         = {US 2011/0264672 A1},
      nationality  = {US},
      yearfiled    = 2011,
      dayfiled     = {01},
      monthfiled   = {07},
      abstract     = {The invention relates to a method and a system for detecting a similarity of documents. The similarity of documents is detected with the help of an analysis of citations in one or more citation document(s), wherein the distance between the individual citations is used as criterion of the analysis. On the basis of the determined distance between two citations, respectively, a similarity value is determined, which is characteristic of the cited documents. A small distance between two citations leads to a high similarity of the cited documents. In case of several citations with regard to documents from several citation documents, the similarity values for the citation pairs from the individual citation documents are used for determining a final similarity value.},
      filing_num   = 13174882,
      howpublished = {Patent Application},
      ipc_class    = {G06F 17/30},
      us_class     = {707749; 707E17008; 707E17108},
      version      = {A1},
      topic        = {cit}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Link Analysis in Mind Maps: A New Approach To Determine Document Relatedness,” in Proceedings of the 4th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC’10), Seoul, Korea, 2010.
      title        = {{L}ink {A}nalysis in {M}ind {M}aps: {A} {N}ew {A}pproach {T}o {D}etermine {D}ocument {R}elatedness},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 4th {ACM} {I}nternational {C}onference on {U}biquitous {I}nformation {M}anagement and {C}ommunication ({ICUIMC}'10)},
      address      = {Seoul, Korea},
      doi          = {10.1145/2108616.2108662},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2108616.2108662},
      topic        = {knowledgemgmt}
  • B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Integrating Citation Proximity Analysis into Google Books and Google Scholar,” Invited Talk at Google Inc., Mountain View, Ca, USA, 2010.
      title        = {{I}ntegrating {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis into {G}oogle {B}ooks and {G}oogle {S}cholar},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan.},
      journal      = {{I}nvited {T}alk at {G}oogle {I}nc., {M}ountain {V}iew, {C}a, {USA}},
      howpublished = {Invited Talk at Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA},
      topic        = {cit}
  • B. Gipp and J. Beel, “(WO2010078857) Detection of a Similarity of Documents by Citation Proximity Analysis,” , iss. WO/2010/078857, 2010.
      title        = {({WO}2010078857) {D}etection of a {S}imilarity of {D}ocuments by {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Oct.},
      day          = 15,
      number       = {WO/2010/078857},
      url          = {https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/WO2010078857},
      nationality  = {European Patent Office},
      yearfiled    = 2009,
      dayfiled     = {08},
      monthfiled   = {01},
      topic        = {cit}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, A. Taylor, and J. Beel, “Link Proximity Analysis – Clustering Websites by Examining Link Proximity,” in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL’10), 2010.
      title        = {{L}ink {P}roximity {A}nalysis - {C}lustering {W}ebsites by {E}xamining {L}ink {P}roximity},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {T}aylor, {A}driana and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 6273,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_54},
      editor       = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
      topic        = {misc}
  • B. Gipp, “Citation Proximity Analysis,” Invited Talk: Seminar on Information Access at the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley; Invitation by Michael Buckland., 2010.
      title        = {{C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan. 22nd},
      journal      = {{I}nvited {T}alk: {S}eminar on {I}nformation {A}ccess at the {S}chool of {I}nformation, {U}niversity of {C}alifornia, {B}erkeley; {I}nvitation by {M}ichael {B}uckland.},
      note         = {Invitation by Michael Buckland.},
      howpublished = {Invited Talk, Seminar on Information Access at the School of Information, University of California, Berkeley},
      topic        = {cit}
  • B. Gipp, “Measuring Document Relatedness by Citation Proximity Analysis and Citation Order Analysis,” in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL’10), 2010.
      title        = {{M}easuring {D}ocument {R}elatedness by {C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis and {C}itation {O}rder {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 6273,
      editor       = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
      topic        = {cit}


  • [PDF] B. Gipp and J. Beel, “Citation Proximity Analysis (CPA) – A New Approach for Identifying Related Work Based on Co-Citation Analysis,” in Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI’09), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2009.
