▸ Prof. Dr. Bela Gipp
Professor for Scientific Information Analytics &
Scientific Director of the SUB (State and University Library Göttingen)
▸Parmida Majlesi
Office Manager
Office: SUB Historic Building 0.215
Phone: +49 551 39 25835
Office hours: Mon. & Thur. 9:00-13:00
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▸ Dr. Norman Meuschke
Senior Lecturer
Office: SUB Historic Building 0.211
Phone: +49 551 39 25833
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▸ PD. Dr. Terry Lima Ruas
Senior Researcher for Natural Language Processing
Office: SUB Historic Building 0.208
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▸ Dr. Moritz Schubotz
Senior Researcher for Mathematical Information Retrieval and Open Science
▸ Jan Philip Wahle
Doctoral Researcher
Office: SUB Historic Building 0.208
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Student Researchers
Former Group Members & Close Collaborators
▸ Dr. Felix Hamborg
Senior Researcher for Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning