Panel Discussion Mega Trends vs. Mega Challenges for Enterprises

Bela Gipp participated in the panel discussion Mega Trends vs. Mega Challenges for Enterprises as an expert on New Technologies. Other participants were Marc Wagner (on the subject of New Work) and Simon Schnetzer (on the subject New Generations). The event was hosted by the community platform Daiment.

2024-01-13T14:27:05+01:00December 3rd, 2021|

Research & Knowledge Transfer Office reports on our group’s research and its impact on society

Scientific research does not occur in a vacuum. Instead, scientists and society both benefit from continuous and close collaboration. In this manner, new insights and solutions from academia can be directly applied to real-world problems, allowing innovation to be incrementally tested and to positively shape the society in which we live. This is why the Research & Knowledge Transfer Office at the [...]

2024-01-13T17:16:50+01:00June 3rd, 2021|

Newspaper FAZ reports on our research to detect and deter academic plagiarism

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) describes how our research on novel plagiarism detection methods and blockchain-backed decentralized trusted timestamping facilitates combating plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct. Read the article on the FAZ website or here (click on the article to enlarge):

2024-01-16T04:31:06+01:00October 18th, 2020|

Funding approved for 3-year research project by the DFG (German Research Foundation)

We are happy to announce that the DFG (German Research Foundation), has awarded our group a research grant for our project: “Analyzing Mathematics to Detect Disguised Academic Plagiarism”. The total funding sum of 633,000 Euro will be made available over a 3-year period to both Bela Gipp’s DKE Group at the University of Wuppertal and to Dr. Moritz Schubotz, a former DKE group member, now working [...]

2024-08-19T21:30:04+02:00July 11th, 2020|

Wikipedia rolls out our research on providing semantic information for mathematical formulae

As of January 9, Wikipedia allows semantically enhancing mathematical formulae with the definitions of the terms they contain. For example, the formula of the famous mass-energy equivalence E=mc² now contains information on the variables E, m, and c. Clicking on the formula opens an information page (see figure) that displays the meanings of the variables and links to additional specifications of the formula’s terms. Our [...]

2024-01-13T14:27:19+01:00January 10th, 2020|

DAAD presents new stipend program and interviews Bela Gipp

The DAAD, or the German Academic Exchange Service, has recently announced a new Stipend Program called ''IFI'' (Internationale Forschungsaufenthalte für Informatikerinnen und Informatiker). The IFI Program is available to Master’s students, Ph.D. candidates, and Postdoctoral researchers enrolled at German Universities and studying or researching in the field of Computer Science. Participants of the IFI Program receive funding to research abroad for up to [...]

2024-01-13T14:27:30+01:00August 17th, 2019|

Bela Gipp to give a talk at ETH Zürich

ETH Zurich's DOI Desk is organizing a full-day event on "Persistent Identifiers in Research" to celebrate its 10-year anniversary. Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) help ensure the discoverability of digital objects on the Internet. For example, the assignment of DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for scientific publications has become a common practice in many disciplines. PIDs have become increasingly important to scientific research. [...]

2024-01-13T14:27:23+01:00July 15th, 2019|

Misconceptions about Trusted Timestamping

Trusted time-stamping can be very useful, but it is crucial to understand what it can prove and what it cannot prove. Timestamping can only prove that the time-stamped data, such as a photo, a video, pdf, etc. already existed in the very moment it was time-stamped. So what are potentially suitable use-cases for time-stamping? - When you hire a [...]

2024-01-13T23:21:42+01:00June 7th, 2019|

OriginStamp and Südkurier collaborate

Our startup, the OriginStamp AG, now collaborates with the German Newspaper Südkurier to offer their readers our Trusted Timestamping Service. Here you find articles reporting about this collaboration: June 2019 „Die Blockchain ist ein digitales Notizbuch“ Source: Südkurier Read more Wie die Blockchain unser Leben besser macht: So kann man mit der Technologie Geld sparen und Streitigkeiten vermeiden Source: Südkurier [...]

2024-02-02T11:59:01+01:00June 6th, 2019|
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