      title        = {{C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis ({CPA}) - {A} {N}ew {A}pproach for {I}dentifying {R}elated {W}ork {B}ased on {C}o-{C}itation {A}nalysis},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Jul.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 12th {I}nternational {C}onference on {S}cientometrics and {I}nformetrics ({ISSI}'09)},
      publisher    = {International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics},
      address      = {Rio de Janeiro, Brazil},
      volume       = 2,
      note         = {ISSN 2175-1935},
      editor       = {Larsen, Birger and Leta, Jacqueline},
      topic        = {rec}


  • B. Gipp, “(Co-)Citation Proximity Analysis – A Measure to Identify Related Work,” Doctoral Proposal, VLBA-Lab, Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Claus Rautenstrauch., 2006.
      title        = {({C}o-){C}itation {P}roximity {A}nalysis - {A} {M}easure to {I}dentify {R}elated {W}ork},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2006,
      month        = {Feb.},
      journal      = {{D}octoral {P}roposal, {VLBA}-{L}ab, {O}tto-von-{G}uericke {U}niversity, {G}ermany. {S}upervisor: {P}rof. {C}laus {R}autenstrauch.},
      url          = {https://www.vlba-lab.de; https://www.ovgu.de/},
      howpublished = {Doctoral Proposal, VLBA-Lab, Otto-von-Guericke University, Germany, Supervisor: Prof. Claus Rautenstrauch},
      topic        = {cit}



  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, F. Hamborg, and B. Gipp, “ANEA: Automated (Named) Entity Annotation for German Domain-Specific Texts,” in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE 2021) co-located with JCDL 2021, Virtual Event, Illinois, USA, 2021.
      title        = {ANEA: Automated (Named) Entity Annotation for German Domain-Specific Texts},
      author       = {Zhukova, Anastasia and Hamborg, Felix and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {September, 30th},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Extraction and Evaluation of Knowledge Entities from Scientific Documents (EEKE 2021) co-located with JCDL 2021, Virtual Event},
      publisher    = {CEUR},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      doi          = {10.6084/m9.figshare.17185373.v2},
      url          = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3004/paper1.pdf},
      editor       = {Zhang, Chengzhi and Mayr, Philipp and Lu, Wei and Zhang, Yi},
      topic        = {wiki}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Ostendorff, T. Ruas, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Pairwise Multi-Class Document Classification for Semantic Relations between Wikipedia Articles,” in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2020.
      title        = {Pairwise Multi-Class Document Classification for Semantic Relations between Wikipedia Articles},
      author       = {Ostendorff, Malte and Ruas, Terry and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2020,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the {ACM}/{IEEE} {Joint} {Conference} on {Digital} {Libraries} ({JCDL})},
      doi          = {10.1145/3383583.3398525},
      topic        = {wiki}


  • [PDF] [DOI] E. Dahm, M. Schubotz, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “A Vision for Performing Social and Economic Data Analysis using Wikipedia’s Edit History,” in 26th International World Wide Web Conference, 2017.
      title        = {A Vision for Performing Social and Economic Data Analysis using Wikipedia's Edit History},
      author       = {Dahm, Erik and Schubotz, Moritz and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {26th International World Wide Web Conference},
      doi          = {10.1145/3041021.3053363},
      isbn         = 9781450349147,
      url          = {https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3053363},
      keywords     = {article quality,author reputation,editor types,wikipedia},
      topic        = {wiki}

Plant Assistant


  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Zhukova, L. von Sperl, C. E. Matt, and B. Gipp, “Generative User-Experience Research for Developing Domain-specific Natural Language Processing Applications,” Knowledge and Information Systems, 2024.
      title     = {Generative User-Experience Research for Developing Domain-specific Natural Language Processing Applications},
      author    = {Zhukova, Anastasia and von Sperl, Lukas and Matt, Christian E. and Gipp, Bela},  
      journal   = {Knowledge and Information Systems},
      year      = 2024,
      month     = {09},
      doi       = {10.1007/s10115-024-02212-5},
      url       = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-024-02212-5},
      issn      = {0219-3116},
      topic     = {plant}



  • [PDF] [DOI] N. Meuschke, A. Jagdale, T. Spinde, J. Mitrovi’c, and B. Gipp, “A Benchmark of PDF Information Extraction Tools Using a Multi-task and Multi-domain Evaluation Framework for Academic Documents,” in Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023, vol. 13972, pp. 383-405.
