Article about CitePlag in uni’kon
An article about our plagiarism detection system CitePlag appeared in uni'kon #59. Click on the picture to see the article in high resolution.
An article about our plagiarism detection system CitePlag appeared in uni'kon #59. Click on the picture to see the article in high resolution.
This article, which discusses a "Jugend forscht" project I did more than 10 years ago, originally appeared on Permission of reposting was given. Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Autos: Ab nächstem Jahr durch eCall-System verpflichtend – äh „freiwillig“ von Andre Meister am 03. Juni 2014, 18:32 in Datenschutz Ab nächstem Jahr müssen alle Neuwagen in Europa mit GPS-Empfänger und Mobilfunk-Modem ausgestattet sein, um bei [...]
We are offering a paid internship for a computer science Bachelor student, who is passionate about prototype design and development. Prerequisite is that you are a student studying at a German university. More details on prerequisites here. At SciPlore you will be working with an international team of researchers, affiliated with the University of California Berkeley and the University of Magdeburg [...]
Docear Version 1.0 is out now. We’ve added several new features and made many improvements over the past few months. What is Docear? Docear is an open-source software for literature management that is tailored to the needs of students, researchers, and academics. Docear bundles multiple tools for academic literature and knowledge management into a single interface. The software combines a mind-mapping tool [...]