Tianyu Yang2025-02-17T15:30:28+01:00

Tianyu Yang

Doctoral Researcher

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Research Interest

Tianyu’s current research focuses on the development of multi-modal document processing system for intelligent and automatic data ingestion. Besides, he is also interested in the general generative model and reinforcement learning.

His primary research interest can be summarized as:

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Variational Inference
  • Multi-modal Large Language Models
  • Information Extraction


12/2024 – Present

Ph.D Student
University of Göttingen, Germany

08/2022 – 07/2024

Doctoral Researcher
Technichal University of Darmstadt, Germany

09/2019 – 06/2022

M.Sc. Computer Science
Civil Aviation University of China, China

09/2015 – 07/2019

B.Sc. Aircraft Manufacturing Engineering
Civil Aviation University of China, China


Robust Utility-Preserving Text Anonymization Based on Large Language Models
Yang, Tianyu, Xiaodan Zhu, and Iryna Gurevych.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.11770 (2024).

Dior-CVAE: Pre-trained Language Models and Diffusion Priors for Variational Dialog Generation
Tianyu Yang, Thy Thy Tran, and Iryna Gurevych
In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, pages 4718–4735, Singapore. Association for Computational Linguistics.

HTKG: Deep keyphrase generation with neural hierarchical topic guidance
Zhang, Yuxiang, Tao Jiang, Tianyu Yang, Xiaoli Li, and Suge Wang.
In Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 1044-1054. 2022.

Hyperbolic deep keyphrase generation
Zhang, Yuxiang, Tianyu Yang, Tao Jiang, Xiaoli Li, and Suge Wang
In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, pp. 521-536. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

Boosting KG-to-Text Generation via Multi-granularity Graph Representations
Yang, Tianyu, Yuxiang Zhang, and Tao Jiang
In 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-9. IEEE, 2022.

Order-guided deep neural network for emotion-cause pair prediction
Fan, Wei, Yuexuan Zhu, Ziyun Wei, Tianyu Yang, W. H. Ip, and Yuxiang Zhang
Applied Soft Computing 112 (2021): 107818.


André Greiner-Petter reports from the Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Our group member, Dr. André Greiner-Petter was selected to visit the prestigious annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF). The HLF is a weeklong conference that gives young researchers the opportunity to connect with international research pioneers and Laureates from computer science [...]

Stern magazine reports on Bela Gipp’s inventions with ”Jugend Forscht”

The German magazine, Stern, just published an article about Bela’s research projects and his inventions while participating in the ‘Jugend Forscht’ competitions as a student. The article also describes one of Bela’s earliest inventions, the “GSM Schutzengel”, with which Bela [...]

Norman Meuschke receives the Airbus Research Award Claude Dornier

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Norman Meuschke was awarded this year’s Airbus Research Award ‘Claude Dornier’ for his outstanding research achievements during his Ph.D. research. The award ceremony took place on July 14th, 2022, at the University of [...]

Our research group moves to the University of Göttingen

Bela Gipp has recently accepted a new full professorship at the Georg-August-University Göttingen (Website, Wikipedia page). The new position will be at the intersection of the Department of Computer Science and the research department of the State and University Library (Website, Wikipedia [...]

Felix Hamborg defends his PhD Thesis with ‘summa cum laude’

We are delighted to announce that Felix Hamborg has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Towards Automated Frame Analysis: Natural Language Processing Techniques to Reveal Media Bias in News Articles” on January 31st. The research objective of this thesis was [...]

Dennis Trautwein receives prestigious PhD Fellowship from Protocol Labs Research

Our PhD candidate, Dennis Trautwein, has been awarded a two-year PhD Fellowship from Protocol Labs featuring an $80,000 stipend and an annual travel allowance of $3,000. Designed to support early-stage researchers, the fellowship aligns with Protocol Labs' research interests. Dennis [...]

Research & Knowledge Transfer Office reports on our group’s research and its impact on society

Scientific research does not occur in a vacuum. Instead, scientists and society both benefit from continuous and close collaboration. In this manner, new insights and solutions from academia can be directly applied to real-world problems, allowing innovation to be incrementally [...]

Newspaper FAZ reports on our research to detect and deter academic plagiarism

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) describes how our research on novel plagiarism detection methods and blockchain-backed decentralized trusted timestamping facilitates combating plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct. Read the article on the FAZ website or here (click on the article to enlarge):

Editorial for the KlarText Award reports on our research on plagiarism detection and trusted timestamping

The KlarText Award recognizes excellent achievements in understandably communicating scientific findings to a general audience. The editorial for the KlarText Award 2020 discusses the longstanding problem of plagiarism and fraud in academia and presents our research on plagiarism detection and [...]

Funding approved for 3-year research project by the DFG (German Research Foundation)

We are happy to announce that the DFG (German Research Foundation), has awarded our group a research grant for our project: “Analyzing Mathematics to Detect Disguised Academic Plagiarism”. The total funding sum of 633,000 Euro will be made available over a 3-year period [...]

DFG approves funding for Research Training Group: ‘Document – Text – Edition’

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the continuation application of the University of Wuppertal to fund a Research Training Group (DFG Graduiertenschule) centered around the topic of: "Document - Text – Edition. Conditions and Forms of Transformation and Modeling: a Transdisciplinary Perspective". Bela Gipp is among the scientific directors of this Research Training Group at the University of Wuppertal. The [...]

Wikipedia rolls out our research on providing semantic information for mathematical formulae

As of January 9, Wikipedia allows semantically enhancing mathematical formulae with the definitions of the terms they contain. For example, the formula of the famous mass-energy equivalence E=mc² now contains information on the variables E, m, and c. Clicking on the formula opens an information [...]

Bela Gipp to give keynote at KO:MON Convention 2019

Bela Gipp will give a Keynote at the KO:MON convention in Bremen on September 19th. KO:MON is Germany’s largest industry forum for monitoring and control room technology. Due to the growing demand for intelligent systems in industry, infrastructure, and in many service sectors, monitoring and control tasks are becoming increasingly important. This year, the convention is in its 11th year. It [...]

Prof. J. Stephen Downie, Co-Director of the HathiTrust research center and professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, to visit DKE

On September 9th, 2019, Prof. J. Stephen Downie will visit our research group and give a talk titled ‘‘Extracted Features: HathiTrust and Beyond’’. The talk will take place in our seminar room (FC 0.10) at 2 p.m. and is open to all students and faculty [...]

DAAD presents new stipend program and interviews Bela Gipp

The DAAD, or the German Academic Exchange Service, has recently announced a new Stipend Program called ''IFI'' (Internationale Forschungsaufenthalte für Informatikerinnen und Informatiker). The IFI Program is available to Master’s students, Ph.D. candidates, and Postdoctoral researchers enrolled at German Universities and studying or [...]

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