      title        = {A Benchmark of PDF Information Extraction Tools Using a Multi-task and Multi-domain Evaluation Framework for Academic Documents},
      author       = {Meuschke, Norman and Jagdale, Apurva and Spinde, Timo and Mitrovi{\'c}, Jelena and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2023,
      booktitle    = {Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity},
      publisher    = {Springer Nature Switzerland},
      address      = {Cham},
      series       = {LNCS},
      volume       = 13972,
      pages        = {383--405},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-031-28032-0_31},
      isbn         = {978-3-031-28031-3 978-3-031-28032-0},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Schubotz, A. Satpute, A. Greiner-Petter, A. Aizawa, and B. Gipp, “Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer,” Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, vol. 7, 2022.
      title        = {Caching and Reproducibility: Making Data Science Experiments Faster and FAIRer},
      author       = {Schubotz, Moritz and Satpute, Ankit and Greiner-Petter, Andre and Aizawa, Akiko and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2022,
      journal      = {Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics},
      volume       = 7,
      doi          = {https://doi.org/10.3389/frma.2022.861944},
      url          = {https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frma.2022.861944},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Beck, M. Schubotz, V. Stange, N. Meuschke, and B. Gipp, “Recognize, Annotate and Visualize Parallel Structures in XML Documents,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 258-261.
      title        = {Recognize, Annotate and Visualize Parallel Structures in XML Documents},
      author       = {Beck, Marco and Schubotz, Moritz and Stange, Vincent and Meuschke, Norman and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {258--261},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00078},
      topic        = {knowledgemegmt}
  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Deifuss, C. Ihle, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “procd: A privacy preserving robust implementation to discover contacts in social networks,” in Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2021), 2021.
      title        = {procd: A privacy preserving robust implementation to discover contacts in social networks},
      author       = {Deifuss, Fabian and Ihle, Cornelius and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Mar.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Information Science (ISI 2021)},
      location     = {Regensburg, Germany (Virtual Event)},
      doi          = {10.5283/EPUB.44954},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] T. Spinde, D. Krieger, M. Plank, and B. Gipp, “Towards A Reliable Ground-Truth For Biased Language Detection,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 324-325.
      title        = {Towards A Reliable Ground-Truth For Biased Language Detection},
      author       = {Spinde, Timo and Krieger, David and Plank, Manuel and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {324--325},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00053},
      topic        = {newsanalysis}
  • [PDF] [DOI] D. Trautwein, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Introducing Peer Copy – A Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer File Transfer Tool,” in 2021 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), Espoo and Helsinki, Finland, 2021.
      title        = {Introducing Peer Copy - A Fully Decentralized Peer-to-Peer File Transfer Tool},
      author       = {Trautwein, Dennis and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {June},
      booktitle    = {2021 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Espoo and Helsinki, Finland},
      doi          = {10.23919/IFIPNetworking52078.2021.9472842},
      note         = {ISBN 978-3-9031-7639-3},
      topic        = {blockchain}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. von Tottleben, C. Ihle, M. Schubotz, and B. Gipp, “Academic Storage Cluster,” in 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Illinois, USA, 2021, pp. 278-279.
      title        = {Academic Storage Cluster},
      author       = {von Tottleben, Alexander and Ihle, Cornelius and Schubotz, Moritz and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2021,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)},
      publisher    = {IEEE},
      address      = {Illinois, USA},
      pages        = {278--279},
      doi          = {10.1109/JCDL52503.2021.00034},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] P. Ehret, A. Zucalla, and B. Gipp, “University rankings in computer science: A study and visualization of ‘geo-based’ impact and conference proceeding (CORE) scores,” in Proceedings of ISSI 2017: 17th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference, Wuhan, China, 2017.
