Congratulations to Timo Spinde on his successful PhD thesis defense

We are thrilled to announce that Timo Spinde has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled Automated Detection of Media Bias in News Articles: From the Conceptualization of Media Bias to its Computational Classification. In the presence of his family, friends, and colleagues, Timo delivered an outstanding presentation of his work, earning him the title of Dr. rer. nat. The entire [...]

2024-07-04T19:27:11+02:00June 27th, 2024|

GippLab-supported business start-up project secures funding

We are excited to announce that the business start-up project, which our group hosts and supports, has secured funding for one year by receiving an Exist Business Start-up Grant. The founding team consists of Fei Wu, Tomáš Horych, Christoph Mandl, and our doctoral researcher, Timo Spinde. seeks to provide an innovative platform for text analysis that assists businesses [...]

2024-07-09T23:04:26+02:00March 7th, 2024|

Felix Hamborg defends his PhD Thesis with ‘summa cum laude’

We are delighted to announce that Felix Hamborg has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Towards Automated Frame Analysis: Natural Language Processing Techniques to Reveal Media Bias in News Articles” on January 31st. The research objective of this thesis was to identify perspectives (also called frames) in the news coverage of political events. Additionally, the approach developed in the thesis [...]

2023-07-22T02:08:11+02:00January 31st, 2022|

Anastasia Zhukova wins Women’s STEM Award 2019

Anastasia Zhukova won the international competition for the Women’s STEM Award 2019 (prize money 3,000 EUR) for her master’s thesis compiled in our group.The thesis titled“Automated Identification of Framing by Word Choice and Labeling to Reveal Media Bias in News Articles”is available for download.German Telekom and the students’ magazine audimax jointly organize the competition, which in 2019 attracted 140 submissions of high-profile graduate theses [...]

2022-06-15T15:50:26+02:00July 5th, 2019|

Funding granted for a 3-year, interdisciplinary research project

The Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften has awarded us 3-year research grant for the project „Fake News and Collective Decision Making: Rapid Automated Assessment of Media Bias“ The project aims to automatically identify specific instances of media bias, thus ultimately helping news consumers to more effectively and efficiently become aware of media bias in news coverage. The interdisciplinary research will be [...]

2022-06-17T12:05:19+02:00November 27th, 2018|

Best Student Paper Award at the JCDL 2017

Felix Hamborg and Norman Meuschke received the Best Student Paper Award for their paper Matrix-based News Aggregation: Exploring different News Perspectives; at the A* ranked Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2017.

2022-03-28T16:32:05+02:00June 22nd, 2017|
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