OriginStamp explained in 2 Minutes
Dr. Bela Gipp, previously Junior-Professor of Information Science at the University of Konstanz, has been appointed Professor for Data & Knowledge Engineering at the University of Wuppertal. You can find the German press release here. At the School of Electrical, Information and Media Engineering, Prof. Gipp focuses on data analysis, the extraction and visualization of information from large databases, [...]
A poster summarizing Monique’s doctoral research won the first prize in a nationwide contest held by the Interdisciplinary Symposium for Women in the MINT Field (ISINA). The winning poster is titled “Visualization, Classification and Interactive Exploration of Risk Criteria for Cerebral Aneurysms” (Download the poster). ISINA is a platform for knowledge transfer and exchange on topics such as interdisciplinary research, success strategies [...]
The Interdisciplinary Center for Machine Learning and Data Analysis (IZMD) has officially launched at the University of Wuppertal, on March 25th, 2019. Our group is excited to be closely associated with this newly founded center, and Bela Gipp is looking forward to serving as a member of the steering committee. The successful launch event was attended by over 270 members of [...]
The Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften has awarded us 3-year research grant for the project „Fake News and Collective Decision Making: Rapid Automated Assessment of Media Bias“ The project aims to automatically identify specific instances of media bias, thus ultimately helping news consumers to more effectively and efficiently become aware of media bias in news coverage. The interdisciplinary research will be [...]
An article about our group member Felix Petersen appeared in Felix won several prizes at Jugend forscht and will complete his Bachelor in Computer Science at the age of 19. Full article about Felix is published in
The Südkurier reports on our Decentralized Trusted Timestamping project
If you have ever browsed viral videos, chances are, you have come across accident footage recorded by dashcams. Dashboard cameras, or Dashcams, have become increasingly wide-spread among motorists. Especially in countries where drivers are more likely to ignore the rules of the road, or where insurance fraud is common, dashcam videos are a valuable tool for documenting traffic accidents in [...]
Bela Gipp will give a talk on blockchain technologies and visions at the event 'Blockchain – eine Kette an Möglichkeiten für Unternehmen' organized by the Wirtschaftsförderung Bodenseekreis and the competence centre cyberLAGO.
The project founded by our group member (doctoral researcher) Malte Schwarzer has won the 1st price of this year’s faculty4makers challenge. The competition was organized by Technische Universität Berlin for DIY-projects that students carry out in their spare time outside of the university. Students were encouraged to present their technical, engineering or scientific initiative, and demonstrate their creativity and scientific know-how for [...]