      title        = {University rankings in computer science: A study and visualization of 'geo-based' impact and conference proceeding (CORE) scores},
      author       = {Ehret, Philip and Zucalla, Alesia and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {Oct.},
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of ISSI 2017: 17th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference},
      address      = {Wuhan, China},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] M. El-Assady, R. Sevastjanova, B. Gipp, D. Keim, and C. Collins, “NEREx: Named-Entity Relationship Exploration in Multi-Party Conversations,” in Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 2017.
      title        = {NEREx: Named-Entity Relationship Exploration in Multi-Party Conversations},
      author       = {El-Assady, Mennatallah and Sevastjanova, Rita and Gipp, Bela and Keim, Daniel and Collins, Christopher},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis)},
      volume       = 36,
      number       = 3,
      doi          = {10.1111/cgf.13181},
      owner        = {f},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] F. Hamborg, M. Elmaghraby, C. Breitinger, and B. Gipp, “Automated Generation of Timestamped Patent Abstracts at Scale to Outsmart Patent-Trolls,” in 2nd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2017) held in conjunction with the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2017), Tokyo, Japan, 2017.
      title        = {Automated Generation of Timestamped Patent Abstracts at Scale to Outsmart Patent-Trolls},
      author       = {Hamborg, Felix and Elmaghraby, Moustafa and Breitinger, Corinna and Gipp, Bela},
      year         = 2017,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {2nd Joint Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing for Digital Libraries (BIRNDL 2017) held in conjunction with the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2017)},
      address      = {Tokyo, Japan},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] W. Jentner, M. El-Assady, B. Gipp, and D. Keim, “Feature Alignment for the Analysis of Verbatim Text Transcripts,” in Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis), 2017.
      title        = {Feature Alignment for the Analysis of Verbatim Text Transcripts},
      author       = {Jentner, Wolfgang and El-Assady, Mennatallah and Gipp, Bela and Keim, Daniel},
      year         = 2017,
      booktitle    = {Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis)},
      doi          = {10.2312/eurova.20171113},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, C. Breitinger, S. Langer, A. Lommatzsch, and B. Gipp, “Towards reproducibility in recommender-systems research,” User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), vol. 26, pp. 69-101, 2016.
      title        = {{T}owards reproducibility in recommender-systems research},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {L}anger, {S}tefan and {L}ommatzsch, {A}ndreas and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      journal      = {{U}ser {M}odeling and {U}ser-{A}dapted {I}nteraction ({UMUAI})},
      volume       = 26,
      pages        = {69--101},
      doi          = {10.1007/s11257-016-9174-x},
      issn         = {1573-1391},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11257-016-9174-x},
      abstract     = {Numerous recommendation approaches are in use today. However, comparing their effectiveness is a challenging task because evaluation results are rarely reproducible. In this article, we examine the challenge of reproducibility in recommender-system research. We conduct experiments using Plista's news recommender system, and Docear's research-paper recommender system. The experiments show that there are large discrepancies in the effectiveness of identical recommendation approaches in only slightly different scenarios, as well as large discrepancies for slightly different approaches in identical scenarios. For example, in one news-recommendation scenario, the performance of a content-based filtering approach was twice as high as the second-best approach, while in another scenario the same content-based filtering approach was the worst performing approach. We found several determinants that may contribute to the large discrepancies observed in recommendation effectiveness. Determinants we examined include user characteristics (gender and age), datasets, weighting schemes, the time at which recommendations were shown, and user-model size. Some of the determinants have interdependencies. For instance, the optimal size of an algorithms' user model depended on users' age. Since minor variations in approaches and scenarios can lead to significant changes in a recommendation approach's performance, ensuring reproducibility of experimental results is difficult. We discuss these findings and conclude that to ensure reproducibility, the recommender-system community needs to (1) survey other research fields and learn from them, (2) find a common understanding of reproducibility, (3) identify and understand the determinants that affect reproducibility, (4) conduct more comprehensive experiments, (5) modernize publication practices, (6) foster the development and use of recommendation frameworks, and (7) establish best-practice guidelines for recommender-systems research.},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Hofmann, J. Mueller, B. Gipp, and H. Reiterer, “bibox: A Tangible Approach to Motivating Participation in Public Libraries,” in Humans and Computers 2016, Proceedings, 2016.
