Chair for Scientific Information Analytics
Prof. Bela Gipp

Welcome to the Chair for Scientific Information Analytics. On this page, you will find information about the members of this research group, ongoing research projects, offered courses, topics for Bachelor’s and Master’s projects and open positions.
Our interdisciplinary research covers the fields of:
Machine Learning & Data Science
Information Science
Distributed Ledger Technology
Natural Language Processing
Information Retrieval, Analysis & Visualization

Digital Libraries
Visiting Researcher
We are happy to announce that Dr. Tomas Foltynek of [...]
Talk on the immutable research data trail at conference on Blockchain for Science
Bela Gipp gave a talk about the immutable research data [...]
The eCoach teaching innovation project receives funding from Wikimedia Germany, the Stifterverband, and the Volkswagen Stiftung
eCoach, an abbreviation for Electronic Coding Assigments Checker, is a teaching innovation project initiated [...]
Our blockchain-based Dashcam App in the news
An article about the Dashcam App in BTC-ECHO based on [...]
Interview: Blockchain technology research in “Die Welt” & “NDR Info”
Click here to open the online version of the interview in "Die [...]
New DFG Project about math retrieval
The DFG, Germany’s organization for research funding, has awarded our [...]
Best Student Paper Award at the JCDL 2017
Felix Hamborg and Norman Meuschke received the Best Student Paper Award for [...]
Blockchain Innovation: Collaboration with the International Blockchain Competition
Bela Gipp will serve as the University partner for the [...]
Research cooperation with Human Bios International AG on blockchain-based security technologies
The Human Bios International AG is announcing a research cooperation with our [...]
Norman Meuschke represents ACM SIGIR at the 50th Turing Award Celebration
The Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR) within the [...]
Talk at the department of computer science at the TUM Research Center Garching
Bela Gipp will give a talk on “Building Applications on [...]
Article about the research internship at NII in Tokyo
Felix Hamborg shared his experience of the research internship at National [...]
Our blockchain research on
The German magazine Spektrum der Wissenschaft (PDF) covered our research on blockchain [...]
Paper about the link-based recommendations covered in Wikimedia Research Newsletter
The Wikimedia Research Newsletter, a monthly online overview of recent academic research [...]
Improved math rendering in Wikipedia
Wikipedia is using a new approach for rendering mathematical formulae [...]
CitePlag on public radio
The national public radio broadcasters Deutschlandfunk and Deutschlandradio Kultur covered our collaborative research on [...]