      title        = {bibox: {A} {T}angible {A}pproach to {M}otivating {P}articipation in {P}ublic {L}ibraries},
      author       = {{H}ofmann, {J}acqueline and {M}ueller, {J}ens and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {R}eiterer, {H}arald},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {{H}umans and {C}omputers 2016, {P}roceedings},
      doi          = {10.18420/muc2016-mci-0030},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2016-mci-0030},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [DOI] P. Meschenmoser, N. Meuschke, M. Hotz, and B. Gipp, “Crawling Scientific Repositories,” in 5th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications (WOSP) held in conjunction with the 16th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), 2016.
      title        = {Crawling Scientific Repositories},
      author       = {{M}eschenmoser, {P}hilipp and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {H}otz, {M}anuel and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {5th {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {M}ining {S}cientific {P}ublications ({WOSP}) held in conjunction with the 16th {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL})},
      location     = {Newark, New Jersey, USA},
      doi          = {10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] P. Meschenmoser, N. Meuschke, M. Hotz, and B. Gipp, “Scraping Scientific Web Repositories: Challenges and Solutions for Automated Content Extraction,” D-Lib Magazine, vol. 22, iss. 9/10, 2016.
      title        = {{S}craping {S}cientific {W}eb {R}epositories: {C}hallenges and {S}olutions for {A}utomated {C}ontent {E}xtraction},
      author       = {{M}eschenmoser, {P}hilipp and {M}euschke, {N}orman and {H}otz, {M}anuel and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2016,
      journal      = {D-Lib Magazine},
      volume       = 22,
      number       = {9/10},
      doi          = {10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1045/september2016-meschenmoser},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] A. Weiler, J. Beel, B. Gipp, and M. Grossniklaus, “Stability Evaluation of Event Detection Techniques for Twitter,” in Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV, H. Bostroem, A. Knobbe, C. Soares, and P. Papapetrou, Eds., Springer, 2016.
      title        = {Stability Evaluation of Event Detection Techniques for Twitter},
      author       = {Weiler, Andreas and Beel, Joeran and Gipp, Bela and Grossniklaus, Michael},
      year         = 2016,
      booktitle    = {Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XV},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-319-46349-0_32},
      isbn         = {978-3-319-46348-3},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-46349-0_32},
      editor       = {Bostroem, Henrik and Knobbe, Arno and Soares, Carlos and Papapetrou, Panagiotis},
      subtitle     = {Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA'16)},
      volumes      = 9897,
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] M. Lipinski, K. Yao, C. Breitinger, J. Beel, and B. Gipp, “Evaluation of Header Metadata Extraction Approaches and Tools for Scientific PDF Documents,” in Proceedings of the 13th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), Indianapolis, IN, USA, 2013.
      title        = {{E}valuation of {H}eader {M}etadata {E}xtraction {A}pproaches and {T}ools for {S}cientific {PDF} {D}ocuments},
      author       = {{L}ipinski, {M}ario and {Y}ao, {K}evin and {B}reitinger, {C}orinna and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2013,
      month        = {Jul. 22 - 26},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 13th {ACM}/{IEEE}-{CS} {J}oint {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({JCDL})},
      publisher    = {ACM},
      address      = {Indianapolis, IN, USA},
      doi          = {10.1145/2467696.2467753},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1145/2467696.2467753},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, A. Shaker, and N. Friedrich, “SciPlore Xtract: Extracting Titles from Scientific PDF Documents by Analyzing Style Information (Font Size),” in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL’10), Glasgow, UK, 2010.
      title        = {{S}ci{P}lore {X}tract: {E}xtracting {T}itles from {S}cientific {PDF} {D}ocuments by {A}nalyzing {S}tyle {I}nformation ({F}ont {S}ize)},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}haker, {A}mmar and {F}riedrich, {N}ick},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Glasgow, UK},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 6273,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_45},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_45},
      editor       = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel, B. Gipp, and E. Wilde, “Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO): Optimizing Scholarly Literature for Google Scholar and Co,” Journal of Scholarly Publishing, vol. 41, iss. 2, pp. 176-190, 2010.
      title        = {{A}cademic {S}earch {E}ngine {O}ptimization ({ASEO}): {O}ptimizing {S}cholarly {L}iterature for {G}oogle {S}cholar and {C}o},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {W}ilde, {E}rik},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Jan.},
      journal      = {{J}ournal of {S}cholarly {P}ublishing},
      volume       = 41,
      number       = 2,
      pages        = {176--190},
      doi          = {10.3138/jsp.41.2.176},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.3138/jsp.41.2.176},
      note         = {University of Toronto Press},
      topic        = {rec}
  • [PDF] [DOI] B. Gipp, A. Taylor, and J. Beel, “Link Proximity Analysis – Clustering Websites by Examining Link Proximity,” in Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL’10), 2010.
      title        = {{L}ink {P}roximity {A}nalysis - {C}lustering {W}ebsites by {E}xamining {L}ink {P}roximity},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {T}aylor, {A}driana and {B}eel, {J}oeran},
      year         = 2010,
      month        = {Sep.},
      booktitle    = {{R}esearch and {A}dvanced {T}echnology for {D}igital {L}ibraries: {P}roceedings of the 14th {E}uropean {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ECDL}'10)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      series       = {Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 6273,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-642-15464-5_54},
      editor       = {Lalmas, M. and Jose, J. and Rauber, A. and Sebastiani, F. and Frommholz, I.},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp, “Very Large Business Applications (VLBA): Systemlandschaften der Zukunft,” , H. -K. Arndt and H. Krcmar, Eds., Magdeburg: Shaker Verlag, 2009, pp. 163-173.
      title        = {{V}ery {L}arge {B}usiness {A}pplications ({VLBA}): {S}ystemlandschaften der {Z}ukunft},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2009,
      month        = {Oct.},
      publisher    = {Shaker Verlag},
      address      = {Magdeburg},
      series       = {3. Workshop des Centers for Very Large Business Applications (CVLBA)},
      pages        = {163--173},
      chapter      = {Entwicklung neuer Verfahren zur Bestimmung von Dokumentenaehnlichkeiten mittels Referenz- und Zitationsanalyse},
      editor       = {Arndt, H.-K. and Krcmar, H.},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “The Potential of Collaborative Document Evaluation for Science,” in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL’08), Heidelberg (Germany), 2008.
      title        = {{T}he {P}otential of {C}ollaborative {D}ocument {E}valuation for {S}cience},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2008,
      month        = {Dec.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 11th {I}nternational {C}onference on {A}sia-{P}acific {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ICADL}'08)},
      publisher    = {Springer},
      address      = {Heidelberg (Germany)},
      series       = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)},
      volume       = 5362,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6},
      isbn         = {978-3-540-89532-9},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6},
      editor       = {Buchanan, George and Masoodian, Masood and Cunningham, Sally Jo},
      topic        = {misc}
  • [PDF] [DOI] J. Beel and B. Gipp, “Collaborative Document Evaluation: An Alternative Approach to Classic Peer Review,” in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL’08), Vienna, Austria, 2008.
      title        = {{C}ollaborative {D}ocument {E}valuation: {A}n {A}lternative {A}pproach to {C}lassic {P}eer {R}eview},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2008,
      month        = {Aug.},
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of the 5th {I}nternational {C}onference on {D}igital {L}ibraries ({ICDL}'08)},
      address      = {Vienna, Austria},
      volume       = 31,
      doi          = {10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6_48},
      url          = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-89533-6_48},
      note         = {ISSN 1307-6884},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] B. Gipp, J. Beel, and I. Roessling, ePassport: The World’s New Electronic Passport, Scotts Valley, USA: Createspace, 2007.
      title        = {e{P}assport: {T}he {W}orld's {N}ew {E}lectronic {P}assport},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {R}oessling, {I}vo},
      year         = 2007,
      month        = {Oct.},
      publisher    = {Createspace},
      address      = {Scotts Valley, USA},
      url          = {http://epassport-book.com},
      note         = {ISBN 978-1434823182. Also available at \url{http://epassport-book.com}},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] J. Beel and B. Gipp, ePass – der neue biometrische Reisepass, Aachen, Germany: Shaker Verlag, 2005.
      title        = {e{P}ass - der neue biometrische {R}eisepass},
      author       = {{B}eel, {J}oeran and {G}ipp, {B}ela},
      year         = 2005,
      month        = {Oct.},
      publisher    = {Shaker Verlag},
      address      = {Aachen, Germany},
      url          = {http://www.epass-buch.de},
      note         = {ISBN 9783-8322-4693-8},
      topic        = {misc}


  • [PDF] [DOI] F. Alcala, J. Beel, A. Frenkel, B. Gipp, J. Luelf, and H. Hoepfner, “UbiLoc: A System for Locating Mobile Devices using Mobile Devices,” in Proceedings of 1st Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2004 (WPNC 04), 2004.
      title        = {{U}bi{L}oc: {A} {S}ystem for {L}ocating {M}obile {D}evices using {M}obile {D}evices},
      author       = {{A}lcala, {F}elix and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {F}renkel, {A}rne and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}uelf, {J}ohannes and {H}oepfner, {H}agen},
      year         = 2004,
      booktitle    = {{P}roceedings of 1st {W}orkshop on {P}ositioning, {N}avigation and {C}ommunication 2004 ({WPNC} 04)},
      publisher    = {University of Hannover},
      doi          = {},
      editor       = {Kyamakya, K.},
      topic        = {misc}


  • F. Alcala, J. Beel, A. Frenkel, B. Gipp, J. Luelf, and H. Hoepfner, “Ortung von mobilen Geraeten fuer die Realisierung lokationsbasierter Dienste,” in Mobilitaet und Informationssysteme – Workshop des GI-Arbeitskreises “Mobile Datenbanken und Informationssysteme”, Zurich, 2003.
      title        = {{O}rtung von mobilen {G}eraeten fuer die {R}ealisierung lokationsbasierter {D}ienste},
      author       = {{A}lcala, {F}elix and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {F}renkel, {A}rne and {G}ipp, {B}ela and {L}uelf, {J}ohannes and {H}oepfner, {H}agen},
      year         = 2003,
      month        = {Oct.},
      booktitle    = {{M}obilitaet und {I}nformationssysteme - {W}orkshop des {GI}-{A}rbeitskreises "{M}obile {D}atenbanken und {I}nformationssysteme"},
      publisher    = {ETH Zuerich},
      address      = {Zurich},
      editor       = {Tuerker, Can},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp, J. Beel, and L. Petersen, “Der GSM-Schutzengel (“The GSM guardian angel”),” Research project in the national competition of the Foundation ‘Jugend forscht’, (Germany’s premier youth science competition); http://www.gsm-schutzengel.de, Hamburg, Germany, 2001.
      title        = {{D}er {GSM}-{S}chutzengel ("{T}he {GSM} guardian angel")},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {B}eel, {J}oeran and {P}etersen, {L}ars},
      year         = 2001,
      journal      = {{R}esearch project in the national competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition); http://www.gsm-schutzengel.de, {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
      abstract     = {Jedes Jahr sterben auf deutschen Strassen 7.000 Menschen durch Verkehrsunfaelle. Davon koennten ueber 700 vor dem Tod bewahrt werden, wenn die Rettungsdienste unverzueglich nach dem Unfall informiert wuerden. Leider kommt es immer wieder vor, dass Verunfallte erst nach Minuten oder gar Stunden gefunden werden und so wertvolle Zeit bis zur Benachrichtigung der Rettungskraefte verstreicht. Warum nicht das flaechendeckend verfuegbare Mobilfunknetz nutzen, um automatisch Hilfe herbeizuholen? Urspruenglich im Rahmen von Jugend-forscht entwickelten wir in den vergangenen zwei Jahren ein flexibles und kostenguenstiges Notrufsystem - den "GSM Schutzengel". Dieser sieht aus wie ein gewoehnlicher Mobiltelefonakku, enthaelt aber zusaetzlich einen Beschleunigungssensor und einen Mikrokontroller zum Auswerten der Messdaten. Mit dieser Technik ist es moeglich, jedes handelsuebliche Mobiltelefon zu einem mobilen Schutzengel aufzuruesten, der Unfaelle sicher erkennt. Fehlalarme, beispielsweise durch Vollbremsungen waehrend der Autofahrt oder Hinunterfallen des Mobiltelefons, sind dabei ausgeschlossen. Bei einem Unfall ruft der GSM Schutzengel sofort die Rettungskraefte herbei. Dadurch kann selbst bewusstlosen Fahrern schnellstmoeglich geholfen werden. Die Position des Unfalls wird dabei ueber das Mobilfunknetz bestimmt - bis auf 150 m genau. Somit kann zielgenaue Hilfe gewaehrleistet werden, denn wer kann schon direkt nach einem Unfall beschreiben, wo genau er ist?},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp and J. Stiller, “Der High-Tech Bernhardiner – Ein Rettungssystem fuer Lawinenopfer (“The High-tech St. Bernhard – an avalanche rescue system”),” Research project in the state-wide competition of the Foundation ‘Jugend forscht’, (Germany’s premier youth science competition); http://www.gsm-schutzengel.de/hightec-index.shtml, Hamburg, Germany, 1999.
      title        = {{D}er {H}igh-{T}ech {B}ernhardiner - {E}in {R}ettungssystem fuer {L}awinenopfer ("{T}he {H}igh-tech {S}t. {B}ernhard - an avalanche rescue system")},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
      year         = 1999,
      journal      = {{R}esearch project in the state-wide competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition); http://www.gsm-schutzengel.de/hightec-index.shtml, {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
      abstract     = {"Wo Menschen von Lawinen verschuettet werden, zaehlt bei der Rettung und Bergung jede Minute. Was in der Vergangenheit die traditionellen Lawinenhunde geleistet haben, muss in Zeiten des Massen-Tourismus mit technischem Know-how geloest werden. Die Idee von Bela Gipp, Jan-Olaf Stiller und Florian Krueger: Ein System, bei dem eine Infrarotkamera von einem Modellhubschrauber aus Bilder an ein Leitsystem weitergibt, auf dem sich die Temperaturunterschiede zwischen warmen Koerpern und Schnee erkennen lassen. Zur Orientierung des Hubschraubers dient eine zusaetzliche Echtfarbkamera, ein Ultraschallgeraet fuer schlechte Sicht und ein Global Positioning System (GPS). Alles kann mit einem Programm, das die jungen Erfinder geschrieben haben, ueber das Internet gesteuert und ausgewertet werden." 1999, Bundesjury 'Jugend forscht' zu dem Projekt "Der High-tech Bernhardiner"},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp and J. Stiller, “Verlaengerung der Standby-Zeit von Mobiltelefonen mittels intelligenter Integration eines Zusatzempfaengers im 433 MHz-Bereich (“Extending cell phone standby time by intelligent integration of an additional receiver in the 433 MHz-field”),” Research project in the state-wide competition of the Foundation ‘Jugend forscht’, (Germany’s premier youth science competition) Hamburg, Germany, 1998.
      title        = {{V}erlaengerung der {S}tandby-{Z}eit von {M}obiltelefonen mittels intelligenter {I}ntegration eines {Z}usatzempfaengers im 433 {MHz}-{B}ereich ("{E}xtending cell phone standby time by intelligent integration of an additional receiver in the 433 {MHz}-field")},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
      year         = 1998,
      journal      = {{R}esearch project in the state-wide competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition) {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
      topic        = {misc}


  • B. Gipp and J. Stiller, “Glasfaserbasierte analoge Bilduebertragung (“Fiber optic-based analog image transfer”),” Research project in the national competition of the Foundation ‘Jugend forscht’, (Germany’s premier youth science competition), Hamburg, Germany, 1997.
      title        = {{G}lasfaserbasierte analoge {B}ilduebertragung ("{F}iber optic-based analog image transfer")},
      author       = {{G}ipp, {B}ela and {S}tiller, {J}an-{O}laf},
      year         = 1997,
      journal      = {{R}esearch project in the national competition of the {F}oundation '{J}ugend forscht', ({G}ermany's premier youth science competition), {H}amburg, {G}ermany},
      topic        = {misc}